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Why Pakistan's Nuclear Arsenal Has Proven to Be Counterproductive

I'm sorry, ordinarily I wouldn't have written a response, but there are some funny parts in the post above,

Why exactly was there a war-like situation in 2002 - the events in February or the events in May, perhaps the ones in September - and in 2008 ? And do you think that a nuclear arsenal justifies the actions of Pakistan of those years that created a war-like situation? Do you think that Indian responses to whatever Pakistan had done were irrational, 'misadventures'?

I am very curious to know what you think (not what you claim to think).
Yes we never did those stop believing Indian false propaganda and lies
Yes we never did those stop believing Indian false propaganda and lies

And that's it?

"... we never did those stop believing Indian false propaganda and lies" (assuming that there is a comma between 'those' ? None of it happened with any Pakistani involvement? You believe that?

Hmmm. Interesting, and worrying at the same time.

Thank you for the honest answer, btw.
Another piece of crap from another liberal fool. I answered this joker on twitter. Pakistan nuclear arsenal is the reason we managed to avoid war in 2002 and 2008, our nuclear arsenal is the reason we manage to survive and India avoids to do any misadventures.

These threads are started here deliberately. They are a ruse to hear Pakistanis say exactly this sort of thing. Occasionally some Pakistanis say something really incriminating, such as "India cannot respond to our activities in LoC etc. because of Nukes, so LOLZ". The scheming Indians are just out to build a large database of incriminating Pakistani statements. And it works. Okay maybe not with the hardcore deniers, but the half-sensible ones themselves take note of all the chest-thumping about how Nukes save Pakistan from any punitive action and get the picture.
These threads are started here deliberately. They are a ruse to hear Pakistanis say exactly this sort of thing. Occasionally some Pakistanis say something really incriminating, such as "India cannot respond to our activities in LoC etc. because of Nukes, so LOLZ". The scheming Indians are just out to build a large database of incriminating Pakistani statements. And it works. Okay maybe not with the hardcore deniers, but the half-sensible ones themselves take note of all the chest-thumping about how Nukes save Pakistan from any punitive action and get the picture.
Let India try they will know our response
Let India try they will know our response
Precisely. See, you walked right back into the trap. Try harder to escape it next time. Also read about the word "sarcasm".

Umm, more or less. But nobody needed this particular collection of gems, actually.

Do either of you know who RHR is, or about the site where he's moderator? Just asking; there're a lot of harsh words flying around, and it strikes me that much of it is ignorance.
Umm, more or less. But nobody needed this particular collection of gems, actually.

Do either of you know who RHR is, or about the site where he's moderator? Just asking; there're a lot of harsh words flying around, and it strikes me that much of it is ignorance.

Try having a civil and engaging conversation wherever possible. Ignore the "we will nuke India if they try to stop our sponsorship of terror" bit, and you will be fine!:-)
I am afraid I have no idea about who RHR may be.
Try having a civil and engaging conversation wherever possible. Ignore the "we will nuke India if they try to stop our sponsorship of terror" bit, and you will be fine!:-)
I am afraid I have no idea about who RHR may be.

Ah, very educative. Thank you. Now I know exactly what to do. So helpful. Are all of you good people this helpful? I feel so relieved. Perhaps I might even survive a week on a Pakistani forum.

You have no idea who RHR might be. Hmmm. Are you a Pakistani, or a visitor dropped in to teach the locals how to do blogs, internet fora and the like?
Ah, very educative. Thank you. Now I know exactly what to do. So helpful. Are all of you good people this helpful? I feel so relieved. Perhaps I might even survive a week on a Pakistani forum.

You have no idea who RHR might be. Hmmm. Are you a Pakistani, or a visitor dropped in to teach the locals how to do blogs, internet fora and the like?

Sshhh....keep quiet. Aliens might be listening to us.
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