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Why Pakistan's Geography Sucks

why even bother faking it? every third Iranian poster here comes up with a map thousands of years old just like Indian posters.

India even has a blasphemous national anthem by that virtue.

True that. They stuck in a glory that never was.
We are the people of the indus we embrace our location and our people...

The only guy on this thread who spoke like a true son of the soil of Pakistan. But I personally don't care about indus shindus.
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Kasam se it is a miracle that we still survive.... Heck we saw 40 years of rule by traitors such as Sharifs and Bhutto/Zardaris and we still stand to this day. I wonder what is the reason of the legendary resilience of the Pakistani nation.

Because there is no power on earth that can undo Pakistan
Because there is no power on earth that can undo Pakistan

We're a nation who’s forefathers made sacrifices to create this great nation called Pakistan. Allowed us freedom to express our will to its fullest in defense of this nation. Had it not been for them we’d be in a worse position, while our politicians are corrupt our people know the alternative is worse and hence to keep the ship steady without a captain. We were created for a purpose, and I believe we all know for what hence no power can undo us.
Bhai thora reham
The Muslims of the Sub Continent never dreamt of a SKINNY Pakistan. All we need is to just expand in all directions. I know it is not that easy as said. But a time will come,only Allah knows, when our borders will stretch beyond the Amu Darya in the West and to the Bay of Bengal in the East.
Phase 1

Phase 2 including the top expansions.

Last Phase yet to be Shown!!!
We can try Afghanistan by talking to the Taliban and getting most of their leaders on our side, but that's about all we should push for.
Bhai thora reham
The British always wanted to conquer the Western frontiers but had limited success. Whatever we have in the West we probably owe it to them. As we took over their legacy(cantonments,military institutions,structures etc) , i doubt we would rest in peace till we achieve our FULL objectives.
VPN express owner wobbles his head sideways upon watching his sponsored video. Nice bob please..
There are so many wrong statements in this video

Basically these things could be said by a lot of countries. How many countries in the world are based on single ethnic group? Not even india is single ethnic group

Then border with Afghanistan, and so called USA puppet gov, who cares what they say.

pashtoons are and will always remain loyal to Pakistan , Afghanistan in the past used Pak pashtoon people but now they know they let them go away or sold when it suits them. Example Durand line it self.
an agreement b/w British and afghans when they handover these pashtoon tribe to British and now they are a part of one of the strongest Muslim country

stupid analysis like these are done just to please from where the money is coming from
Well you take what you get. The same dude made a video on why France has got great geography yet Paris has been overrun a few times.

On the contrary Islamabad hasn’t and it never will.
Yes I would say that to them too. We don't need any more land, we have enough of it.

I will tag you so you can have your wish next time someone from Iran starts on the glorious past of the empire.
Has any western media channel or YouTube video ever shown anything positive about Pakistan? (not referring the the recent trend in western vloggers visiting Pakistan)
The Muslims of the Sub Continent never dreamt of a SKINNY Pakistan. All we need is to just expand in all directions. I know it is not that easy as said. But a time will come,only Allah knows, when our borders will stretch beyond the Amu Darya in the West and to the Bay of Bengal in the East.
Phase 1

Phase 2 including the top expansions.

Last Phase yet to be Shown!!!

a country that does not expand its frontiers,,
has greater chances of being invaded. and broken into peices
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