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Why Pashtunwali when Islam is there?


May 21, 2013
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I want to ask this question primarily from Pukhtun members that as we know that Islam is not just a religion consisting of rituals but a complete code of life which guides us in every matter and sphere of life whether social, economic, political etc but as we know that in traditional Pukhtun society Pashtunwali is given great importance and following and honouring Pashtunwali is expected from every self respecting Pukhtun but what i dont understand is that in a society like Pukhtuns where Jumat and Mula are such an important part of Pukhtun culture and social fabric why isn't Islamic law and Shariah are applied and followed in resolving disputes in Jirga and also on individual level rather than Pashtunwali because Islamic law and Shariah are supreme and supersedes every riwaj, tradition, custom etc.

I mean to say that why just the need arises to follow Pashtunwali in first place when Islamic law and Shariah are there?


Pashtun Wali is an ancient Pashtoon practice and if they are willing to practice this code, its their free choice and democratic right to do so. Islam doesn't come in conflict with Pashtun Wali, all blocks of Pashtun Wali were altered over the years to meet Islamic Theology.... Not that it is perfectly practiced, that is a different topic.
Because culture (not just Pashtuns) is stronger than any religion! 1 liner ;)

(you're surrounded more by culture compare to religion)

By Studying History and developed countries you will come to know that in developed countries culture is still there however no sign of religion (Talking about majority of the people).

As a Human race get educated/develop religion fades away! Fact!.
Because culture (not just Pashtuns) is stronger than any religion! 1 liner ;)

(you're surrounded more by culture compare to religion)

By Studying History and developed countries you will come to know that in developed countries culture is still there however no sign of religion (Talking about majority of the people).

As a Human race get educated/develop religion fades away! Fact!.

Religion fades away? i still see a christian europe today.. the only difference is less religious..?
Religion fades away? i still see a christian europe today.. the only difference is less religious..?

Come do a survey in the UK or in The US and after compare the results with 50 years ago!

Yes i said majority, there are still people who go to church or have faith, however that's the minority and back in the days it was the other way round

like i said it fades away.
Please enlighten us ... how has religion "faded" in europe as u claimed?

Do some primary or secondary research and you will come to know.

Ok bro I got a serious question and no one seems to have answer for it (even local mosque imam).

IF allah knows everything & he also knows who is going hell and heaven. No point sending us here?

Don't give me the Zakir naik answer. That God give you an option of choosing the right path and the wrong path, its up to you! BUT allah Knows what path that specific person gonna choose from the start and he is going hell so why send him here?

@ Senior members
Do some primary or secondary research and you will come to know.

Ok bro I got a serious question and no one seems to have answer for it (even local mosque imam).

IF allah knows everything & he also knows who is going hell and heaven. No point sending us here?

Has anyone told you tht our lives are a test?

P.S= im not a religious person myself... my athiest frnd.
Has anyone told you tht our lives are a test?

P.S= im not a religious person myself... my athiest frnd.

Lol i am Muslim! and fasting right now! just a student of islam.

The Quran says that God is all-knowing and that he knows everything that has happened, is happening and will happened. If this be the case, then why was Satan created? Judging by what I previously stated, wouldn't He have known that Satan would turn on him and cause all of this havoc? Did He not create evil? And knew of it before doing so?


If God knows everything, why would he create the people he knew were going to hell?
If he knows you're going to hell before you are even born it doesn't seem like your "free will" to go to heaven is really "free." It seems more like God is just watching a movie he directed himself and already knows the ending to. why couldn't he just not create them? That seems like it would be more loving than allowing someone to burn in hell

@ senior members Please do try and answer my questions! i will appreciate it a lot.
Because culture (not just Pashtuns) is stronger than any religion! 1 liner ;)

(you're surrounded more by culture compare to religion)

By Studying History and developed countries you will come to know that in developed countries culture is still there however no sign of religion (Talking about majority of the people).

As a Human race get educated/develop religion fades away! Fact!.

+1 Agreed 100 %. If Pakistan would have understood the difference, Bangladesh would not have separated.
"If God knows everything, why would he create the people he knew were going to hell?
If he knows you're going to hell before you are even born it doesn't seem like your "free will" to go to heaven is really "free." It seems more like God is just watching a movie he directed himself and already knows the ending to. why couldn't he just not create them? That seems like it would be more loving than allowing someone to burn in hell"
- The questions you asked are valid. I salute you. No matter how you call Him - God, Bhagwan, Allah etc - this question has been asked by human beings for millennia.

My personal opinion is this -
You won't find the answers in organized religion. You will need to dive into spiritualism. It is a leap of faith. And it is a tough one. No offense meant to anyone. :)
Lol i am Muslim! and fasting right now! just a student of islam.

The Quran says that God is all-knowing and that he knows everything that has happened, is happening and will happened. If this be the case, then why was Satan created? Judging by what I previously stated, wouldn't He have known that Satan would turn on him and cause all of this havoc? Did He not create evil? And knew of it before doing so?


If God knows everything, why would he create the people he knew were going to hell?
If he knows you're going to hell before you are even born it doesn't seem like your "free will" to go to heaven is really "free." It seems more like God is just watching a movie he directed himself and already knows the ending to. why couldn't he just not create them? That seems like it would be more loving than allowing someone to burn in hell

@ senior members Please do try and answer my questions! i will appreciate it a lot.

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