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Why Pakistan's Geography Sucks

All said and done whose bright idea was it to make our capital just 80 km from the Kashmir border? :partay:

What the video failed to mention is that the Pak Army is 220 million strong and growing. Not many countries can boast such capability.
The capital should have been in some place in the cross road of the 4 provinces. D.G Khan would have been a much better choice because it's right in the middle of the country and is strategically located
Nuclear weapons solve a lot of geographic defensive issues. Partition of the subcontinent was needed but done improperly. Kashmir and Punjub should have been part of Pakistan in the very beginning. Many issues between Indian and Pakistan would never have emerged if that had happened at partition.
Pakistan was a geographic nightmare before 1971. Having to defend a piece of land thousands of miles away and separated by a hostile country and inhabited by a hostile population is the stuff horror movies are made of.

Pakistan of today is highly secure and well defended. Pakistan’s conventional and potent nuclear arsenal ensures that no country can dream of invading. Forget about 80km, if it’s Capital was even 2km from the border, no country could dare breach it.

Nuclear weapons solve a lot of geographic defensive issues. Partition of the subcontinent was needed but done improperly. Kashmir and Punjub should have been part of Pakistan in the very beginning. Many issues between Indian and Pakistan would never have emerged if that had happened at partition.

If it wasn’t for this messy geography, Pakistan would have been another Bhutan, Afghanistan or Maldives. Pakistan’s geo-strategic realities forced the state to emerge as a potent regional force that no enemy could dare mess with.
Allah does not like those who let greed take over there hearts.
Beshak, to accomplish a greater Pakistan we probably need another Sultan Salah ud din Ayubi amongst our ranks. Even the foolish poor Kurd (Sultan Ayubi) dreamt of an Islamic renaissance in his childhood and in the end defeated the Mighty Armies of the CRUSADERS to become the Greatest Hero of the Islamic World.
Beshak, to accomplish a greater Pakistan we probably need another Sultan Salah ud din Ayubi amongst our ranks. Even the foolish poor Kurd (Sultan Ayubi) dreamt of an Islamic renaissance in his childhood and in the end defeated the Mighty Armies of the CRUSADERS to become the Greatest Hero of the Islamic World.
Firstly he didn't dream of expanding. He simply won wars that his enemies started. He didn't start the wars. Secondly, if you know the real history of Salah-ud-din Ayubi, you would know that during his last years, he was demotivated, disheartened, and lost a lot of territory, and it didn't take much after his death to bring his Dynasty down.
f you know the real history of Salah-ud-din Ayubi, you would know that during his last years, he was demotivated, disheartened, and lost a lot of territory, and it didn't take much after his death to bring his Dynasty down.

Brother i dont know what history books you have been reading. He donated his wealth to the poor most of the time and Richard only took few coastal towns from him . They both respected each other a lot.
Firstly he didn't dream of expanding. He simply won wars that his enemies started. He didn't start the wars. Secondly, if you know the real history of Salah-ud-din Ayubi, you would know that during his last years, he was demotivated, disheartened, and lost a lot of territory, and it didn't take much after his death to bring his Dynasty down.

Umm yeah, he actually said he had a dream of going on the holy conquest of taking Jerusalem. And it was his duty from Allah.
Pakistan's root problem is not its geography or ethnic mix. They've just had almost all their leaders, whether military or civilian controlled by military, always make incredibly stupid strategic mistakes - both in internal (such as religious & ethnic abuse) and external (such as nuclear proliferation, Kargil).
Considering all the cons we have to face, it makes you think how we've managed to come this far lol
Kasam se it is a miracle that we still survive.... Heck we saw 40 years of rule by traitors such as Sharifs and Bhutto/Zardaris and we still stand to this day. I wonder what is the reason of the legendary resilience of the Pakistani nation.
This video is complete nonsense click bait. I don't know where to begin explaining its flawed, inherent, confirmation bias-riddled claptrap. I shall simply refute a single point of interest.

ANYONE who's played the Civilization series would immediately set this YouTuber right on his suggestion that Pakistan has a weak starting position. Pakistan has some great access to early resources, a huge river, mountains for defensive units to be stationed on and a coast. If a Civ starting position reflected reality, Pakistan would do well with a compact "tall" expansion strategy, settling a few super-cities along the Indus. Population would rise quickly and in any version of Civ, population is key, whether it's rapid acquisition of specialists, pop-rushing wonders and units or tapping into high yield tiles early on. Pakistan would be an ancient/medieval era powerhouse with a mix of luxury and strategic resources and great position for exploration across Asia for those early game goody huts. There would be plenty of barbarians for early xp generation and promotion of units and contact with numerous civs could be made in all directions. Pakistan is greatly positioned to annihilate India's early game expansion/exploration desires because it could effectively block off India's westward and northward movement so India would be forced to settle cities in jungle terrain to its south east, which ANY serious Civ player will tell you is suicide in the early game because jungle terrain has minimal production value. Until India unlocks sailing tech, it's screwed basically because Pakistan will block its expansion. Finally, there are several powerful natural wonders that wouldn't be too far away in the west and north if Pakistan could get a settler headed that way (Mt Everest is a potential game breaker) before others reach them. Likewise there are some great westward city states like Jerusalem, Babylon or Muscat for lucrative early alliances.

This YouTube clown clearly has no idea about Civilization whatsoever.
He lost the territories of Northern Iraq, his birth place few years before he died. He was a great man but all great men must die.

Brother i dont know what history books you have been reading. He donated his wealth to the poor most of the time and Richard only took few coastal towns from him . They both respected each other a lot.
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