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Why Pakistan is an Overmatch for India

I do not buy the narrative that India is being used by US as a proxy force for China. If anything, India needs US more than the other way around.

You are right to say that India is ill-equipped to fight China. The large populace in India is aware of this inadequacy. But giving up without a fight is not an option for any country. India will have to go down fighting if it comes to that. To be able to put a respectable resistance to China, India needs US more than it needs any one else. India does not have a choice in the matter. There is no easy way out of this monkey trap.
I am not advocating that India should withdraw w/o fight. Also, no one in Dehli can do that and survive. What Pravin saying that IA should focus on the 'domain and front' for China (may be Pak). Such as ZDK03 if can guide Pl-15, our JF-17 can turn off the radar and just launch the missile. Does IAF something like that? Or radar/visible data coming from Beidou is directly seen on JF panels? So PAF/PLAAF intra-operability is getting stronger while IAF has mix of SUs, Rafale, Teja etc I suggest you shd listen Sajjad Haydar videos where he talks about achieving synergy between PAF/PA. All of our people can see the same picture. Unlike IA AD units who shot their own Heli (IFF failed and then they don't know if it was friendly or foe).

The events of 5 August 2019 has strengthened Pakistan-China cooperation

In all honesty, even if Pakistan is NOT an overmatch for india militarily, the point is that india can NO LONGER attack and defeat Pakistan militarily. That window of opportunity that was available between September 2001 - July 2018 is PERMANENTLY shut FOREVER. At worst, india can continue it's proxy war with Pakistan but with america no longer in afghanistan to protect india and indian interests, that would be a foolish move as we can NOW seriously open up the Pandora's box in Kashmir. indian military moves and hegemonic designs against Pakistan have now been PERMANENTLY neutralised FOREVER.
Don't pay too much heed to this guy. He may even be planted to keep us content. One is reminded of that famous meme whenever s/he listens to him "This and this congratulating me for this and this, Me: who has never done this and this in his life."
You seriously think Pakistani forces will hear him and start feeling content. The things he says most Indian Generals say it in secret but in public they are just there for ratings. Even in 1971 our worst time. On western front which is current Pakistan we managed to capture some area in India which made it easier to get our 93000 people released.
Everyone whos familiar with this region knows that Indus valley people (Pakistan) ----> The subcontinent it is a chain of history that can't be broken hence they have always been an overmatch
He's due to travel to Pakistan next year to promote his book. Hence, I think he's making Pakistan look bigger than it is.
Finally someone who gets it. I have been saying this for awhile and I have come to know this after doing alot of research. The Indians may view themselves as the favourite going into this but we are technically the true favourite in this. Because the Indians are making the mistke of resting to much on their size which is like an illusion here.

Pakistan has stragetic depth now plus can match india in conventional manpower. Pakistan could even throw in IEA into the offensive which will not penn out well for the Indians who will be death scared of facing IEA forces on the battlefield. They have AFG-Phobia. We could seriously march in with AFG and Central ASIA and smash them much easier than previously thought and I have not even counted China+North Korea in who are destined to march in with us. Since Gangu is China's 1 number country to undo in order for China to ascend into world power status and hegemony it has to sacrifice India hence the Chinese will even have more interests dismembering Gangu hence their participation is guraanteed on such an adventure
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Everyone whos familiar with this region knows that Indus valley people (Pakistan) ----> The subcontinent it is a chain of history that can't be broken hence they have always been an overmatch

This. They don't know how to handle a joined Pashtun+Punjab element and they never did. We will reclaim our colony period and ain't nobody will be able to stop that

The events of 5 August 2019 has strengthened Pakistan-China cooperation

I have no fear of delusional indian rss/sanghi types who have an obsessive, bloodthirsty and visceral hatred towards Pakistan, Pakistanis, Islam and Muslims. I often toy with, humiliate and then bury them alive on PDF. What I do fear are intelligent, rational thinking articulate indians like the guy in the above youtube video. They are a bigger threat and can do MUCH MORE damage to Pakistan than all the other indians combined. We have to be wary of the likes of him. He expresses reality and knows how to deal with it even if goes completely against his own personal beliefs and opinions. That is a sign of an individual who is capable of staggering achievements.
Yeah Pakistan is really an overmatch. We have DHA's all over the bloody country. Does India have an equivalent?
Finally someone who gets it. I have been saying this for awhile and I have come to know this after doing alot of research. The Indians may view themselves as the favourite going into this but we are technically the true favourite in this. Because the Indians are making the mistke of resting to much on their size which is like an illusion here.

Pakistan has stragetic depth now plus can match india in conventional manpower. Pakistan could even throw in IEA into the offensive which will not penn out well for the Indians who will be death scared of facing IEA forces on the battlefield. They have AFG-Phobia. We could seriously march in with AFG and Central ASIA and smash them much easier than previously thought and I have not even counted China+North Korea in who are destined to march in with us
bro that escalated too quickly..
Bringing IEA into the scene. Plus it goes against the OP where he says that not numbers or physical strength but intra-operability is needed. Also, IEA can be good fighters but not good soldiers. So, they are good for insurgency but not for battle.

They are solid cannon fodders conventionally and believe me On the frontline man to man the Indians would be powerless against them and I am not talking insurgency but I am talking about conventional engagement. Heavy numbers will be thrown in from both sides from the get go throwing in Afghan forces alongside with the Pak it would limit the Pak casuality plus the Afghans are battle hardened due to the last 40 years and They are stubborn asf and fight with great valor and gallantry.

Look what happened to the Marthas they were going crazy until few Afghans were called in.. Not everyone is equal in the sight of god and not everyone is created equal some excel over others in some areas
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