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Why Pakistan should recognize Israel

I have just had an idea. In order to improve Pakistan's economy and everything else why not Pakistanis become Hindu or atheist or Christian or Buddhist(!)

It is not like Pakistan is an authentic Islamic state.

Pakistan is a Muslim state and we will continue to support Palestine. What else can you expect from you a Qadiani Kazzab !!

We are also planning to send a probe to Mars that is why we need long range missles !
Really? Does Pakistan have this capability?
If I was an Israeli strategist I would be concerned with Pakistan's nuclear capabilities as they have the range to challenge Israeli strategic and even tactical objectives.

Leave him alone, he is one of those ignorant fools who see things in front of their eyes yet bluntly turn their heads away as it is not in their interest. No matter even if the entire Israel population sign a memorandum that they consider Pakistan as their sole enemy, he will still deny it.
Like Mirza Qadiani Kazzab you also can't spell or think logically. One created a cult based on lies other can't even spell. Check the correct spelling of the word "" biggot "".
Now Request user name change racist sectarian biggot "" is that spelled right now ?? You want to talk logic as well ..lol .. Thats seriously sad !!!
....... name change racist sectarian biggot "" is that spelled right now ?? You want to talk logic as well ..lol .. Thats seriously sad !!!

I don't need name change but you certainly need a spelling lesson. The biggest sectarion bigot was Mirza Qadiani Kazzab !
Mirza Qadiani Kazzab was a British agent.
Mocking a religion or sect is like mocking your own idiotic practices it reflects on your tunneled vision of this world. If repeated cussing on ahmedi sect their leaders helps you sleep better at night keep repeating until eternity or make it your signature or change user name to some thing similar .. It doesnt prove any thing against rather confirms the fact that you are a "" bigot "" now carry on with the same .. Btw was the spelling of your sir name correct this time ??
Finally some sensible posting.
Two countries in this world today were formed on the basis of religion - Pakistan and Isreal.
Qadianism is neither a religion nor a sect it is a cult !
Your religion or sect whatever stone age monkey practice you follow can be equally or worst mocked by anyone any where on the web .. The mocking bigotry stupidity reflected in your posts after posts for a perticular religion or sect makes you sound plain ignorant dumb thick retard none less .. Dont wish to reply to your stupid posts any more .. This will be the last one

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