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Why Pakistan's Geography Sucks

Yes , Alot of things are against us but it doesn't matter!!! Its our home and we will defend it with blood, if the need arises............. We are a 220 million strong nation, aren't going down so easily bruh !!!!!!!!
Normally, when so much is going against a person, he would work extra hard to protect his interest. Here Pakistan is facing so many challenges, only to be made worse by her very own people, lacking discipline or desire to progress. Isn't it about time for Pakistanis to start working harder and smarter?

Yes , Alot of things are against us but it doesn't matter!!! Its our home and we will defend it with blood, if the need arises............. We are a 220 million strong nation, aren't going down so easily bruh !!!!!!!!
Quality is what's needed in Pakistan, quantity has not given us anything good.
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Normally when so much is going against a person, he would work extra hard to protect his/her interest. Here Pakistan is facing so many challenges, only to be made worse by her very own people, lacking discipline or desire to progress. Isn't it about time for Pakistanis to start working harder and smarter?

Quality is what's needed in Pakistan, quantity has not given us anything good.

It all depends on what you consider quality vs quantity. Yes, we need more scholars, noble prize winners, scientists, businessman, etc....

But when War will come this quantity will become quality and thats where you will be happy with this nation.
I haven't even bothered to watch for a wise man once retorted, "Do you want a rich England under Germany, or a poor England independent?", when an "intelligent" British journalist, Hector Bolitho, had had his doubts about Pak's creation, location, geography, economy, finances, defense, demography, food habit, belief systems, family values, culture etc. out of his acute "Whiteman's Burden" syndrome...
It all depends on what you consider quality vs quantity. Yes, we need more scholars, noble prize winners, scientists, businessman, etc....

But when War will come this quantity will become quality and thats where you will be happy with this nation.
I don't know who said it but "quantity is a quality in itself", however it is usually inefficiency that gives rise to quantity and in my opinion is not necessarily something to be proud of. Of course in war it will help, but I rather have 3 smart generals than 10 dumb ones.
I don't know who said it but "quantity is a quality in itself", however it is usually inefficiency that gives rise to quantity and in my opinion is not necessarily something to be proud of. Of course in war it will help, but I rather have 3 smart generals than 10 dumb ones.

Yeah, this is the problem. The training and requirements of the armed forces pretty much denies what you said because after they have done their due, there wont be any dumbness left in them.
The Muslims of the Sub Continent never dreamt of a SKINNY Pakistan. All we need is to just expand in all directions. I know it is not that easy as said. But a time will come,only Allah knows, when our borders will stretch beyond the Amu Darya in the West and to the Bay of Bengal in the East.
Phase 1

Phase 2 including the top expansions.

Last Phase yet to be Shown!!!
All said and done whose bright idea was it to make our capital just 80 km from the Kashmir border? :partay:

What the video failed to mention is that the Pak Army is 220 million strong and growing. Not many countries can boast such capability.
The Muslims of the Sub Continent never dreamt of a SKINNY Pakistan. All we need is to just expand in all directions. I know it is not that easy as said. But a time will come,only Allah knows, when our borders will stretch beyond the Amu Darya in the West and to the Bay of Bengal in the East.
Phase 1

Phase 2 including the top expansions.

Last Phase yet to be Shown!!!

Too much daydreaming in a single post. Good job Sir.
The Muslims of the Sub Continent never dreamt of a SKINNY Pakistan. All we need is to just expand in all directions. I know it is not that easy as said. But a time will come,only Allah knows, when our borders will stretch beyond the Amu Darya in the West and to the Bay of Bengal in the East.
Phase 1

Phase 2 including the top expansions.

Last Phase yet to be Shown!!!
Maybe you should change your name from fools nightmare to fools dreams.

Allah does not like those who let greed take over there hearts. There are people who don't have a country like the Kurds, tatars and may others and yet Allah has blessed us with a state of our own and you want desire more.

This reminds me to the store of the Hebrews during their 40 years of wandering where Allah would send down Manna and salwa from the heavens and one day the Jews complained to Moses that they're tired if eating the same thing and told him to tell His God to bring them something different

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