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Why pakistan is so alone right now

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Aug 18, 2015
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1)No body given a single statement favoring Pakistan that Pakistan has a right to defend it self and now OIC invited India
2)USA UK Germany Australia and France even gave statement that India has a right to defend it self.After Indian violated Pakistan Air space.
3) Even china didn't want to come between India and Pakistan.

It is the hard realty Why is our foreign policy is failing what steps could we do to further going down hill (it is discussion so please be civilize)
1)No body given a single statement favoring Pakistan that Pakistan has a right to defend it self and now OIC invited India
2)USA UK Germany Australia and France even gave statement that India has a right to defend it self.After Indian violated Pakistan Air space.
3) Even china didn't want to come between India and Pakistan.

It is the hard realty Why is our foreign policy is failing what steps could we do to further going down hill (it is discussion so please be civilize)
Because our interest do not allign with theirs. In fact we maybe on a collision course because we are with China. China has already helped us with providing us equipment. They are not ready for direct confrontation, and always work behind the scene. I trust them more now because their machines helped us win this encounter.
Well, The Hard lesson is : Economy is EVERYTHING.
Its Time to Make a "Real" peace with India by abandoning JeM and LeTs before its too late.

If Nk and SK can come together, why cant India and Pakistan ?

Even China has issue with India, we built Nukes for China YET, our Borders are calm.
Why cant India and Pakistan be the same ?
Well, The Hard lesson is : Economy is EVERYTHING.
Its Time to Make a "Real" peace with India by abandoning JeM and LeTs before its too late.

If Nk and SK can come together, why cant India and Pakistan ?
Remove your troops from kashmir allow the kashmiris to free choice. There will be no JeM. Until then middle finger to india. Oh do stop buy for a cup of tea. We have kept it warm since 1965. But you only just came
Well, The Hard lesson is : Economy is EVERYTHING.
Its Time to Make a "Real" peace with India by abandoning JeM and LeTs before its too late.

If Nk and SK can come together, why cant India and Pakistan ?

Because the hardliners in India dont want peace. Just look at this entire episode and how Modi started all this JUST FOR ELECTIONS!!! Even now, everything being done in/by India is only for elections.
forget the past 15 years let alone just check the past 72 hours, how the aggressor able to get world attention
Platitudes and statements gives you BALLS

Our true allies have stepped forward and given us the help and support we needed whilst we were smacking india

Have the balls to take on and hit your enemy, not look around for approval, permission, support and pats on the back.

Its what we have and the Indians lack, Balls
Well, The Hard lesson is : Economy is EVERYTHING.
Its Time to Make a "Real" peace with India by abandoning JeM and LeTs before its too late.

If Nk and SK can come together, why cant India and Pakistan ?

Even China has issue with India, we built Nukes for China YET, our Borders are calm.
Why cant India and Pakistan be the same ?

The problem is both politicians but mainly Indian under Bjp like to use Pakistan as a distraction and means of political diversion. It will never happen IF the party sees its support rise in the upcoming election they will use this again and again to distract from
the real issues going forward.
1)No body given a single statement favoring Pakistan that Pakistan has a right to defend it self and now OIC invited India
2)USA UK Germany Australia and France even gave statement that India has a right to defend it self.After Indian violated Pakistan Air space.
3) Even china didn't want to come between India and Pakistan.

It is the hard realty Why is our foreign policy is failing what steps could we do to further going down hill (it is discussion so please be civilize)

Who gives a flying f**k???????............we are a nation of 200 million who just thrashed an enemy that is more than 7× bigger than us and who has the full backing if the West and Russia..........:azn:.......the world stood in solidarity with Iraq but the americans still destroyed it. Might is right. Opinion and support mean nothing. Besides, why do we need the support of anyone when NO other nation on earth can fight an adversary that is more than 7× bigger than it except for us?.......:azn:
We may be alone but we are lions...when we hunt the pack of wilderbeast run.
We can't trade with out effective foreign policy and we need trade we need investment we can't fight the rest of the world alone Germany did in WW2 look where it got it so we also need to see the hard reality There is something very wrong with our foreign policy
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