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Why should Pakistan take back convicted British paedophiles?

This might all sound conspiritorial. But if you take time to dig deeper you will see how after 2010 the can split open over celebrity abuse ranging from Jimmy Savile to even MPs in the past with Prince Andrew linked. Judges, MPs, senior British officials, celebrities all were linked to peadophilia going back decades. I read even PM Thatcher became aware that she had some sick bas*tards in her cabinet - this info coming from Met Police security details who saw what the people they were guarding were doing. So some took the courage to report it to the PM. She promptly covered it up.

Then after 2010 as this scandal beganb opening up somebody in power came up with perfect escape plan. Just turn the cross hairs at another group. Which group would make easy target but would not really be able to protect itself? Which group would the working class easily go after? Don't forget most of the victims are poor working class girls and boys.

PAKISTANI's. Next thing you know every week there is a grooing gang on the front pages of newspapers. Meantime Prince Andrew and all his elite buddies ran off ....

The attention was now focussed on .....
News article is taken from the Independent. 2012 a gang of several British nationals of Pakistani heritage and one Afghan national were part of a vile sex ring that groomed a group of white British teenage girls and raped them over a period of time in Rochdale, a small northern town of the larger Greater Manchester area.

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Rochdale grooming gang members fight deportation to Pakistan under human rights law
The men are invoking Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights - the right to a private and family life

Charlene Rodrigues@Piccolinanne
1 day ago

<p>A member of a Rochdale grooming gang facing deportation from the UK has claimed “We have not committed that big a crime”.</p>

A member of a Rochdale grooming gang facing deportation from the UK has claimed “We have not committed that big a crime”.
(Greater Manchester Police/PA )

Two men who were part of the notorious Rochdale grooming gang will fight deportation from the UK by invoking their human rights, a tribunal has heard.
Adil Khan, 51, and Qari Abdul Rauf, 52, have been told they are to be sent back to Pakistan for the public good after both were part of a gang convicted of a litany of serious sex offences against young girls.
Both are appealing against the deportation order served to them last July, using Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights - their right to a private and family life.

Khan got a 13-year-old girl pregnant but denied he was the father. He then met another girl, 15, and trafficked her to others, using violence when she complained.

He was sentenced to eight years in 2012 and released on licence four years later.
Rauf, a father-of-five, trafficked a 15-year-old girl for sex, and drove her to secluded areas to have sex with her in his taxi. He then ferried her to a flat in Rochdale where he and others had sex with her.
He was jailed for six years and released in November 2014 after serving two years and six months of his sentence.
At an immigration tribunal case management hearing held by video-link on Thursday, judges were told that before the Article 8 appeals are heard there must be a hearing to consider the issue of “statelessness”.
Khan claims to have renounced his Pakistani citizenship which would make him “stateless” and a bar to deportation.
Sonali Naik QC, representing Rauf, who is legally aided, said, ”The matter needs to be thoroughly litigated.”

Ms Naik said the Article 8 appeals of Rauf and Khan should then be dealt with separately and individually as other similar cases have been dealt with in the past, “all the way to Strasbourg”.
Cathryn McGahey QC, representing the Home Office, said the matters should be dealt with jointly as the background facts are the same.
Both Rauf’s and the Government’s lawyers must now instruct experts in Pakistani law for the forthcoming appeal hearing on the issue of statelessness.
The hearing has been adjourned until a date in September - around 13 years after Rauf and Khan first committed the offences.
Last month Khan told a preliminary hearing, ”We have not committed that big a crime.”Neither Rauf or Khan were present for Thursday’s hearing.
For two years from early 2008, girls as young as 12 were plied with alcohol and drugs and gang-raped in rooms above takeaway shops and ferried to different flats in taxis where cash was paid to use the girls.
Police said as many as 47 girls were groomed.
Khan, Rauf and another man, Abdul Aziz, then fought, and lost, a long legal battle against the deprivation order, losing a final Court of Appeal ruling in 2018. They were part of a nine-strong gang of Asian men convicted of sex offences against vulnerable girls in 2012.
Almost a decade after their conviction, the failure to deport any of the four , has led to anger in Rochdale, where victims have been forced to live alongside their tormentors.
The consistent lapse in justice for the victims has heaped public criticism on a number of home secretaries.
Additional reporting by PA

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Human RightsRochdaleHuman Rights LawPakistan

Pakistan should make a deal with uk gov. Send all the pedos along with rest of pmln ppp and mqm gangs.
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nobody should be spared
This sort of thing is so common in UK that you could as easily start fishing for Indians and every week you would have mug shots of Indians on papers. By the way the biggest groomers are Blacks and East Europeans. They do it on industrial scale. These Pakistani idiots are lowly taxi driver who begins banging a local tramp, then desperate lala at the take away also begins banging her for donner kebab, then the shop keeper also begins banging for crisp packets etc. Then one day they all get pulled in when social workers ask the girl and she names lala, ali, mohammed etc. Next thing they are recorded as public enemy number one. Please do not think I saying there is justification to this. But fact is Lucy would have been selling her cherry anyway and will continue doing so. Reason being is she was probably abused by her step dad at 9, then got screwed by drunk uncle John at 10. By 13 her cherry was public property and she treated it as such.

Now think of the industrial groomers like Leroy Black with a gold tooth who uses pliers to pul his girls finger nails if they don't bring enough money to him. These girls are so terrified that they will never and I mean never tell even the police even if they offer them 24 hour protection. Or Piotr from Albania who will chop his girls with meat cleaver and has 30 nderage girls locked in houses being used 24/7. Non of this will ever make it to the courts and even if it does the girls will never talkto anybody.

Meantime lala is in proson for 15 years because one day he got a chance to polish his old wilted stick and was dumb enough to go ahead after all dozen others were being polished by Lucy.
Please do not think I saying there is justification to this. But fact is Lucy would have been selling her cherry anyway and will continue doing so. Reason being is she was probably abused by her step dad at 9, then got screwed by drunk uncle John at 10. By 13 her cherry was public property and she treated it as such.
Indus you know this is disgusting and vile. you're talking about an abused girl like she's some **** who degraded herself out of her own free will instead of what actually happened: that she was forcefully abused by people who she trusted. have some shame. I can understand why you might think it's some conspiracy, and some British elites are involved in trafficking too, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't punish lower level criminals just because some higher level got away. I'm deeply disturbed by your attitude towards child victims of sexual abuse. disgraceful.
Indus you know this is disgusting and vile. you're talking about an abused girl like she's some **** who degraded herself out of her own free will instead of what actually happened: that she was forcefully abused by people who she trusted. have some shame. I can understand why you might think it's some conspiracy, and some British elites are involved in trafficking too, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't punish lower level criminals just because some higher level got away. I'm deeply disturbed by your attitude towards child victims of sexual abuse. disgraceful.
At no point did I say this is not disgusting and vile. I actually condemned it. But the fact is what i said is going on in every city in UK. The culprits are vile men and equally the failed parents. How is me merely pointing out what goes on make me complicit. What I said is what you hear is driven by a agenda. Non of the men involved are innocent but I don't like how one demograhic is pulled out and pasted on papers everyday while Leroy Black and Piotr walk around looking smug. Or Jimmy Saville buddies. Epstien did this for decades. Before this Roman Polanski got away scot free. Nobody said Jews are sex groomers?
Read this crap and you will see how pervasive sex abuse is in UK. It ran even right to the top of government.

Leon Brittan among senior Westminster figures named in new child abuse files
This article is more than 5 years old
Peter Morrison, Peter Hayman and William van Straubenzee also named in previously unreleased documents, which police will pass to ongoing inquiry
Leon Brittan

The papers pertaining to Leon Brittan were contained in a store of Cabinet Office papers at the National Archives, accumulated over several decades up to 2007. Photograph: John Stillwell/PA

Ben Quinn and Josh Halliday
Thu 23 Jul 2015 07.49 BST
First published on Wed 22 Jul 2015 21.19 BST

Government papers about the former home secretary Leon Brittan are among a fresh batch of documents which have come to light months after the conclusion of an official review into whether allegations of child abuse were covered up by the Home Office in the 1980s.
The documents also reveal that the then director general of MI5 corresponded with the Cabinet Secretary in 1986 about an unnamed MP who was alleged to have “a penchant for small boys” but accepted the politican’s word that he did not.

The letter from Sir Anthony Duff to Sir Robert Armstrong added: “At the present stage ... the risks of political embarrassment to the government is rather greater than the security danger.”
Making it clear that they are “concerned and disappointed” about not being told earlier about the documents, the authors of a report earlier this year into allegations historical child abuse by powerful figures cited the letter as a “striking example” of how crimes against children were not considered as seriously as they would today.
“The risk to children is not considered at all,” Peter Wanless, chief executive of the NSPCC, and barrister Richard Whittam, said in a supplement to their review, published online on Wednesday.
The Home Office said a fresh search of the archives had been carried out after a file emerged earlier this year that should have been submitted to Wanless and Whittam.
Previously unreleased files also concern figures including Margaret Thatcher’s parliamentary private secretary, the late Sir Peter Morrison, former diplomat Sir Peter Hayman and former minister Sir William van Straubenzee.
The papers pertaining to Brittan, which are among a number shown to police, are contained in a store of Cabinet Office papers at the National Archives, known as “the cabinet secretary’s miscellaneous papers” and will be passed to an ongoing independent inquiry into child abuse within state and non-state institutions led by Justice Lowell Goddard. The papers are described by the Cabinet Office as largely uncatalogued and unregistered, and were accumulated over several decades up to 2007. No further details have so far been revealed.

Wanless and Whittam called for a broader search of material at government departments after the Cabinet Office and Home Office informed them that further relevant material had been found.
The papers also contain material on allegations by a former British army intelligence agent, Colin Wallace, about the Kincora boys’ home in Northern Ireland, which has long been at the centre of abuse claims.
The Wanless review, published in November after the investigation of 114 missing Home Office files, could not rule out the possibility of files being destroyed as part of a coverup of child abuse allegations in the 1980s. But the inquiry concluded that record-keeping practices at the time meant it was not possible to reach a categorical decision either way.
In a joint letter written in June, Wanless and Whittam said the discovery illustrated the merit of a wide-ranging search “unconstrained by what the Home Office in particular might or might not have known, with departments paying particular attention to relevant material that is not registered. We anticipate that the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse chaired by Justice Goddard would expect no less”.
They revealed that the Cabinet Office permanent secretary, Richard Heaton, wrote to Wanless in May apologising for a “flaw in the way the Cabinet Office initially responded” to their request for documents, and confirming that three categories of papers have since been identified as potentially relevant.
“We are concerned and disappointed that the Cabinet Office was aware of the separate Cabinet Office store of assorted and unstructured papers, yet informed us that the searches covered all records and files held,” the note said.
The recently unearthed material does not suggest that documents relating to Sir Peter Hayman, a senior diplomat linked to a paedophile scandal, had been destroyed, the co-authors said. However, they added: “That said, it is essential that the public have confidence in the searches that were undertaken, not least because we had to rely on the efficiency and integrity of those who sought material on our behalf. The emergence of these papers only after our review had completed is not helpful in that regard.”
It has also emerged that the Home Office failed to review unregistered government documents held at the National Archives for the Wanless review. They were only searched later following a request from MP John Hemming and a national newspaper.
“Whilst it is important that these files have been identified, as they tell outside our terms of reference, it is not for us to examine them now. Their discovery reflects the known restricted nature of our review,” the co-authors said, adding that “a broader search of material” should now be undertaken.
In a written ministerial statement, May said: “The supplementary report concludes that the discovery of these papers shows the need for all departments to be able to search material both on and off record managements systems. This is particularly important given that the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse will be asking for departments to produce relevant documents in the near future.
“I have been clear that it is vital that the whole of government fully cooperates with the inquiry on its important work and ensures that departments have the systems and processes in place in order to do so.”

Apparently they have served half of their prison sentene and are living in their home town where they committed the sex attacks.
I hope PM Khan shows the middle finger to bafoon Borris and his witch faced home secretary Priti Patel.
UK Gov want these monsters deported yet Nawaz shareef and Altaf Hussain live luxury lives in London?
It simple if pakistan say we will hang them then british wont /cant deport them
Apparently they have served half of their prison sentene and are living in their home town where they committed the sex attacks.
I hope PM Khan shows the middle finger to bafoon Borris and his witch faced home secretary Priti Patel.
UK Gov want these monsters deported yet Nawaz shareef and Altaf Hussain live luxury lives in London?
On pretex that they may be hanged in pakistan what a moronic logic
Nobody said Jews are sex groomers?
I don't know but even left wingers in Britain talk have been accused of anti-semitism. and they do talk about elites sexually abusing children. of course some demographics are highlighted by the media in all sorts of crime, out of racist and anti-immigration agenda. I'm not saying that the UK is perfect or fair, that it's criminal justice system or society treats everyone equally. when I first saw your first comment I even liked it too. but any of that in no way can support the words you've used towards the victims of child abuse. I request you to remove those parts, don't trivialise child abuse, don't make light of the plight of abuse victims, no matter if it's done by some truck driver in third world country or minister in first world country.
This stuff happens in the UK because these people can't get away with this in Pakistan without getting castrated. So they go to UK where the "police" is more like a glorified social worker. And people don't have the right to defend themselves
This might all sound conspiritorial. But if you take time to dig deeper you will see how after 2010 the can split open over celebrity abuse ranging from Jimmy Savile to even MPs in the past with Prince Andrew linked. Judges, MPs, senior British officials, celebrities all were linked to peadophilia going back decades. I read even PM Thatcher became aware that she had some sick bas*tards in her cabinet - this info coming from Met Police security details who saw what the people they were guarding were doing. So some took the courage to report it to the PM. She promptly covered it up.

Then after 2010 as this scandal beganb opening up somebody in power came up with perfect escape plan. Just turn the cross hairs at another group. Which group would make easy target but would not really be able to protect itself? Which group would the working class easily go after? Don't forget most of the victims are poor working class girls and boys.

PAKISTANI's. Next thing you know every week there is a grooing gang on the front pages of newspapers. Meantime Prince Andrew and all his elite buddies ran off ....

The attention was now focussed on .....

This is 100% what happened. We British Pakistani's are so disorganised and our elected representatives so unrepresentative of us, that they can get away with it. We just talk talk talk and spin our wheels. 20 years on since 911 and still we have limited media representation, limited political presence. People like Saj and Sadiq do everything they can to avoid presenting themselves as representatives of British Pakistanis.

So much money, so many educated people, but no leadership.
This is 100% what happened. We British Pakistani's are so disorganised and our elected representatives so unrepresentative of us, that they can get away with it. We just talk talk talk and spin our wheels. 20 years on since 911 and still we have limited media representation, limited political presence. People like Saj and Sadiq do everything they can to avoid presenting themselves as representatives of British Pakistanis.

So much money, so many educated people, but no leadership.
We are political orphans and the scapegoat for everything. The recent debacle in India over coronavirus is good example. As March approached it was pretty clear that corona nuke bomb was about to go off in India. Pakistan on the other hand had and continued to have lower rates then Poland etc.

Yet who got put on the red list? Pakistan. India only got put on the list until River Ganga got chocked with dead bodies and Indian variant began tearing through UK. Now the infection rates are very low in PK but I do not think they will take us off the red list until India recovers. Mark my words they will only let Pakstan come off the list when India is cleared.
We are political orphans and the scapegoat for everything. The recent debacle in India over coronavirus is good example. As March approached it was pretty clear that corona nuke bomb was about to go off in India. Pakistan on the other hand had and continued to have lower rates then Poland etc.

Yet who got put on the red list? Pakistan. India only got put on the list until River Ganga got chocked with dead bodies and Indian variant began tearing through UK. Now the infection rates are very low in PK but I do not think they will take us off the red list until India recovers. Mark my words they will only let Pakstan come off the list when India is cleared.

Political orphans, perfectly put. People are realising it now, but are busy hitching their wagons to the British Muslim train, which in my opinion is a non starter. It's not that I don't think people don't identify as such, but there are so many conflicting interests and egos - nothing ever really happens.

Up and down the country there are Pakistani community centres, they serve as cheap wedding venues, the odd concert or stage show - nothing significant.
This sort of thing is so common in UK that you could as easily start fishing for Indians and every week you would have mug shots of Indians on papers. By the way the biggest groomers are Blacks and East Europeans. They do it on industrial scale. These Pakistani idiots are lowly taxi driver who begins banging a local tramp, then desperate lala at the take away also begins banging her for donner kebab, then the shop keeper also begins banging for crisp packets etc. Then one day they all get pulled in when social workers ask the girl and she names lala, ali, mohammed etc. Next thing they are recorded as public enemy number one. Please do not think I saying there is justification to this. But fact is Lucy would have been selling her cherry anyway and will continue doing so. Reason being is she was probably abused by her step dad at 9, then got screwed by drunk uncle John at 10. By 13 her cherry was public property and she treated it as such.

Now think of the industrial groomers like Leroy Black with a gold tooth who uses pliers to pul his girls finger nails if they don't bring enough money to him. These girls are so terrified that they will never and I mean never tell even the police even if they offer them 24 hour protection. Or Piotr from Albania who will chop his girls with meat cleaver and has 30 nderage girls locked in houses being used 24/7. Non of this will ever make it to the courts and even if it does the girls will never talkto anybody.

Meantime lala is in proson for 15 years because one day he got a chance to polish his old wilted stick and was dumb enough to go ahead after all dozen others were being polished by Lucy.
any body involved in child abuse should face worst punishment.
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