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Why Saleem, Who Became Susheel Two Months Ago, Wants To End His Life

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Why Saleem, Who Became Susheel Two Months Ago, Wants To End His Life
Jan 24, 2020, 5:54 pm

Susheel, his wife Wajida and their children at their house in Shamli on 29 November. (Swati Goel Sharma/Swarajya Magazine)

  • Saleem, who was born a Hindu, returned to his faith. But he had to pay a heavy price for it.

    With his family having left him, he says he does not have a reason to live.

Some faiths are tough to leave, despite the Constitution allowing it as a fundamental right. Those who dare to leave invite wrath, and face violence and abuse.

Susheel (born Susheel, made Saleem, chose to be Susheel again), a resident of Uttar Pradesh’s Muzaffarnagar district, has learnt it the hard way.

Two months ago, he decided to formally embrace Hinduism after years of deliberations. His wife, Wajida, cheerfully told this correspondent at that time that even though she would continue to worship Allah, she would stand by her husband and accept the legal formalities.

Susheel, in a self-recorded video where he talked of taking his life.

Thus, at the age of 31, Saleem became Susheel after giving a name change application in the local district court. He also participated in a ritualistic havan organised by a Hindu organisation.

Last week, he tried to commit suicide.

His wife and children are no more with him. He is a broken man. He has been told that the only way he can get back his family is by converting to Islam again, proving the loyalty by consuming beef, and serving the religion for six months.

This correspondent first reported about Susheel on 30 November.

He said at that time that he was born in a Hindu family of Jats in Muzaffarnagar’s Kairana town. He was rendered an orphan at the age of eight after both his parents died in an accident. Though some of his relatives became his guardians after the tragedy, they ill-treated him. He ran away from their house.

A truck owner, Mohammad Sabdar, took him in as a conductor. Sadbar did not pay him but provided him food and clothes. He called him Saleem.

It was Sabdar who arranged his nikah with Wajida when he turned 15. In the nikahnama, Susheel was formally made Muslim for the first time.

Susheel at his house in Shamli on 29 November. (Swati Goel Sharma/Swarajya Magazine)

Susheel told this correspondent that he was well aware of his Hindu birth and secretly wished to be called a Hindu again. He could, however, fulfil his desire only when Sadbar’s hold on his life was over — more than a decade after his marriage.

On 25 November, he gave a name change application in the district court.

Susheel faced instant hostility for his decision from the neighbouring Muslim family. The same day, the neighbours allegedly attacked his family in his absence, objecting to his religious conversion.

The same day, Susheel submitted a complaint at the local Shamli police station (copy attached below).

It reads (as translated),

“Saleem, a resident of Nai Basti in Shamli, was converted in 2003 by Sabdar when he was a minor. Saleem now wants to return to his religion now that he is a major. No Hindu family is pressuring him to do so. Saleem wants to become a Hindu out of respect for his ancestors. Some people in the colony have abused him for his decision and are threatening to kill him.”


A week later, on 2 December, Susheel gave another complaint to the Shamli police.

It said that his neighbours were trying to not only harm his family but also frame him in a false rape case. He identified the assaulters by their name as Asma and her husband Kalu, along with Mehtab, Aftab, Kala, Sahib, Jahid and Sahima.

After this correspondent reported about the complaint, the official Twitter handle of Shamli police replied on 6 December that directions had been issued to the concerned authorities for action.

The next day, Susheel told this correspondent over the phone that a cop had been deployed outside his house. Susheel, however, said he was constantly worried for his family as he works as a truck driver and is often away from home for days at a stretch. The cop, he said, guarded the house only between noon and early evening.

Things continued this way until the last week of December when his father-in-law, Israel, visited him from Jharkhand. Susheel says Israel had come after learning of his conversion and spent several days convincing him to revert his decision.

“He would tell me that I would burn in dojakh ki aag [eternal hellfire]. He said that’s the punishment prescribed for anybody leaving Islam. He told me the entire family would have to bear the consequences for my ill-thought decision,” says Susheel.

“He also abused my Hindu religion a lot. He spoke with disgust about our idols and deities,” he says.

One day, when Susheel was away from the house, Israel, along with Susheel’s wife and his five children, quietly left for Jharkhand.

Susheel says both Israel and Wajida switched off their phones so he could not contact them. When they switched on their phones after a day, they didn’t answer any of the multiple calls made by Susheel.

It was only with the help of a local cop that Susheel managed to talk to Israel and learnt that they were all in Jharkhand.

Clueless on how to proceed, Susheel gave yet another application to the police on 25 December.

His letter stated that he was living peacefully with his family in Muzaffarnagar before his father-in-law arrived. He started brainwashing his wife. Under his influence, she left the home with him on 24 December. She also took away Rs 1.5 lakh in cash, jewellery worth Rs 80,000, papers of Susheel’s house and various government-issued identity cards such as Aadhaar.


The letter said that Susheel’s wife and children too had converted to Hindu religion.

After a few days, Susheel locked his house, informed his employer and left for Jharkhand.

On 16 January, this correspondent received a video from Susheel on WhatsApp. In the self-recorded clip, Susheel said that he could die any moment as he did not have the will to live anymore.

In the video (embedded below), Susheel said (as translated),

“I, Susheel Kumar, used to be Saleem. I only recently changed my religion. When they changed my religion, I was still a child. They snatched away my happiness and peace. They are filled only with Jihad, nothing else. They made me a Muslim, used me and got me married. I passed a difficult ten years after that. Eventually I decided to come back to Hinduism.

“My wife’s family always knew that I was born a Hindu. My wife assured me that she would never snatch my children away from me after my conversion. But now, she has become my foe. Her father, mother and brothers-in-law have turned up against me. They took away my children from me. They are pressuring me to become a Muslim again. They are threatening me to kill my children if I don’t do so. I say, kill me. I will die only in my religion. Do whatever you want to. I won’t back down anymore.

“For seven days, I stayed with her family. They only played with my emotions. They will turn my children into Jihadis. They won’t give any good teaching to my children. I appeal to Hindu organisations that if you can, get my children out of their custody. I don’t have the will to live anymore and I can die any moment. Give my children a good education. If they are raised in a good environment, give them my house, which is all the property I have. Else, give my house to an orphanage. Don’t give it to my wife. I don’t want to live anymore.”

This correspondent immediately called up Susheel and advised him against taking the extreme step. Susheel, who said he was at the Ramgarh Cantonment railway station then, agreed to the suggestion that he should return to UP for the time being.

Susheel returned to Muzaffarnagar, but alone and dejected.

He says he stayed in Jharkhand for about a week, trying to convince his wife‘s family to support his decision. To no avail.

“My in-laws constantly abused my religion and told me that I would forever burn in hellfire for the sin of leaving Islam. One day, my father-in-law took me to a mosque in order to put community pressure on me,” he says.

“Eventually, he [Israel] said my marriage is not valid anymore. He said I must convert to Islam again if I want my wife and children back.”

Susheel says that in one desperate moment, he relented and agreed to read the Kalma again. However, he wasn’t prepared for his father-in-law’s next salvo.

“At one point, I decided that in my heart, I would continue to be a Hindu but would take the name of Saleem again. I wanted my children back desperately. It turned out that it wouldn’t be enough,” he says.

“They told me I must stay in Jharkhand with them for six months and serve the religion. They told me I will have to join a jamaat.”

Susheel says he was shocked, but gathered his wits and agreed to the condition. But, even that wasn’t enough. His father-in-law now demanded Rs 1 lakh from him as an added condition, he says.

That’s when Susheel snapped.

After his return, he gave another complaint to the Shamli police station.


In the letter, dated 23 January, Susheel said that his in-laws are not only pressuring him to convert to Islam, but also demanding Rs 1 lakh in cash from him. The family is threatening to kill his children by poisoning them if he did not give the amount. His children are being taught bad things in Jharkhand.

Multiple calls made to the Shamli police by this correspondent went unanswered (this copy will be updated when they respond).

Susheel said that a cop told him that they were clueless on how to proceed in the case given that his wife is a major and has left the house on her free will.

Susheel says his in-law family depends a lot on his income, however meagre.

Wajida’s family is quite poor. They don’t have a stable income. I have gone out of my way to support them all these years. Come and ask anyone in my area and they will tell you that it was I who paid for the weddings of Wajida’s two sisters,” he says.

Susheel just doesn’t know what to do to get his family back. “Their demands keep on increasing. I supported them these years thinking they are family. It looks like all they want is their religion and my money,” he says.

Susheel sounds shattered. At times, he vows to die a Hindu; at other times, he dismisses all religions and talks of suicide.

Susheel shared with this correspondent a few videos of his visit to a park in Jharkhand along with Wajida and their children. It was “two or three days” before he returned to UP.

Susheel shared this picture of him and his family of a visit to a park in Jharkhand a few days before 16 January.

In the videos, Wajida looks cheerful and talks about being with her husband forever.

Susheel says his wife is too scared to go against her family and her faith to keep the promise.
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should it be called hindu love dharma, masquerading as muslim, marrying a muslim wife and then making her convert to hinduism due to family obligation?

LOL....What "family obligation" ?

He's an orphan.

Also he never asked his wife to convert and when he wanted to convert his wife agreed with his decision.

Finally this is what happens to a Hindu IN INDIA.

Now imagine a Hindu in pakistan.
Yeah atleast he is not getting lynched, not going to be stripped off from citizenship

That is because he is not doing any ILLEGAL activity like theft, smuggling etc. of livestock's, which seems to be specialty of a community that get lynched.

Also he is not an illegal migrant from BD or pakistan to get stripped of citizenship.

In it's purest form, Islam is too rigid and therefore not compatible with eastern philosophy, religions and our way of life/culture.​

Being ostracized from one's community and family happens the other way around too, where Hindus have converted to Islam and had to deal with similar problems.

The difference is, in Islam, it is direct orders from God to kill those who leave, it's in their scriptures.

Only the mafia/underworld and cults practice this sort of thing where they kill those who leave.

Islam needs a reformation, as does south Asian society as a whole, including non muslims.

How many Hindus who convert to Islam have to deal with death threats ? However here is a case of a Hindu woman converting to islam to marry a muslim man only to get killed for being popular.

Ayaz Ahmed murders his wife Reshma aka Naina for being popular on Facebook. (news from 20th Jan 2020)

Husband strangulates her and then smashes her face with stone.


In it's purest form, Islam is too rigid and therefore not compatible with eastern philosophy, religions and our way of life/culture.​

Being ostracized from one's community and family happens the other way around too, where Hindus have converted to Islam and had to deal with similar problems.

The difference is, in Islam, it is direct orders from God to kill those who leave, it's in their scriptures.

Only the mafia/underworld and cults practice this sort of thing where they kill those who leave.

Islam needs a reformation, as does south Asian society as a whole, including non muslims.
Leaving Islam is not punishable according to Quran. "There is NO compulsion in religion".
Whereas recent hindutva brand of Hinduism is not better than ISIS. They will lynch anyone who marry Hindu girls. So it is better, instead of criticizing Islam which is easy. Talk about reforming hindutva
In it's purest form, Islam is too rigid and therefore not compatible with eastern philosophy, religions and our way of life/culture.​

no religion has ever been compatible with hinduism to be honest, if eastern religion like buddhism was compatible, how did it vanish from india, how did buddhism replace hinduism in cambodia etc for instance

How many Hindus who convert to Islam have to deal with death threats ? However here is a case of a Hindu woman converting to islam to marry a muslim man only to get killed for being popular.

Ayaz Ahmed murders his wife Reshma aka Naina for being popular on Facebook. (news from 20th Jan 2020)

Husband strangulates her and then smashes her face with stone.
Hindus murder their wives more

Man Arrested For Allegedly Killing Wife, Daughter In Chhattisgarh: Police
The accused also killed a friend who knew of his two marriages and allegedly used the information to blackmail him, the police said.
All India ANI
Updated : January 23, 2020 03:15 IST

The accused allegedly killed his second wife and daughter, along with a friend. (Representational)

Durg :
The Chhattisgarh police arrested a man for allegedly killing his wife, daughter and another man in Durg district, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) A Yadav said on Wednesday.

The accused has been identified as Ravi Sharma.

"He had a wife and two children in Rourkela but he married another woman in Durg. There was a dispute between him and his second wife after she got to know about his first wife," Mr Yadav said

Why Saleem, Who Became Susheel Two Months Ago, Wants To End His Life
Jan 24, 2020, 5:54 pm

Susheel, his wife Wajida and their children at their house in Shamli on 29 November. (Swati Goel Sharma/Swarajya Magazine)

  • Saleem, who was born a Hindu, returned to his faith. But he had to pay a heavy price for it.

    With his family having left him, he says he does not have a reason to live.

Some faiths are tough to leave, despite the Constitution allowing it as a fundamental right. Those who dare to leave invite wrath, and face violence and abuse.

Susheel (born Susheel, made Saleem, chose to be Susheel again), a resident of Uttar Pradesh’s Muzaffarnagar district, has learnt it the hard way.

Two months ago, he decided to formally embrace Hinduism after years of deliberations. His wife, Wajida, cheerfully told this correspondent at that time that even though she would continue to worship Allah, she would stand by her husband and accept the legal formalities.

Susheel, in a self-recorded video where he talked of taking his life.

Thus, at the age of 31, Saleem became Susheel after giving a name change application in the local district court. He also participated in a ritualistic havan organised by a Hindu organisation.

Last week, he tried to commit suicide.

His wife and children are no more with him. He is a broken man. He has been told that the only way he can get back his family is by converting to Islam again, proving the loyalty by consuming beef, and serving the religion for six months.

This correspondent first reported about Susheel on 30 November.

He said at that time that he was born in a Hindu family of Jats in Muzaffarnagar’s Kairana town. He was rendered an orphan at the age of eight after both his parents died in an accident. Though some of his relatives became his guardians after the tragedy, they ill-treated him. He ran away from their house.

A truck owner, Mohammad Sabdar, took him in as a conductor. Sadbar did not pay him but provided him food and clothes. He called him Saleem.

It was Sabdar who arranged his nikah with Wajida when he turned 15. In the nikahnama, Susheel was formally made Muslim for the first time.

Susheel at his house in Shamli on 29 November. (Swati Goel Sharma/Swarajya Magazine)

Susheel told this correspondent that he was well aware of his Hindu birth and secretly wished to be called a Hindu again. He could, however, fulfil his desire only when Sadbar’s hold on his life was over — more than a decade after his marriage.

On 25 November, he gave a name change application in the district court.

Susheel faced instant hostility for his decision from the neighbouring Muslim family. The same day, the neighbours allegedly attacked his family in his absence, objecting to his religious conversion.

The same day, Susheel submitted a complaint at the local Shamli police station (copy attached below).

It reads (as translated),

“Saleem, a resident of Nai Basti in Shamli, was converted in 2003 by Sabdar when he was a minor. Saleem now wants to return to his religion now that he is a major. No Hindu family is pressuring him to do so. Saleem wants to become a Hindu out of respect for his ancestors. Some people in the colony have abused him for his decision and are threatening to kill him.”


A week later, on 2 December, Susheel gave another complaint to the Shamli police.

It said that his neighbours were trying to not only harm his family but also frame him in a false rape case. He identified the assaulters by their name as Asma and her husband Kalu, along with Mehtab, Aftab, Kala, Sahib, Jahid and Sahima.

After this correspondent reported about the complaint, the official Twitter handle of Shamli police replied on 6 December that directions had been issued to the concerned authorities for action.

The next day, Susheel told this correspondent over the phone that a cop had been deployed outside his house. Susheel, however, said he was constantly worried for his family as he works as a truck driver and is often away from home for days at a stretch. The cop, he said, guarded the house only between noon and early evening.

Things continued this way until the last week of December when his father-in-law, Israel, visited him from Jharkhand. Susheel says Israel had come after learning of his conversion and spent several days convincing him to revert his decision.

“He would tell me that I would burn in dojakh ki aag [eternal hellfire]. He said that’s the punishment prescribed for anybody leaving Islam. He told me the entire family would have to bear the consequences for my ill-thought decision,” says Susheel.

“He also abused my Hindu religion a lot. He spoke with disgust about our idols and deities,” he says.

One day, when Susheel was away from the house, Israel, along with Susheel’s wife and his five children, quietly left for Jharkhand.

Susheel says both Israel and Wajida switched off their phones so he could not contact them. When they switched on their phones after a day, they didn’t answer any of the multiple calls made by Susheel.

It was only with the help of a local cop that Susheel managed to talk to Israel and learnt that they were all in Jharkhand.

Clueless on how to proceed, Susheel gave yet another application to the police on 25 December.

His letter stated that he was living peacefully with his family in Muzaffarnagar before his father-in-law arrived. He started brainwashing his wife. Under his influence, she left the home with him on 24 December. She also took away Rs 1.5 lakh in cash, jewellery worth Rs 80,000, papers of Susheel’s house and various government-issued identity cards such as Aadhaar.


The letter said that Susheel’s wife and children too had converted to Hindu religion.

After a few days, Susheel locked his house, informed his employer and left for Jharkhand.

On 16 January, this correspondent received a video from Susheel on WhatsApp. In the self-recorded clip, Susheel said that he could die any moment as he did not have the will to live anymore.

In the video (embedded below), Susheel said (as translated),

“I, Susheel Kumar, used to be Saleem. I only recently changed my religion. When they changed my religion, I was still a child. They snatched away my happiness and peace. They are filled only with Jihad, nothing else. They made me a Muslim, used me and got me married. I passed a difficult ten years after that. Eventually I decided to come back to Hinduism.

“My wife’s family always knew that I was born a Hindu. My wife assured me that she would never snatch my children away from me after my conversion. But now, she has become my foe. Her father, mother and brothers-in-law have turned up against me. They took away my children from me. They are pressuring me to become a Muslim again. They are threatening me to kill my children if I don’t do so. I say, kill me. I will die only in my religion. Do whatever you want to. I won’t back down anymore.

“For seven days, I stayed with her family. They only played with my emotions. They will turn my children into Jihadis. They won’t give any good teaching to my children. I appeal to Hindu organisations that if you can, get my children out of their custody. I don’t have the will to live anymore and I can die any moment. Give my children a good education. If they are raised in a good environment, give them my house, which is all the property I have. Else, give my house to an orphanage. Don’t give it to my wife. I don’t want to live anymore.”

This correspondent immediately called up Susheel and advised him against taking the extreme step. Susheel, who said he was at the Ramgarh Cantonment railway station then, agreed to the suggestion that he should return to UP for the time being.

Susheel returned to Muzaffarnagar, but alone and dejected.

He says he stayed in Jharkhand for about a week, trying to convince his wife‘s family to support his decision. To no avail.

“My in-laws constantly abused my religion and told me that I would forever burn in hellfire for the sin of leaving Islam. One day, my father-in-law took me to a mosque in order to put community pressure on me,” he says.

“Eventually, he [Israel] said my marriage is not valid anymore. He said I must convert to Islam again if I want my wife and children back.”

Susheel says that in one desperate moment, he relented and agreed to read the Kalma again. However, he wasn’t prepared for his father-in-law’s next salvo.

“At one point, I decided that in my heart, I would continue to be a Hindu but would take the name of Saleem again. I wanted my children back desperately. It turned out that it wouldn’t be enough,” he says.

“They told me I must stay in Jharkhand with them for six months and serve the religion. They told me I will have to join a jamaat.”

Susheel says he was shocked, but gathered his wits and agreed to the condition. But, even that wasn’t enough. His father-in-law now demanded Rs 1 lakh from him as an added condition, he says.

That’s when Susheel snapped.

After his return, he gave another complaint to the Shamli police station.


In the letter, dated 23 January, Susheel said that his in-laws are not only pressuring him to convert to Islam, but also demanding Rs 1 lakh in cash from him. The family is threatening to kill his children by poisoning them if he did not give the amount. His children are being taught bad things in Jharkhand.

Multiple calls made to the Shamli police by this correspondent went unanswered (this copy will be updated when they respond).

Susheel said that a cop told him that they were clueless on how to proceed in the case given that his wife is a major and has left the house on her free will.

Susheel says his in-law family depends a lot on his income, however meagre.

Wajida’s family is quite poor. They don’t have a stable income. I have gone out of my way to support them all these years. Come and ask anyone in my area and they will tell you that it was I who paid for the weddings of Wajida’s two sisters,” he says.

Susheel just doesn’t know what to do to get his family back. “Their demands keep on increasing. I supported them these years thinking they are family. It looks like all they want is their religion and my money,” he says.

Susheel sounds shattered. At times, he vows to die a Hindu; at other times, he dismisses all religions and talks of suicide.

Susheel shared with this correspondent a few videos of his visit to a park in Jharkhand along with Wajida and their children. It was “two or three days” before he returned to UP.

Susheel shared this picture of him and his family of a visit to a park in Jharkhand a few days before 16 January.

In the videos, Wajida looks cheerful and talks about being with her husband forever.

Susheel says his wife is too scared to go against her family and her faith to keep the promise.

The guy is a coward and complete hypocrite.
Decides to be a Muslim just because it suits him at the time, agrees to marry a Muslim girl while acting as a Muslim. And waits for his savior to die off or leave him so he can go back to being a Hindu after all this time.
Decides to help the members of his wives family. And then wants to talk about the help because it serves his purpose.
(the OP is also a hypocrite for trying to highlight that part and sell it)

As a consequence.
His nikkah with his wife can no longer hold valid.
The women is wrong in saying she will continue worshiping Allah but support her husband. She will no longer be a Muslim and her worship will be a waste.

I'm just writing this for whoever can learn anything from it.

P.S: One cannot be a Muslim just because they want to marry some one. It's about intentions and not the words on one's tongue. To be a Muslim is to have firm faith in one God, and to want to do it for one's own salvation.
That is because he is not doing any ILLEGAL activity like theft, smuggling etc. of livestock's, which seems to be specialty of a community that get lynched.

Also he is not an illegal migrant from BD or pakistan to get stripped of citizenship.

How many Hindus who convert to Islam have to deal with death threats ? However here is a case of a Hindu woman converting to islam to marry a muslim man only to get killed for being popular.

Ayaz Ahmed murders his wife Reshma aka Naina for being popular on Facebook. (news from 20th Jan 2020)

Husband strangulates her and then smashes her face with stone.


This is your hero who killed innocent bengali labourer without any reason and burnt his body. He asked his minor nephew to record whole event.
Rajasthani Hindu organizations started a fund for his bail. His fund got millions within one week.
Dear, you live in a sick society. Lifestyle is of animal is more important than Muslims
Hindus murder their wives more

Man Arrested For Allegedly Killing Wife, Daughter In Chhattisgarh: Police
The accused also killed a friend who knew of his two marriages and allegedly used the information to blackmail him, the police said.
All India ANI
Updated : January 23, 2020 03:15 IST

The accused allegedly killed his second wife and daughter, along with a friend. (Representational)

Durg :
The Chhattisgarh police arrested a man for allegedly killing his wife, daughter and another man in Durg district, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) A Yadav said on Wednesday.

The accused has been identified as Ravi Sharma.

"He had a wife and two children in Rourkela but he married another woman in Durg. There was a dispute between him and his second wife after she got to know about his first wife," Mr Yadav said

Sounds like he did an illegal Second marriage and killed his first wife and child to hide this fact.

Quite unlike Farooq - a 58yr old and Father of 10 kids who burnt alive a woman for stopping his sexual advances. (News from 21 Jan 2020)


Or An Eight year old,3rd standard Hindu child Prithika was brutally raped and then killed by migrated worker Majam Ali(from Assam/Bangladesh) on 20th January 2020 after she came from school in Sivakasi, Tamilnadu.


Or Wahid sexually molests 9th Std minor girl and traps 46 girls by pretending to be a Hindu (23 January 2020)

Sounds like he did an illegal Second marriage and killed his first wife and child to hide this fact.

Quite unlike Farooq - a 58yr old and Father of 10 kids who burnt alive a woman for stopping his sexual advances. (News from 21 Jan 2020)


Or An Eight year old,3rd standard Hindu child Prithika was brutally raped and then killed by migrated worker Majam Ali(from Assam/Bangladesh) on 20th January 2020 after she came from school in Sivakasi, Tamilnadu.


Or Wahid sexually molests 9th Std minor girl and traps 46 girls by pretending to be a Hindu (23 January 2020)

9 year old Muslim Girl Zakira killed after raped
9-year-old girl raped, strangled to death in Karnataka
A nine-year-old girl was allegedly raped and strangled to death at a village in Karnataka's Kalaburagi district.


    • Press Trust of India
  • Bengaluru
  • December 3, 2019
  • UPDATED: December 3, 2019 17:43 IST

The man had lured the girl to eat a packaged snack and then took her to the field where he allegedly perpetrated the crime, a police official said. (Representational Image: Getty Images)

A nine-year-old girl was allegedly raped and strangled to death at a village in Kalaburagi district, police said on Tuesday.

A resident of Sulepet in Chicholi Taluk, she had gone missing on Monday evening after she went out to play with her friends.

Her blood-stained naked body was found in the field near a pond on the outskirts of the village on Monday night, police said.

A 34-year-old tailor, identified as Yallapa Mahadevappa Sedam, with whom the girl was allegedly last seen, has been arrested, police said.
The guy is a coward and complete hypocrite.
Decides to be a Muslim just because it suits him at the time, agrees to marry a Muslim girl while acting as a Muslim. And waits for his savior to die off or leave him so he can go back to being a Hindu after all this time.
Decides to help the members of his wives family. And then wants to talk about the help because it serves his purpose.
(the OP is also a hypocrite for trying to highlight that part and sell it)

As a consequence.
His nikkah with his wife can no longer hold valid.
The women is wrong in saying she will continue worshiping Allah but support her husband. She will no longer be a Muslim and her worship will be a waste.

I'm just writing this for whoever can learn anything from it.

P.S: One cannot be a Muslim just because they want to marry some one. It's about intentions and not the words on one's tongue. To be a Muslim is to have firm faith in one God, and to want to do it for one's own salvation.

LOL... are you for real ?

He was Literally a child SLAVE , given only food and cloth to work like a dog and made to convert his religion.

Like it used to be in the 7th Century arabia.

If he a Hindu decides to help his MUSLIM wives family, then why is his MUSLIM WIFE and FAMILY now torturing him and not showing Gratitude ?..... but in your "islamic" mind, him complaining about this is the "real problem" and "hypocrisy".

His marriage is very much valid as per the Indian constitution.

No one cares what the "sharia" or any other kangaroo court claims. This is India , not pakistan.

This is your hero who killed innocent bengali labourer without any reason and burnt his body. He asked his minor nephew to record whole event.
Rajasthani Hindu organizations started a fund for his bail. His fund got millions within one week.
Dear, you live in a sick society. Lifestyle is of animal is more important than Muslims

He is a Psycho who is now in Jail, unlike the other psycho who are now your "heroes".

9 year old Muslim Girl Zakira killed after raped
9-year-old girl raped, strangled to death in Karnataka
A nine-year-old girl was allegedly raped and strangled to death at a village in Karnataka's Kalaburagi district.


    • Press Trust of India
  • Bengaluru
  • December 3, 2019
  • UPDATED: December 3, 2019 17:43 IST

The man had lured the girl to eat a packaged snack and then took her to the field where he allegedly perpetrated the crime, a police official said. (Representational Image: Getty Images)

A nine-year-old girl was allegedly raped and strangled to death at a village in Kalaburagi district, police said on Tuesday.

A resident of Sulepet in Chicholi Taluk, she had gone missing on Monday evening after she went out to play with her friends.

Her blood-stained naked body was found in the field near a pond on the outskirts of the village on Monday night, police said.

A 34-year-old tailor, identified as Yallapa Mahadevappa Sedam, with whom the girl was allegedly last seen, has been arrested, police said.

Yes he was a pedophile and murderer , but he did not target anyone for their religion.

Shame on you for LYING that the victim was a muslim, she was not.

Unlike the muslim criminals mentioned above who specifically Targeted Hindus as victims.
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He is a Psycho who is now in Jail, unlike the other psycho who are now your "heroes".
Akhlaq lynching case accused seen sitting in front row, chanting Yogi Yogi in BJP's Bisada rally
One of the key accused in the Dadri lynching case, Vishal Singh, was sitting in the front row and cheering the Uttar Pradesh chief minister along with his friends.


    • Arvind Ojha
  • New Delhi
  • March 31, 2019
  • UPDATED: March 31, 2019 21:55 IST

Mohammed Akhlaq lynching accused was seen in the front row and chanting "Yogi Yogi" in a rally. (Photo: Screengrab from the video)

One of the accused in the Mohammed Akhlaq lynching case was seen in a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) rally in Bisada village in Uttar Pradesh's Greater Noida. The rally was addressed by Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath.

The accused, Vishal Singh, was sitting in the front row and cheering the Uttar Pradesh chief minister along with his friends. A report said that 16 accused in the Akhlaq lynching case were seen attending the rally which was held today (March 31). India Today couldn't confirm it.

On September 28, 2015, 51-year-old Mohammed Akhlaq was dragged from his house and killed by a 200-strong mob on suspicion of eating beef, triggering communal tension in the Uttar Pradesh's Bisada village.

Akhlaq died before he could be taken to a hospital. His son was seriously injured in the incident.

The announcement that the family was consuming beef was made from the local temple. The chargesheet mentions that Vishal Singh as one of the prime accused who had made the announcement.
In it's purest form, Islam is too rigid and therefore not compatible with eastern philosophy, religions and our way of life/culture.​

Being ostracized from one's community and family happens the other way around too, where Hindus have converted to Islam and had to deal with similar problems.

The difference is, in Islam, it is direct orders from God to kill those who leave, it's in their scriptures.

Only the mafia/underworld and cults practice this sort of thing where they kill those who leave.

Islam needs a reformation, as does south Asian society as a whole, including non muslims.

Let's not comment on purest form of Islam when you have no clue what you are talking about?

Islam is a perfect way of life for anyone who chooses to live with it (period). You are welcome to prove me wrong and bring whatever logic you have to say otherwise. And I'm listening.
Eastern philosophy or culture whatever are half based on ignorance and half based on what goes fine with men.
Islam brings harmony and balance to the way of life by pulling people out of ignorance and the ignorant culture.

Problem is not a Muslim, problems is ignorants who think and act as if they were Muslims, while having no clue on how they are supposed to be as a Muslim.

As for people being killed for leaving Islam. There is no such thing in Islam. I don't know where it came from and how ignorants took it up, just like they take so much of ignorance and associate it to Islam to feel better.

In Islam, every one is free to choose what they want. No one is supposed to force anyone to anything, not convert them, nor leave them from leaving. It's a choice people make and they alone are responsible for its consequences.

"And say: The truth is from your Lord, so let him who please believe, and let him who please disbelieve.(Al-Kahf 18:29)"

“By the Sun and its Brightness,
By the Moon when it follows it (reflects the Sun's light),
By the day when it unfolds its glory,
By the night when it enshrouds it,
By the heaven and He Who made it,

By the Earth and He Who spread it,
And by the soul and He Who perfected it,
Then inspired it to understand what is wrong and (what is) right for it,
Indeed he succeeds who purifies it,
And indeed he fails who corrupts it.”
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