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Why Pakistan Produces Jihadists

So you do not consider former President Nixon saying that he is in favour of Pakistan Nuclear program as an approval of sorts. If the US president told me that he is in favour of something, I will consider it as an approval.
I do not. Nixon wasn't speaking as president, nor was he speaking for a president, but claiming to speak for a presidential candidate.

Similarly support came through USG not allowing Israel...not to arrest AQ Khan...This is called support in my dictionary.
I never heard of this. Even if the facts you cite are true, that doesn't necessarily support your explanation of them. (Maybe you need a different dictionary?)

Endorsement came in the from of financial aid that went to AQ khan laboratories and US knew as to where the money was going.
Proof, please.

I never said that they take orders from US in the first place, they are approved however.
You have a wide and flexible concept of "approval." I suppose that is shared by your countrymen.

How about relaying this info to USG officials that Pakistan and US can have a long and fruitful relation based on trust and respect, which we have in abundance for you anyway.
I know the respect many Pakistanis have for the USG. What some American officials think of high-ranking Pakistani officials I can not repeat here, because the mods have deleted such quotes in the past.

To achieve this, we can work together, solve problems that affect us both and develop a mechanism of promoting peace and goodwill amongst people.
"Promoting peace and goodwill amongst people" is something many Pakistanis have seen and experienced US forces do; they aren't goals Pakistani leaders have been noted for in the past. They will thus have to work hard to gain respect in this matter.
South Asia Terrorism Portal’s report revealed, “231 of India’s 608 districts have been affected by various insurgent terrorist movements…continued to pose serious challenges to the country’s security framework. It is high time; we should pay attention on the Indian law and order situation.”

India started militia operation against insurgents in Lalgarh tribal region of the west Bengal, and also banned the Communist Party of India-Maoist, terming it a terrorist organization in the wake of fresh insurgency by the Maoist insurgents. The CPI-M came into existence following the merger of the Communist Party of India, the people’s War group (PWG) and the Maoist Communist Centre (MCC). Several states such as Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh had declared the CPI-M an unlawful organization. In the eastern regions, Naxalties have established their writ running large hundreds of villagers.

Recently, Maoist intensified their struggle, attacking official installments in the major Indian cities. In this context, on October 31, 2009, The New York Times wrote, “India’s Maoist rebels are now present in 20 states and have killed more than 900 Indian security officers…India’s rapid economic growth has made it an emerging global power but also deepened stark inequalities in society.”

The Maoist militants oppose the ruling Communist Party of Indian government in Bengal. It is unfortunate that the US and the West do not see any threat of the Indian nukes falling in the hands of insurgents, terrorists or Communists. In addition, wide areas of the country appear to have fallen off the map of good governance, and are acutely susceptible to violent political mobilization, lawlessness and organised criminal activity.

It is notable that historical background and religious beliefs which have formed the habits and national character of Hindus are quite different from the other ethnic and religious communities. Indians still have a strong belief in the superiority of their race. Indian Hindus are followers of Chanakya (Say some thing else and do some thing else). These facts have been verified by the misdeeds of Hindu fundamentalist parties like the BJP, RSS, VHP, Shiv Sina and Bajrang Dal which have missed no opportunity to communalise national politics of India even under the Congress rule. With the backing of Indian officials, these parties have intensified anti-Christian and anti-Muslim bloodshed in the last decade coupled with the dissemination of Hindutva (Hindu nationalism).

Besides previous genocide of Muslims and destruction of the Babri Mosque, more than 2500 Muslims were massacred in 2002 in the BJP-ruled Indian state of Gujarat. Regarding that massive genocide, both Human Rights Watch in 2002 and Amnesty International in 2003 charged the “Gujarat state administration” for involvement in “a massive cover-up of the state’s role in that massacre” and pointed out numerous police officials—specifically ministers, high officials and leaders of the VHP, BJP and Bajrang Dal as participants.

On September 13, 2008, the communal riots in Uttar Pradesh killed more than 200 Muslims. In one of the most tragic incidents in Assam, Hindu extremists burnt alive six members of a Muslim family. Violence has continued against the Muslims from time to time. Similarly, assaults on Christians and their property have been executed by the Hindu mobs in Orissa, Assam, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh. In this respect, at least 60 Christians have been assassinated in the recent past by Hindu extremists in the state of Orissa. Other minorities of India are also target of Hindu terrorism.

Under the mask of democracy and secularism, Indian subsequent regimes dominated by politicians from the Hindi heartland—Hindutva have been using brutal force ruthlessly against any move to free Assam, Kashmir, Khalistan, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tamil Nadu and Tripura where wars of independence are alive in one or the other form.

India’s prime minister met with Naga separatists on March 2 this year in an attempt to end one of the South Asian nation’s longest-running insurgencies. The meeting could not succeed because India is offering wide autonomy to the group though it has already rejected the separatists’ demand for an independent homeland in northeastern India. The Naga insurgents began fighting more than 50 years ago.

As regards the Indian-held Kashmir, since 1947, Indian forces have intermittently been employing all the possible techniques of military terrorism such as curfews, crackdowns, sieges, massacre, targeted killings etc. to maintain their alien rule. However, under the new puppet regime in the occupied Kashmir, Indian brutalities keep on going against the current phase of Kashmiri uprising which began on August 12, 2008. In the last two years, more than 3000 unmarked graves of the unidentified bodies were uncovered in villages of Indian-held Kashmir. Sources have suggested that these graves include bodies of extrajudicial executions committed by the Indian military and paramilitary forces. European Parliament strongly condemned India regarding human rights violations in the occupied Kashmir.

In Maharashtra, non-Hindu communities have lived in constant fear and awe since the advent of the fundamentalist party, Shiv Sena whose Chief Bal Thackeray has organised army of hoodlums to beat up any religious minority, openly directing the Hindu terrorists to loot and stone any of their shop or house. Silence of the subsequent governments on every challenge of Shiv Sena and lack of serious action against Thackeray’s vandalism have clearly defeated the secular echoes of India which is in fact a secular terroist state. More alarming point is that Bajrang Dal has also been imparting arms training to its members near Ayodhya.

It is mentionable that ideology of Hindu nationalism prevails in every field at the cost of other minorities. It is even supported by Indian defence forces clandestinely. This fact could be judged from the recent past, when on April 6, 2008 in the house of Bajrang Dal fundamentalists in Nanded, a bomb went off. The investigations proved that the militants belonging to the Bajrang Dal were found in the bomb-making and attack on a mosque in Parbhani in 2003. Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) of the Maharashtra arrested a serving Lt. Col. Srikant Purohit along with other army officials, indicating that they were helping in training the Hindu terrorists, providing them with the military-grade explosive RDX, used in the Malegaon bombings and terrorist attacks in other Indian cities. ATS further disclosed that Lt. Col. Purohit confessed that in 2007, he was involved in bombing of Samjhota express, which brunt alive 69 Pakistanis. Leaders of the Indian extremist parties, Shiv Sena, BJP, VHP and RSS are now pressurising the Congress regime to release the culprits.

Before these revelations about Hindu terrorism, Indian government has been accusing the Islamic organizations in contact with Pakistani or Bangladeshi intelligence agencies in carrying out bomb blasts in Malegaon and other Indian places.

As regard Hindu terrorism, BBC indicated on November 21, 2008 that a new phrase has entered the sometimes cliche-riddled Indian press: “Hindu terrorism”, calling it the latest addition to the media lexicon.

It is now clear that instead of taking action, New Delhi has been using Hindu terrorists to create frenzy against the other religious communities.

Most dangerous point is that Hindu terrorists with the support of Indian army and their intelligence agency, RAW would try to get weapons of mass destruction—and will use them in the US and major European states in order to show that Muslim radicals or Al Qaeda-related insurgents have performed this sinister job. While Hindu extremists, with the backing of RAW has already started a nefarious strategic game in destabilizing Pakistan by creating insurgency in the Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa (Frontier Province), and backing separatist elements in Balochistan.

In fact, there is a co-relationship of the Hindutva and Hindu fundamentalism which are the genesis of Hindu terrorism. Nonetheless, Hindu terrorism is on rise, which has enveloped whole of India.

Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is author of the book: US vs Islamic Militants, Invisible Balance of Power. Dangerous Shift in International Relations.
^^^ what is the relevance of Hindu terrorism with this thread??neither they are blowing them selves up , they didnt came to have terrorist attack in Pakistan nor the world body is concerend about them..
^^^ what is the relevance of Hindu terrorism with this thread??neither they are blowing them selves up , they didnt came to have terrorist attack in Pakistan nor the world body is concerend about them..

But they do try, just dont get enough liberty and lack the requisite 'courage'.
I never heard of this. Even if the facts you cite are true, that doesn't necessarily support your explanation of them. (Maybe you need a different dictionary?)

1979: Israel Considers Strike on Pakistani Nuclear Facility, but Backs Down after US Objections
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Israel considers attacking a key part of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program. The idea is sparked when the Indian intelligence service Research and Analysis Wing intercepts a US cable saying that Pakistan will be able to explode a bomb within two or three years (see 1979). The Israelis knew that Pakistan was working on a nuclear weapons project, but thought it was not close to making such progress. Shocked by the Pakistani advances, they begin to plan a pre-emptive strike against one of the Pakistani facilities, the laboratory of scientist A. Q. Khan in Kahuta. However, the US learns of the plan and pressures the Israelis to put it on ice, which they do. [Levy and Scott-Clark, 2007, pp. 86]

Early 1981: Mossad Initiates Bombing Campaign in Europe against A. Q. Khan Network
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The Israeli intelligence service Mossad begins a bombing and intimidation campaign in Europe targeting people linked to A. Q. Khan’s nuclear proliferation network, which is helping Pakistan build a nuclear weapon. After Israel bombs an Iraqi nuclear reactor in Osirak in June 1981, the campaign intensifies. Attacks are carried out and warnings given in Europe against Khan’s suppliers and middlemen (see Early 1981, February 20, 1981, Early 1981, November 1981, and 1981). The bombings are investigated by the police forces in the countries in which they occur and are traced to a group of apparent fronts for Mossad: the Group for Non-Proliferation in South Asia, the Committee to Safeguard the Islamic Revolution, and the League for Protecting the Sub-Continent. European police realize that a state-backed group is probably behind the bombings and suspect Mossad, due to the problematic relations between Israel and the Islamic world. Authors Adrian Levy and Catherine Scott-Clark will also say that Mossad was behind the bombings, partly based on interviews of “senior intelligence sources” in Israel in 2006. [Levy and Scott-Clark, 2007, pp. 87-8, 476]

Entity Tags: Israel Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks (Mossad)

Timeline Tags: Alleged Use of False Flag Attacks, A. Q. Khan's Nuclear Network

February 20, 1981: Mossad Bombs Swiss Supplier for A. Q. Khan Network
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A bomb planted by the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad goes off outside the home of Eduard German in Berne, Switzerland. German is the managing director of CORA engineering, which had exported a gasification and solidification unit to Pakistan in 1979 to help A. Q. Khan’s efforts to build a nuclear bomb, and is soon planning to supply another such unit. The bombing is one of a series by Mossad against Khan’s suppliers in Europe (see Early 1981). The company also receives an anonymous call saying it should stop trading with Pakistan, and this threat is followed by a similar one two months later. At this point the company realizes US intelligence knows everything about its operations (see April 1981), and so halts its dealings with Pakistan. [Levy and Scott-Clark, 2007, pp. 87]

Entity Tags: CORA Engineering, Israel Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks (Mossad), Eduard German

Terrorist Israel has been playing its dirty game for far too long. We will see what happens to it when the tables turn.

Proof, please.

1980s: Much US and Saudi Aid Meant for Afghan Fighters Goes to ISI and A. Q. Khan Network
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Much of the billions of dollars in aid from Saudi Arabia and the CIA to the Afghan mujaheddin actually gets siphoned off by the Pakistani ISI. Melvin Goodman, a CIA analyst in the 1980s, will later say, “They were funding the wrong groups, and had little idea where the money was going or how it was being spent.” Sarkis Soghanalian, a middleman profiting from the aid, will later say, “The US did not want to get its hands dirty. So the Saudis’ money and the US money was handled by the ISI. I can tell you that more than three quarters of the money was skimmed off the top. What went to buy weapons for the Afghan fighters was peanuts.” Sognhanalian claims that most of the money went through various accounts held at the notoriously corrupt BCCI bank, then was distributed to the ISI and the A. Q. Khan nuclear network. [Trento, 2005, pp. 318] Robert Crowley, a CIA associate director from the 1960s until the 1980s, will also refer to the aid money going to Khan’s network, commenting, “Unfortunately, the Pakistanis knew exactly where their cut of the money was to go.” An early 1990s congressional investigation led by Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) will also come to the same conclusion. [Trento, 2005, pp. 314, 384]

Entity Tags: Robert Crowley, Saudi Arabia, Bank of Credit and Commerce International, Central Intelligence Agency, Melvin A. Goodman, Pakistan Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence, Sarkis Soghanalian

Timeline Tags: Complete 911 Timeline, A. Q. Khan's Nuclear Network, War in

I know the respect many Pakistanis have for the USG. What some American officials think of high-ranking Pakistani officials I can not repeat here, because the mods have deleted such quotes in the past.

I thought some good words will be met with same from you. I admit that I admire some people from the USG and they did what they had to do but cant say that for some others. Some of the officials in the USG are the biggest jokes ever born on this planet. Also what some high ranking Pakistani officials think of American officials cannot be said here. The words are far too obscene and the feeling is as they say mutual.

"Promoting peace and goodwill amongst people" is something many Pakistanis have seen and experienced US forces do; they aren't goals Pakistani leaders have been noted for in the past. They will thus have to work hard to gain respect in this matter.

Where have the US forces done what you just said. Also Pakistan is the largest human resources contributor to UN peace mission. Our leaders have strived for peace but so called 'Superpowers' only know the game of war. And war is business for some, like in the case of MIC.
I do not. Nixon wasn't speaking as president, nor was he speaking for a president, but claiming to speak for a presidential candidate.

I never heard of this. Even if the facts you cite are true, that doesn't necessarily support your explanation of them. (Maybe you need a different dictionary?)

Proof, please.

You have a wide and flexible concept of "approval." I suppose that is shared by your countrymen.

I know the respect many Pakistanis have for the USG. What some American officials think of high-ranking Pakistani officials I can not repeat here, because the mods have deleted such quotes in the past.

"Promoting peace and goodwill amongst people" is something many Pakistanis have seen and experienced US forces do; they aren't goals Pakistani leaders have been noted for in the past. They will thus have to work hard to gain respect in this matter.

What you are dicusing should be discused in a separate thread . However i do agree with you that US made bargain on letting Pakistan persue Nuclear tech in return for its support to defeat the Soviets. However later on both US and Israel that time made numerous attempts to spy on Pakistani Nuclear programe and eventually Israel landed its fighter aircrafts in India to bomb Pakistani Nuclear installations due to the fear of Islamic Bomb unless that mission was aborted when Pakistan made Nuclear test by exploding a Bomb in the mountain of Chaghi ..!!!

There are rumors that Israeli Gov still wanted to carry on with the mission of Bombing Pakistani Nuclear installations despite the Nuclear test because Pakistan didnt had the delivery system for a Nuclear warhead but the Indian Government didnt allowed Israel to go ahead with it .So End Result was Pakistan is now a Nuclear Power with sufficient nuclear warheads and highly capable delivery system . Thanks to All that now Israel or any other Nation cant even dream to deploy its aircrafts in India just to bomb Pakistan. The Conventional card is not applicable , however our enemies still rely on espionage and proxies to fuel instability in our Country. That factor is needed to be addressed and will InshaAllah be gone for good.
just because our government never support them...
all weapons they got, got it from outside the country

but case in pakistan and afganistan is totaly different
where terrorist live on the government machinery

Come on, dont overload your common sense.

i didnt know someone from JuD got elected in Pakistan. Nor did i know anybody roaming freely and enjoying the status of a 'coveted' leader announced OPENLY to exercise violence and form suicide squads here in Pakistan.

But guess what, some of you with extremist and fundamentalist mentality not only enjoy backing of your govt but also from your military.

As for getting weapons from 'outside', well if the world can supply weapons to 231 districts of yours, buddy, you really need to worry!
no, they wont be worried.

i thought Pakistanis were not doing enough to place more value on safety and human life and property

it seems you can kill 80+ indian policemen, capture their arms, spit on their bodies, casually walk away

and the people (like the confused indians on here) will say ''they are just a nuissance...nothing more''

strange ''ground realities'' if you ask me :cheesy::pop:
^^^ what is the relevance of Hindu terrorism with this thread??neither they are blowing them selves up , they didnt came to have terrorist attack in Pakistan nor the world body is concerend about them..

the naxals which have presence (a strong one in north/northeast) in 1/3 of india should be your first priority.

you can follow the india insurgency thread (http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/51262-indias-insurgency-problem-7.html#post836423).

I update it quite regularly with stories of naxal (and ULFA) attacks.

as of late, it's actually becoming a daily routine :)

p.s. by the way, why are indian ''jawans'' supplying arms to naxalites? Why are elements of indian army producing and arming a group that is attacking own country

Two CRPF jawans among four held for 'supplying' arms to Naxals - India - The Times of India
Come on, dont overload your common sense.

i didnt know someone from JuD got elected in Pakistan. Nor did i know anybody roaming freely and enjoying the status of a 'coveted' leader announced OPENLY to exercise violence and form suicide squads here in Pakistan.

But guess what, some of you with extremist and fundamentalist mentality not only enjoy backing of your govt but also from your military.

As for getting weapons from 'outside', well if the world can supply weapons to 231 districts of yours, buddy, you really need to worry!

dude thats the reason they dont have sophisticated weapons (they have some but in very minimal no.) and main reason they are fighting against the system not against humanity

but terrorist in pakistan and afganistan (yes they both are in same category ) supported by government but now ur gov show in usa pressure that they are not supported by us.. .
and terrorist in ur country fighting against humanity not against system
dude thats the reason they dont have sophisticated weapons (they have some but in very minimal no.

it doesnt matter if they have bow and arrow! They are killing your policemen, bombing/looting trains, attacking government buildings etc.

is that not reason enough to take action; rather than whine and cry four rivers, a lake and several waterfalls over Pakistan?

and main reason they are fighting against the system not against humanity

they kill

but terrorist in pakistan and afganistan (yes they both are in same category )

even U.S. media is now acknowledging that they are NOT the same group.

supported by government but now ur gov show in usa pressure that they are not supported by us.. .

we werent the only ones supporting taleban....even the americans were tacitly supporting them.

there are only about 1,000,001 threads on this subject. Use the search function.

and terrorist in ur country fighting against humanity not against system

the killing of one is analagous to the killing of humanity.....who says they are not against the system? We have a secular government. The militants are religious fanatics. Some are just dirt poor and only attack because they are given guarantees that their families will be looked after

it goes down to economics and development.....those are generally the job of the government to take care of. It also goes down to history/politics and lack of long-term planning.

but why would you care? Your countrymen conveniently forget about Pakistanis killed in cold blood in india by hindu terrorists. We can see where you are coming from. When it comes to religiously motivated violence, so-called ''secular'' india is the problem.
Terrorist Israel has been playing its dirty game for far too long. We will see what happens to it when the tables turn.
No doubt, o judge, jury, and executioner, you look forward to a Pakistan that produces more jihadists, rather than creating a world with no jihadists or terrorism at all.

I thought some good words will be met with same from you.
I am NOT a diplomat; I don't play well with others! :) Your presumption that Pakistani and U.S. officials are moral equals I could not stomach.

Also what some high ranking Pakistani officials think of American officials cannot be said here. The words are far too obscene and the feeling is as they say mutual.
Judging from the Pakistani newspaper stories I've been reading lately, Pakistani officials despise Americans for their efforts to turn them into honest men. That sentiment can not be mutual.

Where have the US forces done what you just said.
How quickly some people forget. Any Pakistanis care to remind him?

Our leaders have strived for peace but so called 'Superpowers' only know the game of war.
That shows a great ignorance for the enthusiastic bloodthirstiness of past Pakistani leaders that I've read about in declassified State Dept. cables. Sometimes Pak leaders had to be restrained by the U.S. from shedding too much blood (1965), others of whom were successfully restrained by their own (if Mrs. Bhutto's memoir is accurate.) When nobody restrained them the results were hideous, as in 1971.
dude thats the reason they dont have sophisticated weapons (they have some but in very minimal no.) and main reason they are fighting against the system not against humanity

but terrorist in pakistan and afganistan (yes they both are in same category ) supported by government but now ur gov show in usa pressure that they are not supported by us.. .
and terrorist in ur country fighting against humanity not against system

Oh well, now we have someone who would try justifying terrorism and violence.

BTW, let's just for second, should i start thinking like you, i might say TTP was also fighting against the SYSTEM as it wanted to implement so called Shariah Law as to them Pakistani system of governance of Un-Islamic.

Gosh! i already have a headache with your kind of understanding influencing my thoughts.
Whether or not a lack of knowledge/information absolves them from a legal perspective is not something I am getting into, but they are absolved from moral perspective - they are not supporting a group because they wish that group to commit terrorist attacks or kill innocents, and that dovetails with my point about an overwhelming majority of Pakistanis indicating in poll after poll that they oppose terrorism and attacks on civilians.
I dont disagree totally, but I think a lot of this lack of knowledge is more of looking the other way. With LeT playing the Kashmir card, which has been made so close to each Pakistani's heart, its other evils are dwarfed in the minds of these Pakistani citizens. So IMHO its more of a self imposed ignorance than a real one.. Hence I wont be so quick in absolving them on the moral grounds as well. But then I am of a country on the receiving end of LeT's terrorism and obviously have stronger than normal feelings about it..

And the problem with banning the LeT/JuD is that there was no trial, and the governments responsible during this time, Musharraf and the PPP, both had reputations of being 'US lackeys', which made their decisions and declarations (in banning the LeT and JuD) suspect, especially in the absence of a fair trial and the protestations of innocence from the JuD and LeT.

Has TTP been tried in Pakistani courts before it was banned in 2008?? If not, then I dont think the lack of trial has the same effect here.

We have people on this forum who argue that the Pakistani Taliban are innocent, and if you paid attention you would realize that the PA's decision to escalate against the Taliban coincided with the shift in public opinion against the Taliban.

Secondly, the Taliban are openly waging war against the Pakistani State, they openly butcher and kill combatants and non-combatants alike, and in many cases proudly take ownership of their acts. When the guilt of a group(s) is so openly visible, then there can be no excuse for supporting them.

With the LeT/JuD that is not the case - they have rejected involvement in the Mumbai attacks and other acts of terrorism, and the JuD at least has called for a fair trial in an international court to validate their designation as a 'terrorist organization'. All of that plays favorably with people who then see them as innocent and being maligned by the the GoP at the behest of the US and India.

But really, actions against terrorists can not be dependent on whether they own up to their activities or not.

I just pointed out above that many of the examples of people attacking the West indicate a shift to radicalism while in the West, not in Pakistan, and Pakistan, because of the instability and lack of State control in FATA, serves as a training ground, and not as a source of radicalization.

I agree...

Of course I am not saying that Pakistan does not have homegrown radicals, it is obvious it does. But what I am trying to point out is that the argument that Pakistan is responsible for radicalizing everyone, including many attacking the West, when it is clear they were radicalized in the West, is incorrect, as is the argument that it is somehow Pakistan's 'identity and DNA' that is responsible. Pakistan has greater issues than other countries on that count because militant groups have had a free hand in operating, and Pakistan did not realize the danger until it was too late, and not because of Pakistan's Islamic identity.

Again.. Dont disagree.. As a matter of fact, I am strongly against linking religion(however extreme) to cause of terrorism...
you indians are too obtuse and brain-dead to realize that zaid hamids and hafiz saeeds are not popular among all Pakistanis

did Hafiz Saeed openly call for suicide squads to attack indian? I know that some people in your Shiv Senas did!

Hindu suicide squad spells out its mission - India - ibnlive

u should be more worried about your homegrown extremists first. bal thakray would be a good start. Not only does he call for suicide squads to kill Muslims; he even plays the ethnic card. You got dirt poor south indian labourers going to mumbai and getting thrashed or killed because they dont speak that marathi language

you have naxalites blowing up trains, schools, and police stations; they killed 80 police officers a few weeks back!!!!

oyeee -- indians.........



I hope you remember the story of how to make someone else line shorter by making your own longer than his..

Your arguement is actually an antithesis of that. You are trying to make your line longer by trying to rub & make some one else's line shorter

We are not discussing India here .. Are we??

The worst is that you are debating against generalizing Pakistanis as extremists and you do the same with Indians in your 1st sentence..:tdown:

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