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Why the Indian Army has Deployed T-90 Tanks In Ladakh.

Remember Doklam???? 3 hr, 5 hr, oh my god, it was 30+ days , 30*24= 7200 hrs..........

I also heard that was not even Indian territory, it was Bhutan. India was doing it for Bhutan.
what you're trolling indans claims doklams ,that's why skirmish had happens, and Bhutan close relation then you (india), don't twist the facts, and they captured lot your claim territories @Nancy :crazy:
what you're trolling indans claims doklams ,that's why skirmish had happens, and Bhutan close relation then you (india), don't twist the facts, and they captured lot your claim territories @Nancy :crazy:
and still India sits on Arunachal, which the Chinese claims. 30 days......, oh my god. that was such a big humiliation of Chinese. Doklam shadow still hunts them.

This might be just me, but India securing/planning for it, might be preparation for Azad Kashmir. CPEC investment will be dead once Azad Kashmir is annexed , Indian expect some China movement in Ladakah and hence preparation. I hope ISI wont ignore this time like they did when Modi annexed Kashmir. This is the beginning of Azad Kashmir annexation only.
and still India sits on Arunachal, which the Chinese claims. 30 days......, oh my god. that was such a big humiliation of Chinese. Doklam shadow still hunts them.
India humiliated in dokhlam not china, they are not using the long range guns/ MRLS only foot Chinese soldiers humiliated in Dokhlams, and China is most peaceful country in the world that doesn't invade and capture any country of the world unlike India they are terrorizing/killing their own citizens (Kashmir/Asam etc etc) Jay hyper power of the universe Jay terrorist hind @Nancy :sarcastic::cray::lol:;):enjoy:
India humiliated in dokhlam not china, they are not using the long range guns/ MRLS only foot Chinese soldiers humiliated in Dokhlams, and China is most peaceful country in the world that doesn't invade and capture any country of the world unlike India they are terrorizing/killing their own citizens (Kashmir/Asam etc etc) Jay hyper power of the universe Jay terrorist hind @Nancy :sarcastic::cray::lol:;):enjoy:
World was laughing at Chinese during Doklam standoff. I think it was very big blunder that backfires on them. I think result is CPEC is ZBB now since Chinese lose the hope and virtually accepted India Azad Kashmir annexation. Time is ticking now... my bets are that before end of 2021 Azad Kashmir will be annexed. lets see if i am right or wrong.
indian economy is not too strong to afford war with china which has much better economy,india will break down into small parts and their public will starve if they go to war with china
indian economy is not too strong to afford war with china which has much better economy,india will break down into small parts and their public will starve if they go to war with china
In a war bigger country has more to lose. India-Pakistan war India has more to loose, India-China war China has more to loose, China-USA war USA has more to loose.

I dont think for a dead CPEC mere project China go to war with India. Pakistan Occupied Kashmir annexation is very near and matter of time. I start sensing the Indian Foreign media statement. They had never made such a statement. Something is very serious going to happen.
and still India sits on Arunachal, which the Chinese claims.
India doesn't need to sit on Arunachal or for that matter any other state. Every inch of Arunachal Pradesh is an undisputed part of the Indian Union, regardless of Chinese CCP wet farts.

These mainland Han Chinese colonialists have managed to antagonize every Tibeto-Burman and Austro-Asiatic tribes living in the NE India. China should lay off Tibet and stop the Han cultural invasion there.
how can india annex azad kashmir when Pakistan is a nuclear armed country,if india try to cross loc it will face international pressure to move back as we have made it clear that any such attempt will result in full scale nuclear war
In a war bigger country has more to lose. India-Pakistan war India has more to loose, India-China war China has more to loose, China-USA war USA has more to loose.

I dont think for a dead CPEC mere project China go to war with India. Pakistan Occupied Kashmir annexation is very near and matter of time. I start sensing the Indian Foreign media statement. They had never made such a statement. Something is very serious going to happen.
how can india annex azad kashmir when Pakistan is a nuclear armed country,if india try to cross loc it will face international pressure to move back as we have made it clear that any such attempt will result in full scale nuclear war
1. India enjoys zero so called international pressure, even OIC and Muslim Ummah support India. Please come out of dream and accept reality. in UNGA pakistan could not even get a 16 votes, and UN they would not even able to make any official meeting on Kashmir. At this point this sound very bad for Pakistan friend. but accept the reality.
2. Balakot happened, no Nuclear. Russia annex Crimea, no nuclear happened. Azad Kashmir wont be nuclear either. We should revisit this thread once annexation is done, rather than debating the Nuclear threshold.
it is all your dream,I am aware about it from my sources that our army has decided to nuke india and orders have been given to staff operating nukes to get ready for nuclear attack on india if it tries to capture azad Kashmir,mark my words,it is firmly decided policy,there is no doubt about that and balakot strike cannot be compared with annexation of azad kashmir
1. India enjoys zero so called international pressure, even OIC and Muslim Ummah support India. Please come out of dream and accept reality. in UNGA pakistan could not even get a 16 votes, and UN they would not even able to make any official meeting on Kashmir. At this point this sound very bad for Pakistan friend. but accept the reality.
2. Balakot happened, no Nuclear. Russia annex Crimea, no nuclear happened. Azad Kashmir wont be nuclear either. We should revisit this thread once annexation is done, rather than debating the Nuclear threshold.
World was laughing at Chinese during Doklam standoff. I think it was very big blunder that backfires on them. I think result is CPEC is ZBB now since Chinese lose the hope and virtually accepted India Azad Kashmir annexation. Time is ticking now... my bets are that before end of 2021 Azad Kashmir will be annexed. lets see if i am right or wrong.
So you're (india) war monger country if india try to annaex AJK from Pakistan then India will become Nuclear waste land like this

@Nancy :p:;):enjoy:
it is all your dream,I am aware about it from my sources that our army has decided to nuke india and orders have been given to staff operating nukes to get ready for nuclear attack on india if it tries to capture azad Kashmir,mark my words,it is firmly decided policy,there is no doubt about that and balakot strike cannot be compared with annexation of azad kashmir
Lets visit this next year. time will tell the truth. All i can say is this.
1. India did surgical in Myanmar, Pak minister say we are not Myanmar and will Nuke India, if they will do surgical in Pak.
2. in 2016 India did surgical nothing happened. Nuclear bluff was called.
3. In 2019 Balakot happened way inside Pakistan. Nuclear bluff was called.
4. 2021 Azad Kashmir will happen. Nuclear will be called.

So you're (india) war monger country if india try to annaex AJK from Pakistan then India will become Nuclear waste land like this
View attachment 580461 View attachment 580462
@Nancy :p:;):enjoy:
Pakistan Nuclear is to save Lahore and Sialkot no the Azad Kashmir. Nuclear war will never happen.
2. Balakot happened, no Nuclear.
Balakot was not our nuclear threshold. No nuclear because we did a lot more damage in retaliation.

Do you really think that we would launch nukes after losing 4 trees and a crow---When the very next day their pilot was paraded infront of cameras and humiliated---geez the stuff people smoke these days.

And FYI we are not Ukraine.
Azad Kashmir wont be nuclear either. We should revisit this thread once annexation is done

What makes you think that annexing Azad Kashmir will be as simple as abolishing article 370:lol:
Is the Pakistan army is armed with airsoft rifles?
after balakot we responded by launching same attack on indian hq in iok so any invasion in azad Kashmier will result in nuclear attack on india,balakot strike not resulted in loss of territory so response was non nuclear
Lets visit this next year. time will tell the truth. All i can say is this.
1. India did surgical in Myanmar, Pak minister say we are not Myanmar and will Nuke India, if they will do surgical in Pak.
2. in 2016 India did surgical nothing happened. Nuclear bluff was called.
3. In 2019 Balakot happened way inside Pakistan. Nuclear bluff was called.
4. 2021 Azad Kashmir will happen. Nuclear will be called.

Pakistan Nuclear is to save Lahore and Sialkot no the Azad Kashmir. Nuclear war will never happen.
Balakot was not our nuclear threshold. No nuclear because we did a lot more damage in retaliation.

Do you really think that we would launch nukes after losing 4 trees and a crow---When the very next day their pilot was paraded infront of cameras and humiliated---geez the stuff people smoke these days.

And FYI we are not Ukraine.


What makes you think that annexing Azad Kashmir will be as simple as abolishing article 370:lol:
Is the Pakistan army is armed with airsoft rifles?
I think Pakistan and India will enter limited Conventional war over Azad Kashmir. Few tit-tats like Balakot. I also dont think India interested into entire Azad Kashmir, they only need path to Afgan, so that we can send our troops to Afgan via India. Also Nuclear war start with tactical, Pakistan can put baby nuke in Azad Kashmir, kill own people only.

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