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Why pakistan is so alone right now

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Because they want war between Pakistan and India, but China and Pakistan need to focus on econemy.
Dont let war interrupt CPEC!
If the war finally begin, China will totally with Pakistan, after vicotry continue CPEC.

Brother India wants to stop CPEC, Pakistan should be wise, concentrate on the economy and ignore the petulant child unless they attack us then we shall retaliate. Sun Tze said a good general fights one battle instead of a hundred his words have wisdom.
1)No body given a single statement favoring Pakistan that Pakistan has a right to defend it self and now OIC invited India
2)USA UK Germany Australia and France even gave statement that India has a right to defend it self.After Indian violated Pakistan Air space.
3) Even china didn't want to come between India and Pakistan.

It is the hard realty Why is our foreign policy is failing what steps could we do to further going down hill (it is discussion so please be civilize)
Stop comparing us with india...we are better and 200 million know it!
Stop comparing us with india...the whole world can say anything but we are the ones who have the proof and have aired it....
And he who has ALLAH doesnt need anyone but we Turkey ....We dont need to compare with india....USA, UK, GERMANY, FRANCE AND OZ have investments in india that they need to protect...They dont have any such thing in Pakistan...But mind you, the world knows who was offering peace and who was beating the war drum!

Many such disappointed threads are already opened do take part and stop opening new ones...I will just merge them!

Exactly, jinda koi nai hunda onda Allah hunda.:pakistan:
Who gives a flying f**k???????............we are a nation of 200 million who just thrashed an enemy that is more than 7× bigger than us and who has the full backing if the West and Russia..........:azn:.......the world stood in solidarity with Iraq but the americans still destroyed it. Might is right. Opinion and support mean nothing. Besides, why do we need the support of anyone when NO other nation on earth can fight an adversary that is more than 7× bigger than it except for us?.......:azn:
Very true
Do you think One Mig matters when we have 300 MKI ?
Yes, downing even one jet is a matter of shame & humiliation in a "Skirmish". But how would you know? Your nation is satisfied baghairat. Just look at the recent progress. You should be thankful to us that we are returning your Nandan is less than 48 hours without demanding anything in return & your joke of a media is making a fool out of your retard nation by calling this a Victory? Lol shameless baghairat nation you are.
Did you listen to Modi today ?
I stopped listening to barking of dogs since i grown up.
Please have some shame, to PROTECT your border when IAF attacks rather saying it was "Dark"
We never said that. Actually it was your pilots who scrambled away, dropping all of their payload in open forest. Itni phat'ti hai PAF se yaar herat hai.
We would love to sacrifice hundreds of Pilots if comes to defend our Motherland.
Yes crying 24x7 for release of abhinanananandan proves your big talk lmfao.
But the point is, India with HUGE economy and Future has far more to
Basically this.
We have nothing to lose in a war so beware. We will make a tikka boti of bharat maata in case of War. We know a giant economy is your weakness & we will not hesitate to exploit it. All your Ambani & TATAs will run from India within seconds when War wages from either side so better just lick your wounds for now & stop day dreaming of invading Pakistan.
There is a Lie in this Statement. Please Think about these 3 Points.

1. Why was there NO Issue in Kashmir BEFORE 1985 ? Same Kashmiri People, Same Indian Army yet what EXACTLY was Missing ?

2. If Pakistan is really bothered about Kashmirs / Muslims and Palestinians Why It remains Silent for Muslims in Kashmir ? Why does it not stand for Kuran and Islam in China ?

If that is China's INTERNAL matter why, is Kashmir NOT an Internal matter of India ( If you really want peace ? ) Hint : THE EXACT Solution Musharraf proposed in Agra

You see its a POLITICAL issue and Pakistan is trying to solve it via ASYMMETRIC Warfare.

3. India NEVER asks Pakistan to remove Troops from Azad Kashmir / AK , The UN resolution says that FIRST Paksitan needs to vacate.. Then India and Then a plebiscite. So, If you really want Indian Army out ... You First.

Since that NOT , Practically Possible, Lets go with Musharraf's solution Again.

In 2019, Pakistan has been FULLY ISOLATED. No China.. No KSA, No UAE , No USA .. No ONE CAME.
Only YOU can HELP Yourself and you cant do that with Negative Reserves and a falling Economy.

Stop Helping "Non State Actors" and No Army will be there in Kashmir Just like BEFORE 1985.
Because Kashmir is a disputed territory.
Every thing is Muslim and Muslim and Muslim most Muslims and Muslim countries
don't give a hoot about pakistan and Pakistanis. Just see what
Happened in oic
Apnee fikar karo.
1)No body given a single statement favoring Pakistan that Pakistan has a right to defend it self and now OIC invited India
Actually I think the thread title needs changing. We have China and Turkey with Pakistan. I would rather just China alone with Pakistan then the entire Muslim world, whole of Africa, whole of South America. The weight of China exceeds 80 other countries combined. So Pakistan is fine. Stop crying.

Pakistan love matched? This is the question you need look at. Meaning is there reciprocity? China and Turkey do match the hype. But Pakistan spill tears and cry rivers of blood for Palestnians etc. Rest of the Muslim world is quite. Pakistani's must learn that there is no such thing as ummah lovce but self interest. Fcuk the Palestinians. I hope Isreali's give them even bigger rods up their backside. You would think they would show solidarity with Kashmiri's. But that is not the case. They tend to be more Indiaphiles.

If Pakistani's can mearn meaning of self interest instead of living in cloud cuckoo land of the ummah it would progress ....

Read Below: This is your great Ummah brothers. They have invited India when we are at almost war with and facing nuclear showdown. Let this be a lesson in self interest.

Qureshi not attending OIC's Council of Foreign Ministers https://www.dawn.com/news/1466931

Pakistan will not attend OIC meeting over invitation to India , FM tells joint sitting of parliament


Sushma Swaraj is coming, will not attend OIC meet: Pakistan finance minister

Shah Mehmood Qureshi said, "I will not attend Council of Foreign Ministers as a matter of principle for having extended invitation as a Guest of Honour to Sushma Swaraj."
Actually I think the thread title needs changing. We have China and Turkey with Pakistan. I would rather just China alone with Pakistan then the entire Muslim world, whole of Africa, whole of South America. The weight of China exceeds 80 other countries combined. So Pakistan is fine. Stop crying.

Pakistan love matched? This is the question you need look at. Meaning is there reciprocity? China and Turkey do match the hype. But Pakistan spill tears and cry rivers of blood for Palestnians etc. Rest of the Muslim world is quite. Pakistani's must learn that there is no such thing as ummah lovce but self interest. Fcuk the Palestinians. I hope Isreali's give them even bigger rods up their backside. You would think they would show solidarity with Kashmiri's. But that is not the case. They tend to be more Indiaphiles.

If Pakistani's can mearn meaning of self interest instead of living in cloud cuckoo land of the ummah it would progress ....

Read Below: This is your great Ummah brothers. They have invited India when we are at almost war with and facing nuclear showdown. Let this be a lesson in self interest.

Qureshi not attending OIC's Council of Foreign Ministers https://www.dawn.com/news/1466931

Pakistan will not attend OIC meeting over invitation to India , FM tells joint sitting of parliament


Sushma Swaraj is coming, will not attend OIC meet: Pakistan finance minister

Shah Mehmood Qureshi said, "I will not attend Council of Foreign Ministers as a matter of principle for having extended invitation as a Guest of Honour to Sushma Swaraj."

You do realise that China stood back and "called for calm" between both countries without condemning India yeah? If there is any evidence that China only looks after its self interests, then this skirmish between Pakistan and India is it. The ONLY country to issue a subtle condemnation against India was Turkey. China realised that it could not push India into the US camp at this sensitive stage of its trade war with the US and choose instead to remain neutral. Pakistan came off best in this incident but Pakistan needs to learn that there are no friendships, just convenient alliances. Perhaps rebuilding the economy at any costs including a temporary peace with India maybe Pakistan's only hope for the future.
Actually I think the thread title needs changing. We have China and Turkey with Pakistan. I would rather just China alone with Pakistan then the entire Muslim world, whole of Africa, whole of South America. The weight of China exceeds 80 other countries combined. So Pakistan is fine. Stop crying.

Pakistan love matched? This is the question you need look at. Meaning is there reciprocity? China and Turkey do match the hype. But Pakistan spill tears and cry rivers of blood for Palestnians etc. Rest of the Muslim world is quite. Pakistani's must learn that there is no such thing as ummah lovce but self interest. Fcuk the Palestinians. I hope Isreali's give them even bigger rods up their backside. You would think they would show solidarity with Kashmiri's. But that is not the case. They tend to be more Indiaphiles.

If Pakistani's can mearn meaning of self interest instead of living in cloud cuckoo land of the ummah it would progress ....

Read Below: This is your great Ummah brothers. They have invited India when we are at almost war with and facing nuclear showdown. Let this be a lesson in self interest.

Qureshi not attending OIC's Council of Foreign Ministers https://www.dawn.com/news/1466931

Pakistan will not attend OIC meeting over invitation to India , FM tells joint sitting of parliament


Sushma Swaraj is coming, will not attend OIC meet: Pakistan finance minister

Shah Mehmood Qureshi said, "I will not attend Council of Foreign Ministers as a matter of principle for having extended invitation as a Guest of Honour to Sushma Swaraj."
Let me sum it up sir geopolitics runs on self-interest rather than ideology or brotherhood.
Ratta lagana asan
no rest of the world join USA and all Muslim counties sat by and did nothing

So What?..............................These nations mean nothing to us, including all the Muslims ones bar Turkey. What could they possibly do for Pakistan? Why do we need their help or approval? F**k them. Can ANY of these nations successfully fight an enemy that is more than 7x bigger than themselves like the great Pakistan can?

You do realise that China stood back and "called for calm" between both countries without condemning India yeah? If there is any evidence that China only looks after its self interests, then this skirmish between Pakistan and India is it. The ONLY country to issue a subtle condemnation against India was Turkey. China realised that it could not push India into the US camp at this sensitive stage of its trade war with the US and choose instead to remain neutral. Pakistan came off best in this incident but Pakistan needs to learn that there are no friendships, just convenient alliances. Perhaps rebuilding the economy at any costs including a temporary peace with India maybe Pakistan's only hope for the future.

You do realize that the Chinese were also secretly giving us high-tech advanced weapons systems which enabled us to batter, humiliate and subdue an enemy that is more than 7x bigger than us.........................:azn:..............that to when the 7x bigger enemy also had the full backing of the americans and Russians..........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
So What?..............................These nations mean nothing to us, including all the Muslims ones bar Turkey. What could they possibly do for Pakistan? Why do we need their help or approval? F**k them. Can ANY of these nations successfully fight an enemy that is more than 7x bigger than themselves like the great Pakistan can?

You do realize that the Chinese were also secretly giving us high-tech advanced weapons systems which enabled us to batter, humiliate and subdue an enemy that is more than 7x bigger than us.........................:azn:..............that to when the 7x bigger enemy also had the full backing of the americans and Russians..........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Man it is global trade area we need trade we need investment for all that we need a good image but we don't able to achieve that.
This is the main problem look at china history most powerful nation on earth when went in isolation they lost almost every thing.
If we don't want that happen to us. We need strong economy for that we need a strong trade for that we need right Geo political understanding and we need better foreign policies.
People here sating why we need USA UK Germany why because who are richest country in the world
Actually I think the thread title needs changing. We have China and Turkey with Pakistan. I would rather just China alone with Pakistan then the entire Muslim world, whole of Africa, whole of South America. The weight of China exceeds 80 other countries combined. So Pakistan is fine. Stop crying.

Pakistan love matched? This is the question you need look at. Meaning is there reciprocity? China and Turkey do match the hype. But Pakistan spill tears and cry rivers of blood for Palestnians etc. Rest of the Muslim world is quite. Pakistani's must learn that there is no such thing as ummah lovce but self interest. Fcuk the Palestinians. I hope Isreali's give them even bigger rods up their backside. You would think they would show solidarity with Kashmiri's. But that is not the case. They tend to be more Indiaphiles.

If Pakistani's can mearn meaning of self interest instead of living in cloud cuckoo land of the ummah it would progress ....

Read Below: This is your great Ummah brothers. They have invited India when we are at almost war with and facing nuclear showdown. Let this be a lesson in self interest.

Qureshi not attending OIC's Council of Foreign Ministers https://www.dawn.com/news/1466931

Pakistan will not attend OIC meeting over invitation to India , FM tells joint sitting of parliament


Sushma Swaraj is coming, will not attend OIC meet: Pakistan finance minister

Shah Mehmood Qureshi said, "I will not attend Council of Foreign Ministers as a matter of principle for having extended invitation as a Guest of Honour to Sushma Swaraj."

TBH Why do we need the help of the other so called Muslim nations bar Turkey?............what can they do for us?.............they are all militarily impotent wheras we are the complete polar opposite. We batter and humiliate our enemy who is more than 7x bigger than us and who also has the full backing of the West and Russia. You do know that a lot of those other so called "Muslim" nations are envious of these fact. F**k em. I agree it's time we gave up completely on the Ummah. It doesn't exist.

Man it is global trade area we need trade we need investment for all that we need a good image but we don't able to achieve that.
This is the main problem look at china history most powerful nation on earth when went in isolation they lost almost every thing.
If we don't want that happen to us. We need strong economy for that we need a strong trade for that we need right Geo political understanding and we need better foreign policies.
People here sating why we need USA UK Germany why because who are richest country in the world

No worries. CPEC has FULLY addressed your concern of trade.
TBH Why do we need the help of the other so called Muslim nations bar Turkey?............what can they do for us?.............they are all militarily impotent wheras we are the complete polar opposite. We batter and humiliate our enemy who is more than 7x bigger than us and who also has the full backing of the West and Russia. You do know that a lot of those other so called "Muslim" nations are envious of these fact. F**k em. I agree it's time we gave up completely on the Ummah. It doesn't exist.

No worries. CPEC has FULLY addressed your concern of trade.

Man we are not even taking benefit from cpec also. Cpec road is almost completed other then china industry making plant here(if they do) and there trade going from here we don't have a clue how we are getting benefit from it. China saying we want to invest but Pakistani govt previous and new included giving them old industry plans or we 5000 plumber trained in which china don't want to invest our politician are only working for political gains rather then working for Pakistani benefit.China is working on AI terminator style and it actual name is Skynet :rofl: so think what china is thinking where we something to think about
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