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Why Pakistan's Nuclear Arsenal Has Proven to Be Counterproductive

Only after the 98 tests. So for 24 years there was unhindered access to the international market along with complete superiority.

UN Resolution Resolution 1172 (1998) was only passed after Pakistan tested their weapons. Nations had expressed anger at the Indian tests but their weren't enough votes to pass any resolution. It was only after Pakistan's response.
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Our nuclear options are purely defensive, but by repeatedly using the N-word so many times, we are portraying ourselves as a trigger-happy nation despite the professionalism of our armed forces.

India has nukes and possibly thermo-nuclear weapons but they don't bring this in to every statement, every press-release.

Yes, we're outnumbered in conventional numbers, but everyone knows we have nukes. What's the point in constantly repeating it?

Hyperbole is part of the national psyche, perhaps that's why, in Maula Jat style? :D
I agree with the author's assessment concerning neglect of some important areas but nuclear program was also an important development since India was becoming more powerful with passage of time and could damage Pakistan even more in years to come.

I do share the sentiment that Pakistani nation needs to turn its nuclear rhetoric down a bit, stop neglecting areas that will genuinely facilitate its progress and come out from the shadow of conspiracy theory-ism and self-assumed myth of invincibility.
Before 1971, even within army circles, a martial race myth had gradually been constructed. According to this myth a Muslim soldier is far superior in quality due to extraordinary valor originating out of faith.

This is NOT a myth ! A true Muslim soldier who is defending his faith , his people , and his country against an enemy is never concerned about the quality or quantity of the enemy forces. This has been proven during the 1965 & 1971 wars against India and also the Pakistani supported Jihad against the Soviets in Afghanistan and current Afghan Jihad against NATO occupiers . Although Pakistan seem to have lost the 1971 war and its Eastern wing but it was a defeat due to moral and political debacle of the Pak top military and political leadership of that time. Our ground soldiers fought even more valiantly in East Pakistan then 1965 and recorded unimaginable stories of bravery , even though they have to fight a bigger size enemy from the front and traitors from the back. In the air Pakistan achieved 3:1 victory ratio over India , a fact documented in the autobiography of famous American pilot Chuck Yeager who was present in Pakistan during 1971. Even during the 1999 Kargil conflict which the Indian s wrongly claim as a victory , they lost more soldiers then Pakistanis and even didn't have enough coffins for their dead bodies. Better check the 'coffin scandal ' in which some higher Indian officials were involved in that period.

Indians always has advantage of cunning diplomacy and also able to take advantage from Western powers like USA, Russia, Israel, and Europe as Pakistan being a country which came into being in the name of Islam , the true religion and now since this country is also sole Islamic Nuclear state , is unacceptable to Zionists, Crusaders, and all those evil powers who are against God and they always make sure to take side of India ! Pakistan has to fight for its survival from day one against all odds. Being Nuclear is only to ensure our safety against enemies who cant see us live at all , let alone prosper.

God has created Pakistan and has been sustaining it and Insha Allah will save it as well !
No, Pakistan is correct in formulating its policies they way they have done because they are indeed vastly outnumbered in conventional forces.
I think what he is saying is that the threat loses credibility when it is overused.

Not saying I agree or disagree, but I think that's what he means and that is true to a very great extent. But, in my opinion, not in this case. With the Pakistani Army's international image, I do think everyone believes Pakistan when it says it will use its nukes if needed for self- defense. I know I WOULD believe them.
I think what he is saying is that the threat loses credibility when it is overused.

Not saying I agree or disagree, but I think that's what he means and that is true to a very great extent. But, in my opinion, not in this case. With the Pakistani Army's international image, I do think everyone believes Pakistan when it says it will use its nukes if needed for self- defense. I know I WOULD believe them.

As I said before:

Hyperbole is part of the national psyche, perhaps that's why, in Maula Jat style? :D
you should become Pakistan's National Psychologist :P

Pakistan's national psyche is beyond mere psychology. :D

And no, I am not trolling. The present makeup of the psyche has is roots in the decades past. It cannot be resolved for few more decades, at least.
Pakistan's national psyche is beyond mere psychology. :D

And no, I am not trolling. The present makeup of the psyche has is roots in the decades past. It cannot be resolved for few more decades, at least.

I know you are not. I agree with you. But for those few more decades we would need to maintain good leadership or the psyche will keep falling back to what it is right now.

I know you are not. I agree with you. But for those few more decades we would need to maintain good leadership or the psyche will keep falling back to what it is right now.

Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better. A lot worse.
Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better. A lot worse.

They have to. There is a sufi saying: the top of a tree can only touch heaven when its roots have touched hell.

if Pakistan is to see the brightest light, it must face the darkest darkness before that.
They have to. There is a sufi saying: the top of a tree can only touch heaven when its roots have touched hell.

if Pakistan is to see the brightest light, it must face the darkest darkness before that.

Well, the darkness is here already with loadshedding. The rest is yet to follow, and follow it will. Besides, roots touching the heat of hell will only kill the tree and then it gets to heaven. Dead. Are you sure you want to use that analogy? :D
Pakistan didn't arm itself with nuclear weapons first, it was a natural reaction to its one and only adversary. There is nothing counter productive about that.
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