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Why Pakistan will not fail where Egypt has

"Hence in this sense Pakistan is now a functioning democracy. With a free and vibrant media, a fiercely independent higher judiciary and a representative parliament, it is the most democratic country in the Muslim world.

No, its Malaysia & Turkey.

The article mentions 'most demoractic' Let me just tell you some facts.

Population and Turnouts:

- Our population is 180 million of which 55% were voter turnouts this year.

- Turkey's population is 75 million (even if 100% turnout, we are still larger)

- Malaysia's population is 28 million (even if 100% turnout we are still larger)


- Turkey and Malaysia are perhaps stronger. They put Dictators, Generals, Terrorists and Corrupts behind bars

- Maybe we are slow on Terrorists like TTP but we are active on Dictators and Politicians. (Musharraf's Bugti Murder Trial, Gilani's Corruption Trial, Raja Rental Power Trial, Zardari's Swiss Cases, Tauqir Sadiq's Petroluem Cases etc are all well in process)


- We have 20 News Channels (This is a revolution. 15 years ago we had just 1)

- Turkey has 15 News Channels

- Malaysia has 5 News Channels

- In other countries, you rarely see Cabinet Ministers and other MPAs in Talk Shows everyday.

- Turkey's Jails hold more Journalists than anywhere else in the world
It is Funny when you say why Pakistan could not Fail.

No Electricity
No Gas
No clean water infact now No water
No free medical care/No medical availability
No Jobs
No free education/infact No education to the masses
No check-balances on mullahs like in Turkey
No Money is the bank/Loaned Forex [not really earned by better economic activities]
Almost $70B external debt/ $60-70B internal debt
Terrorism/gang wars, political wars in the entire Pakistan
shia-sunni wars

You people want me to list even more

Pakistan might not be failed to that extend but it is on the brink unfortunately it don't matter how strong the Armed Forces might be, economically/education wise/medical facilities wise, equal rights and the list is long enough Pakistan has failed miserably. The sooner we realize and should not get into this comparisons feeling good and the sooner we pay attention & correct our Nation.

Yeah, it is failed state to me, you given the lists for Pakistan misusing. Feel like African state at some points.
Hence in this sense Pakistan is now a functioning democracy. With a free and vibrant media, a fiercely independent higher judiciary and a representative parliament, it is the most democratic country in the Muslim world.


Shall we say the writer sees all those countries which are doing better than Paksitan as not memebrs of OIC and are not islamic countries?

When will we wake from our day dreaming?

No wonder most of the people who are smart enough are leaving Pakistan for good as the rule of law in Pakistan is executed by people who are not capable of running a nation.

What has democracy given to the common man in Pakistan? The politicians are fighting for the supremacy of the constitution not for the love of the citizen and to give his right but to enjoy their rights as being in the parliament.
the successful transition of power of the democratic govt have given me hope, but none the less some disgruntle elements does exist in the societies & media who propagate the Bangladesh model take for example dr.danish this guy from ARY tv constantly propagates military take over or technocratic set-up ARY needs to fire him ASAP
Let me give a small example of what is democracy giving us in Pakistan.


Education is coming from outside as aid even school bags come from outside as aid. How do you expect a nation of 180+ million to survive like this and for how long?

Be happy and day dream that we are the most democratic nation in the Islamic world.

To be honest i don't even consider Pakistan an Islamic state. Tell me which Islamic law is being implemented for the betterment of the society? Even the weekly holiday is on Sunday in Pakistan.

Too much for being the most democratic nation in the Muslim world

We have a Railway running efficiently without any losses
We have national airline running efficiently without any losses
We have best infrastructure, road and mass transit system for all citizens
We provide Electricity and gas for all citizens
We have given access to clean water to all citizens

What will be your choice?

1) Democracy not caring about citizens


2) Dictatorship or authoritarian rule caring about citizens.

- We have 20 News Channels (This is a revolution. 15 years ago we had just 1)

- Turkey has 15 News Channels

- Malaysia has 5 News Channels

- In other countries, you rarely see Cabinet Ministers and other MPAs in Talk Shows everyday.

- Turkey's Jails hold more Journalists than anywhere else in the world

In which era? if i recall it correctly it was during a military rule and not a democratic rule?

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