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Why Pakistan is an Overmatch for India

They are solid cannon fodders conventionally and believe me On the frontline man to man the Indians would be powerless against them and I am not talking insurgency but I am talking about conventional engagement. Heavy numbers will be thrown in from both sides from the get go throwing in Afghan forces alongside with the Pak it would limit the Pak casuality plus the Afghans are battle hardened due to the last 40 years and They are stubborn asf and fight with great valor and gallantry
I am not questioning their ferocity and valour. Do you know, EU armies use certain calibre to injure the enemy instead of killing? So, they can be burden on comrades. Even animals know life is precious, how can you force Taliban to be cannon fodder.? Plus, what the other Taliban members would think if their people are getting killed and PA is not moving forward? It will certainly cause a mutiny. Due to very indiscipline nature of IEA Taliban, they will certainly cause problem in ranks and obeying orders.
I am not questioning their ferocity and valour. Do you know, EU armies use certain calibre to injure the enemy instead of killing? So, they can be burden on comrades. Even animals know life is precious, how can you force Taliban to be cannon fodder.? Plus, what the other Taliban members would think if their people are getting killed and PA is not moving forward? It will certainly cause a mutiny. Due to very indiscipline nature of IEA Taliban, they will certainly cause problem in ranks and obeying orders.

I don't think they will mind marching in if called upon. They are not clinged on this earthly-life to begin with if call comes they will come. They are a nightmare and a wildcard against the enemy and they could disrupt everything for the enemy. He wants to die on the field Pak is just doing favor. Ofcourse Pak will send forces with them. They disrupt the entire Indian stragetic planning because they are unpredictable if fielded they can go in very aggressive with high intensity to the point it completely throws them off. They are the type ''Im gonna die on this hill type of person'' Not just one but all of them are like that they tend to get overly commited that is what you need to field folks with great resolve the Indians will melt in infront them like a powder milk after a good duration of fighting. they have ridiculous longevity
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I am not advocating that India should withdraw w/o fight. Also, no one in Dehli can do that and survive. What Pravin saying that IA should focus on the 'domain and front' for China (may be Pak). Such as ZDK03 if can guide Pl-15, our JF-17 can turn off the radar and just launch the missile. Does IAF something like that? Or radar/visible data coming from Beidou is directly seen on JF panels? So PAF/PLAAF intra-operability is getting stronger while IAF has mix of SUs, Rafale, Teja etc I suggest you shd listen Sajjad Haydar videos where he talks about achieving synergy between PAF/PA. All of our people can see the same picture. Unlike IA AD units who shot their own Heli (IFF failed and then they don't know if it was friendly or foe).
I have no disagreements with you on this front. This is why I say that Indian military think tanks would do well to have more analysts like Pravin on payroll; to estimate military threats on the horizon and act accordingly.
Look let's not get carried away.
I am watching his videos for 2 years. He has repetitive pattern.
He has a habit of kissing Pakistani military infrastructure often.
Don't take his word seriously with out exaggerating.
But he speaks ground realities.
I am not questioning their ferocity and valour. Do you know, EU armies use certain calibre to injure the enemy instead of killing? So, they can be burden on comrades. Even animals know life is precious, how can you force Taliban to be cannon fodder.? Plus, what the other Taliban members would think if their people are getting killed and PA is not moving forward? It will certainly cause a mutiny. Due to very indiscipline nature of IEA Taliban, they will certainly cause problem in ranks and obeying orders.

The australian military doesn't. In fact they massacre innocent Afghan civilians:

Mr. Swahini is a very good black hat thinker. I've seen many of his videos and in almost all of them, I find the arguments that he puts forward to be reasonable. Indian military think tanks will do well to have someone like him in their team to provide a good counter balance for ideas that are most optimistic. I suspect most of his YouTube followers are from Pakistan; more Indians (with geo strategic and political focus) should consider listening to his views.

Where I differ with Mr. Swahini is his conclusions on what India should do in preparation for the threats he postulates. In his view, India should simply capitulate to both Pakistan and China in almost all contested areas because the situation is hopeless. :laughcry: All country's populations have egos, usually the larger the country - the bigger its population's ego. It is unrealistic for anyone to believe that India will simply give up on its strategic objectives because the obstacles are too high to climb. Mr. Swahini would be more heard if he concludes his analysis with realistic ideas on how India can militarily and geo politically face its adversaries without throwing the towel. it does not help when he says that India should abandon its alliances with the US and instead fall in line with China's world order :no:
Swahney has mentioned in one of his earliest videos-

"You must always over estimate the opponent"

That has been his mantra/narrative in his videos and I fully agree with this opinion.

However, at the end of day he has earn his beard and like many Indian youtuber/Bollywood stars profits by preying on Pakistani insecurities. For example he made a bizarre claim Pakistan is ahead of India in fourth industrial revolution

This is a very cruel way to mock intellect of Pakistanis considering the only area India is ahead of Western nations is AI adoption and other being skill penetration rate

Artificial Intelligence Index Report 2021

The australian military doesn't. In fact they massacre innocent Afghan civilians:


Is this a passive aggressive post that is misplaced
Swahney has mentioned in one of his earliest videos-

"You must always over estimate the opponent"

That has been his mantra/narrative in his videos and I fully agree with this opinion.

However, at the end of day he has earn his beard and like many Indian youtuber/Bollywood stars profits by preying on Pakistani insecurities. For example he made a bizarre claim Pakistan is ahead of India in fourth industrial revolution

This is a very cruel way to mock intellect of Pakistanis considering the only area India is ahead of Western nations is AI adoption and other being skill penetration rate

Artificial Intelligence Index Report 2021

View attachment 788354

A falsified graph from 2020 before the ballon of delulu was taken out of air... You are ahead of nobody in any field.. stop drinking the kool-aid... LMAO at AI
If India is ahead than N.America and EU then I assume, it is simple. It also suggests the data is scale based (pop).
It is not AI but more of control management system. But does India has anything like that? As AI is a tier higher than this.
His analysis is always scripted. As you might see that his so-called analysis ends abruptly.
His content is definitely dangerous to Pakistani listeners.
All his points are very valid. Not 1 lie. Gangedeshis cannot stand the truth.

What they did to Pakistan in the last 2 decades, now Pakistan will do to them on a scale of X100.

A hostile Afghanistan is a threat to Pakistan but not a major one.

A hostile China to India is more than enough to break it into pieces. Throw Pakistan and its proxies and its a done deal. I have said this many times and will reiterate again... The next Indo-Pak Conflict will be extremely swift and far less bloody than many people here tend to believe. The Gangis will surrender in the hundreds of thousands. Srinagar and Amristar will be taken without much fight... MARK MY WORDS.
Swahney has mentioned in one of his earliest videos-

"You must always over estimate the opponent"

That has been his mantra/narrative in his videos and I fully agree with this opinion.

However, at the end of day he has earn his beard and like many Indian youtuber/Bollywood stars profits by preying on Pakistani insecurities. For example he made a bizarre claim Pakistan is ahead of India in fourth industrial revolution

This is a very cruel way to mock intellect of Pakistanis considering the only area India is ahead of Western nations is AI adoption and other being skill penetration rate

Artificial Intelligence Index Report 2021

View attachment 788354
This is not translating to military solutions. Like india builds some of the best steel but Indian military vehicles are sub armored. The kanchen armor was found to be lacking….
A falsified graph from 2020 before the ballon of delulu was taken out of air... You are ahead of nobody in any field.. stop drinking the kool-aid... LMAO at AI
Yes very true..... Agent Om Prakash is responsible for it

If India is ahead than N.America and EU then I assume, it is simple. It also suggests the data is scale based (pop).
It is not AI but more of control management system. But does India has anything like that? As AI is a tier higher than this.
Since we are discussing the context of the report
AI technologies domains considered in this report are
Computer Vision
Language Reasoning

AI adoption breakdown by specific domain is not given

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