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Why the Chinese support the Communist party

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Contrary to what you wish to hold, evidence shows that most Indian friends are happy with their deficiency, except a sane few.

Care to share the evidence with the rest of us?

I hoped, too.

But given their big mouth in talking and small limbs in acting, nay, ... They've been "fix"ing it for 62 years, 2 more years than PRC.

Sure, that doesn't mean there is nothing to learn. A thing to be learnt by PRC is perhaps to exercise extra cautious on the mere mention of "democracy", especially of similar kind on similar type of social soil.

Perhaps, but like I said, its far too early to make the call, poverty cannot be wiped out in a day, you guys need to stop pretending like China has never known destitution.

On a side note, as long as we're talking about the apparent 'success of communism', keep in mind that China is communist only in name, Your economic policies are anything but. So, so much for that. Although I do admire the stability of your system, but its simply something that could never work in a multicultural society like India.
Care to share the evidence with the rest of us?

Perhaps, but like I said, its far too early to make the call, poverty cannot be wiped out in a day, you guys need to stop pretending like China has never known destitution.

On a side note, as long as we're talking about the apparent 'success of communism', keep in mind that China is communist only in name, Your economic policies are anything but. So, so much for that. Although I do admire the stability of your system, but its simply something that could never work in a multicultural society like India.

Mentioning the Cultural Revolution is a bit too far off. We have long steered off that destructive past. The current system we have has nothing to do with the Cultural Revolution. Also, we are NOT preaching our system to India. I merely pointed out that India's current situation is not acceptable by my standard, and therefore I do not believe that the Indian model would be suitable for China.
Chinese support the CCP? really?

I think it depends how you define "support".

---------- Post added at 11:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:39 AM ----------

And, fyi, telling you I support someone and I truely support/love someone are two different things.
Mentioning the Cultural Revolution is a bit too far off. We have long steered off that destructive past. The current system we have has nothing to do with the Cultural Revolution. Also, we are NOT preaching our system to India. I merely pointed out that India's current situation is not acceptable by my standard, and therefore I do not believe that the Indian model would be suitable for China.

they are not brave nor smart enough to accept the truth.
Mentioning the Cultural Revolution is a bit too far off. We have long steered off that destructive past. The current system we have has nothing to do with the Cultural Revolution. Also, we are NOT preaching our system to India. I merely pointed out that India's current situation is not acceptable by my standard, and therefore I do not believe that the Indian model would be suitable for China.

Here we disagree. If you have lived mostly in HK, then the Cultural Revolution only just "spilled" over some froth in your neck of the woods back in the 60s-70s.

But its effects on the mainland on a whole definitely lingers. Here is where the CCP falls down flat in explaining its origin, propagation, and repercussions. That is not enough of an excuse for a "revolution" at this time - but sure is one of the reasons to heap condemnation.

BTW, it's my personal belief that had there not been the Cultural Revolution and the preceding famine, situation in Tibet would have been different ...

Don't get me wrong - turning back from a false start is important, but redress of deeper cuts cannot be skirted around forever. Three decades have been long enough.

On a side note, as long as we're talking about the apparent 'success of communism', keep in mind that China is communist only in name, Your economic policies are anything but. So, so much for that. Although I do admire the stability of your system, but its simply something that could never work in a multicultural society like India.

Surely your observation is astute. India tried the "Emergency" and it didn't quite suit the style of the people. Every political system has to be "custum-made". There is nothing "as is" from the West (or anywhere else) that can be imported without tweaking to run a billion+ people with guaranteed results.

That's why even I am beginning to recognize both sides of a coin when it comes to "judging" someone like Narendra Modi ... but that's a digression.

The so-called "Nehru-Gandhi" dynasty seems okay so long as the Gujarati Vaishals and the Tatas behind the facade keep piping out the right tune ...

Not sure, but certainly they don't want to be run over by starvation, which is on-going, seems perpetual and is 1000000... times more deadly in some countries.

most probably it seems to be the reason why you left china and started putting ur fingers into ur mouth on the yankee land.
That's why even I am beginning to recognize both sides of a coin when it comes to "judging" someone like Narendra Modi ... but that's a digression.

The so-called "Nehru-Gandhi" dynasty seems okay so long as the Gujarati Vaishals and the Tatas behind the facade keep piping out the right tune .

In India the Nehru-gandhi dynasty does not come in the political radar of people of states
like gujarat,south-india,Bihar and MP.It is more the local leaders who are revered as gods (Modi in Gujarat,Nitish Kumar in Bihar).Nehru-Gandhi dynasty does not have a Pan-Indian influence.

Regarding enetrpreneurship its not only the Gujarati Vaishyas or Parsis (TATA's)
who are enterpreneurs.The People of south-india have an extremely capitalist
mindset(The south and north have a common frame of reference but they are entirely different things).The south are extremely versatile (most notable Kammas and reddys of Andhra and the Tamils)
Not sure what is the justification of the Communist party's rule over China. China is no longer Communist is any sense of the word, so where is the question of the dictatorship of the proletariat? Can any Chinese member enlighten me?
communist has been good for china in the recent decade and there should be no doubt in supporting it. But, yes test of democracy is always better in longer period.
Care to share the evidence with the rest of us?

Buddy, there are too many. Just from one thread.

He is happy with democracy which means any human lunatics are allowed: Nazi, VHP… No wonder your parliament is a perching nest of your criminals or criminal suspects, because you are happy with that. Quarter of Indian Parliament members are charge sheeted in criminal cases A Zillion reasons to escape from India. List of Members of Parliament from India with Pending Criminal Cases

This one also confessed that Indians are happy with the system.

This guy implied if to think democracy will go bad, such as in India, it’s a sick thinking.

The more I read those posts, the more I feel China should relax itself in dealing with India, and should concentrate more on the East: India will never be a big deal to China.

Perhaps, but like I said, its far too early to make the call, poverty cannot be wiped out in a day, you guys need to stop pretending like China has never known destitution.

On a side note, as long as we're talking about the apparent 'success of communism', keep in mind that China is communist only in name, Your economic policies are anything but. So, so much for that. Although I do admire the stability of your system, but its simply something that could never work in a multicultural society like India.

China was in a much worse shape than you 60 years ago. In 21900 days of the 60 years, China is way ahead of you in solving hunger. In 22630 days of 62 years, which is sufficiently more than one day, your hunger is still notoriously number one in the world.

No ordinary body cares about communism or democracy. To start with, ordinary people want food, then shelter, then education....then vote... in that ascending hierarchy of needs. If a person is dying of hunger, the voting right is not worthy a spoonful of rice: He would love to sell 100 such rights to exchange for half tea spoon of rice.

Perhaps we can conclude that a democracy of hunger is a deamoncracy.
most probably it seems to be the reason why you left china and started putting ur fingers into ur mouth on the yankee land.

What does your star chart say about that? :lol:

BTW, have you received a lawsuit from your local court yet? Or perhaps your alleged 128 Chinese employees are hired only in your imaginary wonder-world? :rofl:
Not sure what is the justification of the Communist party's rule over China. China is no longer Communist is any sense of the word, so where is the question of the dictatorship of the proletariat? Can any Chinese member enlighten me?

Justification is in the article: no hunger, no foreign invasion/devastation, stable life... though hard sometimes for some people...

Of course, it's up to CPC to prove to the people it is justified or not.

Unlike many Indians who care too much about democracy, not many Chinese care about communism as long as they have food, house, education, job opportunity, travel, freedom... and gradually more
The Chinese people will support whomever best defends our interests.

The Commies have been doing an okay job, but it's not like they've allowed any other competing factions to emerge. In a sense, they are holding back a significant portion of Chinese nationalism.
What does your star chart say about that? :lol:

BTW, have you received a lawsuit from your local court yet? Or perhaps your alleged 128 Chinese employees are hired only in your imaginary wonder-world? :rofl:

First he's a adamant Hindu, now he's a adamant *pure* Aryan German..... :rofl::rofl:

These Indian guys are seriously good for a laugh!
The Chinese people will support whomever best defends our interests.

The Commies have been doing an okay job, but it's not like they've allowed any other competing factions to emerge. In a sense, they are holding back a significant portion of Chinese nationalism.

This might seem counter-intuitive, but too much nationalism can ruin your relationships with others.
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