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Why pakistan is so alone right now

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NOt alone but we are clearing kachra of many years too
1)FOr first time we are exposing India and u see anyone come forward like before in past 2 weeks incl US
2)Indian enetered we returned the favor just under 24 hours thats a first.Anyone rem P3 orion back in 2000 when they cowardly destroyed it as it got nothing to defend itself i think over 14 members martyred
3)FOr first time indian complain Rusiia not come forward like he did in 1971.For last 2 years they blaming Rusiia to support Pakistan more.Just now Pak accept Russian offers to meditate and thats an master stroke out of all offers we accept it right now :)
Many more point to discuss but later.We are at war once is resolved we will share discuss and suggest how to change it for future and if u want to change it everyone have to take part in it
The reasons are simple -

  • the truth is when Pakistan really faces war it can only depend on itself. This should be lesson for all the ummah chummas. This is not about Muslim versus Hindu. If it was all Muslims would be joining us and all Hindu's would be joining India. That is not the case. It's simpley Pak versus India. This should be lesson for all.

  • there is diplomatic support. This really depends on self interest. India is the larger country thus most countries don't want to support Pakistan and lose India. You can see how Saudia and UAE invited India to OIC despite what is happening. The latest is Pak is going to boycot OIC. Besides Turkey others have been muted. But if push came to shove Pak could depend on China and Turkey which is good enough.
Thus it's al about numbers and self interest.

That is the hard reality but what can we do we are also 6th biggest nation on that world so should we get wook making our economy very strong or Pakistan also treat other Muslim as well they are treating Pakistan that sort of thing what should we do guys em just making an argument
Who says Pakistan is alone? Every Muslim is proud of PAF stellar performance, even the westerners have grudging admiration. It is street credibility that counts, not puppet regimes out of touch with their own people.
1)No body given a single statement favoring Pakistan that Pakistan has a right to defend it self and now OIC invited India
2)USA UK Germany Australia and France even gave statement that India has a right to defend it self.After Indian violated Pakistan Air space.
3) Even china didn't want to come between India and Pakistan.

It is the hard realty Why is our foreign policy is failing what steps could we do to further going down hill (it is discussion so please be civilize)
Because Pakistanis are idoits they think foreign policy has nothing to do with softpower/bollywood and economics

Today with Pakistani dispora in usa doesnt know whats happening and are getting information from indian channels because not everyone can speak Urdu

Budget of PTV is 3 billion and cant even produce a single English channel we should die in shame

PTV needs an english arabic and french channel or forget about softpower

It doesnt cost much to run these channels

Who says Pakistan is alone? Every Muslim is proud of PAF stellar performance, even the westerners have grudging admiration. It is street credibility that counts, not puppet regimes out of touch with their own people.
Not a single county condemn india
Same pilots helped the arabs in Israel war but now everyone loves money Bollywood and indians
There is a Lie in this Statement. Please Think about these 3 Points.

1. Why was there NO Issue in Kashmir BEFORE 1985 ? Same Kashmiri People, Same Indian Army yet what EXACTLY was Missing ?

2. If Pakistan is really bothered about Kashmirs / Muslims and Palestinians Why It remains Silent for Muslims in Kashmir ? Why does it not stand for Kuran and Islam in China ?

If that is China's INTERNAL matter why, is Kashmir NOT an Internal matter of India ( If you really want peace ? ) Hint : THE EXACT Solution Musharraf proposed in Agra

You see its a POLITICAL issue and Pakistan is trying to solve it via ASYMMETRIC Warfare.

3. India NEVER asks Pakistan to remove Troops from Azad Kashmir / AK , The UN resolution says that FIRST Paksitan needs to vacate.. Then India and Then a plebiscite. So, If you really want Indian Army out ... You First.

Since that NOT , Practically Possible, Lets go with Musharraf's solution Again.

In 2019, Pakistan has been FULLY ISOLATED. No China.. No KSA, No UAE , No USA .. No ONE CAME.
Only YOU can HELP Yourself and you cant do that with Negative Reserves and a falling Economy.

Stop Helping "Non State Actors" and No Army will be there in Kashmir Just like BEFORE 1985.
Bla bla bla....you just got your asses whooped.

Your hero is a loser. He loses a dogfight and becomes an indian hero. A pakistani hero did his job. He fought foe his country his religion and just gets on with it.

Kashmir will be free.
First of all we are not alone,secondly Pakistan doesn't need International support, our Military and Government is handling all the situations pretty well.
Did we have support in any war?
Pakistan will never get support for as long it supports Kashmiris in the IoK. This is because the Americans and EU have no regard for why Pakistan takes up the fight for Kashmir. They have never raised their voices for the 70,000 dead in a UN designated disputed territory and the reason for this is that their economic and geo-political interests align with India's because of the need to hedge against China.

Pakistan needs to operate like Turkey and Russia. We need to create the wherewithal to sustain our independent foreign policy without needing support from any of these countries.

Whenever you go against the grain and run counter to the "established" order of the powers that be, you will be ostracized and punished. This is part of the game. Those who make policy in Pakistan have to decide whether some support from these countries is worth it at the cost of Pakistan's principled stance on Kashmir and its hapless population.
1)No body given a single statement favoring Pakistan that Pakistan has a right to defend it self and now OIC invited India
2)USA UK Germany Australia and France even gave statement that India has a right to defend it self.After Indian violated Pakistan Air space.
3) Even china didn't want to come between India and Pakistan.

It is the hard realty Why is our foreign policy is failing what steps could we do to further going down hill (it is discussion so please be civilize)

Because they want war between Pakistan and India, but China and Pakistan need to focus on econemy.
Dont let war interrupt CPEC!
If the war finally begin, China will totally with Pakistan, after vicotry continue CPEC.
our only Achilles heal right now is our economy other than that isolation or not it doesn't matter much
Inshaallah we will discuss and work on it.That new 5th gen war taught me something.Now war is not only responsibility of Armies alone every countryman have to participate in it so after it we will discuss how u,me and all others can do for our country,economy and Forces.Hope after end of this conflict people show the same interest that time too :)
Because we aren't North Korea & you guys aren't South Korea.

I never said that. Me and You are Talking, Te necessity is to connect this thing more while keeping the mistakes of 20 years aside.

Before its too late.
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