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Why pakistan is so alone right now

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So What?..............................These nations mean nothing to us, including all the Muslims ones bar Turkey. What could they possibly do for Pakistan? Why do we need their help or approval? F**k them. Can ANY of these nations successfully fight an enemy that is more than 7x bigger than themselves like the great Pakistan can?

You do realize that the Chinese were also secretly giving us high-tech advanced weapons systems which enabled us to batter, humiliate and subdue an enemy that is more than 7x bigger than us.........................:azn:..............that to when the 7x bigger enemy also had the full backing of the americans and Russians..........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Folks don't understand by being "diplomatically" aloof China is basically showing Pak by herself is enough for India!!!! In one shot, they have knocked India out of the ring!!!! A day of great loss for the Pentagon boys!!! Now, it's absolutely the USA vs China on a one-to-one basis...
You know what recent performance of India literally shocked AMERICANS if you ask any geo political, defense expert because if India failed to counter Pakistan (like they already failed got humiliate and fudkup from Pakistan), how can India handle or contain China???? I always have this opinion since long time, Americans are still confuse whether they stop pushing India or not in Global power games. Indian performace till now is extremely pathetic. India want to become a manager of the company but don;'t want to perform whenever you test em.....
In Trump's world, after such performance from the staffs, it's like "firing" with real bullets after breaking hands and legs with a baseball bat ...
1)No body given a single statement favoring Pakistan that Pakistan has a right to defend it self and now OIC invited India
2)USA UK Germany Australia and France even gave statement that India has a right to defend it self.After Indian violated Pakistan Air space.
3) Even china didn't want to come between India and Pakistan.

It is the hard realty Why is our foreign policy is failing what steps could we do to further going down hill (it is discussion so please be civilize)
what????? how many countries came out criticizing Pakistan for downing 2 indian jets & capturing their Pilot alive???
Yeah the answer is NONE
Most countries prefer to be neutral in conflicts just like we preferred to be neutral in yemen conflicts without picking any side
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