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Why pakistan is so alone right now

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That is the hard reality but what can we do we are also 6th biggest nation on that world so should we get wook making our economy very strong or Pakistan also treat other Muslim as well they are treating Pakistan that sort of thing what should we do guys em just making an argument
Yes we can try but against India we will always be over shadowed. India is just too big. For every one Pakistan there is 7 Indians. Just one Indian state out of 29 - Utter Pradesh has as many people as Pakistan. So given this Pakistan is doing okay as long as people understand only Pakistanis can stand by Pakistan. Forget about rest of ummah.

Self Interest. Pakistan first.
Pakistan is on its own. The Arab/Islamic countries are like mice and should never be relied on.

In time of war only China will help with supplies, but thats it, don't expect anything else.
Indira was from Congress was she a HARD LINER ? Yet she Dared to split Pakistan in 71.
The Incident of 1999 , was it Election Time as Well ?
The Attack on Indian parliament or IC 814 Hijack was it again an Election Cause ?

Was Mumbai 26/11 again an Election Issue ?

In 1965, Iran transferred 90 F-86 Sabre after buying them from Canada, despite US pressure and gave refuge to all PIA civilian planes.
This is what I am saying. This is not about religion. When countries interests converge they help. In 1960s Turkey, Iran, Jordan helped Pakistan. Today only China and Turkey will. The underlying drivers are self interest.
I never said that. Me and You are Talking, Te necessity is to connect this thing more while keeping the mistakes of 20 years aside.

Before its too late.
Some days ago you were warmongering here before the Mig downing. All of a sudden you want peace now? Go tell this to your Modi ji because our PM already returned your POW just for peace initiative & in return your Modi ji threatened us again...
Some days ago you were warmongering here before the Mig downing. All of a sudden you want peace now? Go tell this to your Modi ji because our PM already returned your POW just for peace initiative & in return your Modi ji threatened us again...

Do you think One Mig matters when we have 300 MKI ?
Did you listen to Modi today ?

Please have some shame, to PROTECT your border when IAF attacks rather saying it was "Dark"
We would love to sacrifice hundreds of Pilots if comes to defend our Motherland.

But the point is, India with HUGE economy and Future has far more to loose.
In 1965, Iran transferred 90 F-86 Sabre after buying them from Canada, despite US pressure and gave refuge to all PIA civilian planes.
I wasn't aware of that. Makes me respect Iran more, whom I have always considered a brotherly country. But I become unsure after what some Iranian members said on this very forum against Pakistan and in favour of India.
In 1965, Iran transferred 90 F-86 Sabre after buying them from Canada, despite US pressure and gave refuge to all PIA civilian planes.
thats interesting
1)No body given a single statement favoring Pakistan that Pakistan has a right to defend it self and now OIC invited India
2)USA UK Germany Australia and France even gave statement that India has a right to defend it self.After Indian violated Pakistan Air space.
3) Even china didn't want to come between India and Pakistan.

It is the hard realty Why is our foreign policy is failing what steps could we do to further going down hill (it is discussion so please be civilize)
Stop comparing us with india...we are better and 200 million know it!
Stop comparing us with india...the whole world can say anything but we are the ones who have the proof and have aired it....
And he who has ALLAH doesnt need anyone but we Turkey ....We dont need to compare with india....USA, UK, GERMANY, FRANCE AND OZ have investments in india that they need to protect...They dont have any such thing in Pakistan...But mind you, the world knows who was offering peace and who was beating the war drum!

Many such disappointed threads are already opened do take part and stop opening new ones...I will just merge them!
Pakistan was, Pakistan is and always will be alone. It is us, Pakistanis, who always tries to rely on someone. It is always abut self interest. The day we understand this, everyone will be with us.
Pakistan is not alone in anyway, we have several friends that are by our side not to include the people of Pakistan.
We are at our own, who needs help from those double standard people rather cowards who believe in their own interests and put humanity a side for just few bucks and haven't done anything for the kashmiries, despite the presence of UN resolutions, what we need is just put our own house in order and clean mess of curruption and make economy strong,
Do you think One Mig matters when we have 300 MKI ?
Did you listen to Modi today ?

Please have some shame, to PROTECT your border when IAF attacks rather saying it was "Dark"
We would love to sacrifice hundreds of Pilots if comes to defend our Motherland.

But the point is, India with HUGE economy and Future has far more to loose.
We not only protected but reciprocated (I don't need to say how as there are multiple threads on it). The way you feel, we feel the same way however its funny how you offer to "sacrifice hundreds of pilots" while sitting in the comfort of your home.

If Modi wants a war to win elections, he will get one and it won't end too well for him. We understand that we are a smaller power, but we are a power with the capability and will to inflict grievous harm on India. We don't want that for either of the countries. So Modi's bluster is off-putting.

I wish Indians well but expect the same from you for Pakistanis and Kashmiris.
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