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Why so many Indians here?

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It's called ISI Phobia.Obsessed with Pakistan and The Pakistan Armed Forces.
So typically Indo-Pakistani...........Meethi Meethi Bezati all around.....
Pakistan and ISI phobia drives them here :partay:

Many of them come with many IDs at a time try to wreck havoc, post BS and get banned :P.

Some are very good posters and we all appreciate them as well :)

Above all this forum is NOT Indian one where they still have to learn the art of listening to opposit view.

We give freedom to everyone and the right to post unless they break any rule its same for all Pakistanis and Non-Pakistanis alike

1. 1st point you are wrong need to study the human thought process and the way medical science tells is is different the more indians are here because
1. there are more in number compared to pakistan ...
2. india i doing well militarily and economically so indians want to potray their success more to others just like chinese flocks indian forums to get one up on India.. the same system works here.

2. wrong concept that indian forums dont give enough space there is not much pakistani presence on international forum too its because pakistani members want to discuss on in their forum dont know the exact reason for this but this is true.... i am a member actively of pakistani,indian,israeli,russian,american,iranian defence forums in international forums too there are very few pakistani members active there are very few on wab,mp.net, keypublishing everywhere

janaji take a look around you will see that your asumption is incorrect you mean to say on the pakistani forums are free and the rest forums are all BS how do you explain the absence of pakistani members on MP.NET,KEYPUBLISHING,WAB when these are open international forums with diverse members.....
also listening to opposite views does not necessarily mean it has to come from pakistan opposite views or critical views can be from other international members should also be welcome a place with wide reach and very diverse members decides which way posting goes, take the example of my country some members here have posted about russia without even knowing a single bit they keep talking about this and thatand what not... at present there are only 2 members from here it would be nice if you had a couple more, then you will see that diverse /opposite opinions can come from the same country too.......
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The Mossad is responsible for the flood of Indians on this forum :whistle: you didn't here it from me though ;)

No it is much more than that. It is a joint conspiracy of CIA RAW Mossad KGB KFC HSBC TGIF to spread the fascist hindu, zionist and neo con ideology on a Pakistani forum. Right? :hang2::hang2:
Hello, I've recently joined this forum. I had a simple question. Why are there so many indians in this forum? The reason im asking is that, its not that there are just a few, but it seems like there is quite an excessive amount of them here?

A couple other questions i have:

Who has created this forum and to what nationality do they belong?

I noticed an excessively large number of indians that have flood this forum and many of them write very biased posts vis-a-vis Pakistan.

It would be nice if this forum had more of an internatinal representation.

Thanking everyone in advance


How should you guys be reminded ? This is not a Pakistani defence forum, rather this is an Indian defence forum.... :bunny:

The forum was created by an Indian national, but your ISI did something and made it as a Pakistani defence forum... we are the internet warriors who are trying to make it an Indian defence forum again...
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janaji take a look around

Dude, you caught up the Indian/Pakistani way of addressing a person with respect... did you catch it here... or you have some Indian/Pakistani friends or background ?

Or is it something like it is same in Russian ?
Dude, you caught up the Indian/Pakistani way of addressing a person with respect... did you catch it here... or you have some Indian/Pakistani friends or background ?

Or is it something like it is same in Russian ?

I think Moscow is half Indian .... nt sure ..:undecided:
☪☪☪☪;918055 said:
It's called ISI Phobia.Obsessed with Pakistan and The Pakistan Armed Forces.

check my reply to janaji s post above your concept is flawed there is no phobia its the opposite actually aggresion..
Dude, you caught up the Indian/Pakistani way of addressing a person with respect... did you catch it here... or you have some Indian/Pakistani friends or background ?

Or is it something like it is same in Russian ?

i am widely present on many indian forums actively and not just as member and have friends in india also i saw people address jana like that before
I think its the Growing Internet Reach in India Thats Responsible for This.
Well you need two opposing sides to construct an argument, do you not. They are here because there is a section for them, we discuss topics relating to them and they need to present their point of view too.

This thread will lead nowhere and I am closing it.
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