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Why Pakistan Army isn't using artillery on the Line of Control?

Please go through PDF recently where videos shared by our side as well
Since days

As for PAK records of hiding war casualties Please go through kaargil were DG ISI
Your current PM and mushraff is still not clear in actual casualties

Official figures realesed after 10 years of the war that to was rejected by many military experts

Being autocratic state its expected from your side no historical media Coverage was ever conducted by any major group in 1999 as well of war

As if all non baised media is allowed to visit IOK and have coverage ???? Shame on you
India is this and that and bla bla bla

You people have got a third world army which you cant even maintain at full capacity despite being a nation of over a billion people. Unlike India Pakistanis are eager to join their forces and we have the best morale any armed force out there. Lastly targeting civilians and medical transports is nothing to feel superior about as it is cowardice. Even durring war Medical convoys are not targeted but obviously bunch of brutes wouldnt know that fact.

Boast as much as you want ..
Maybe Indian Army is not targeting Pak soldiers. Maybe they are pounding terrorist launch pads. That is my bet. Now I don't expect non state actors to be in Army uniforms.

Strongly condemn death of civilians though !!

Your army see children as terrorist?? Children and women in houses are targeted will you like if PA do the same with your people?
BS, total number of Pakistani casualties are 12 soldiers martyred however Indians do take pride in killing civilians so yes the figure is around 23.

@ topic, Pakistan can't use artillery liberally since there are Muslims living on the other side as well, however last year, we did get assistance from across the border to repeatedly score bulls eye, but now the ATGMs are much more accurate and deadly.

Police arrest J&K man for ‘directing’ Pak shelling, firing from across LoC.


ATGMs being used extensively for the demolition job.

20 was the figure from Pakistani corps commander, just couple of days ago, after that at-least 3 more have been killed.

Unless you would like to claim, you know better than your corps commanders.
20 was the figure from Pakistani corps commander, just couple of days ago, after that at-least 3 more have been killed.

Unless you would like to claim, you know better than your corps commanders.
Actually there was no other reliable source reporting as such.
Because the Pakistani elite does not care much about civilians. Why not target Jammu consistently? india has committed a war crime but there is not much reaction besides a meaningless call to their DGMO which is being portrayed as weakness.

Respond or keep getting pounded. india will get even more aggressive because an army that cant even plug a security breach is seen as weak.

Overt and covert operations on a huge scale are a must now both in afghanistan and india. But i doubt the general saabs are interested in it. General Raheel was busy attending dinner at PM house.
Pakistan army only do precision strike to avoid collateral damage. Because muslims/Pakistani lives on both side of border.
We Guys
And self Gratification ?coming from the biggest self delusional bunch in whole world By that I mean India

Check the stats how many civilians has lost on Indian side and Pakistani Side
Which country started using having weapons , artillery on LOC
Gaving statments about destroing pakistani 4 to 5 posts daily and cry about Pakisan
Since Pakistan went in UN you people are saying they are weak
UN was created to solve problems why india starts to cry , everytime when pakistan ask un to do a fact check mission in the area

What mahjair
Well the sarcasm is lost on you buddy! :tsk::tsk:No offence!
Did he come and personally whisper in your ear....or do you believe all that appears in the media, in this case, one solitary source made this reference.

I could ask you the same, as you have been parading that "4500 Indian soldiers killed in Pakistani firing since Kargil" report on every thread.

Which incidentally is misreported, since 4500 is total number of soldiers killed it included infiltration attempts and COIN ops on the LOC.
If one side is using Artillery and we are not then we are at a serious disadvantage IMO. It gives the Indian Army a serious advantage and morale boost knowing that they have the Artillery cover .

Artillery is still the single most power powerful weapon in the inventory . I hope Pak Army seriously considers testing our artillery at the border ..
If one side is using Artillery and we are not then we are at a serious disadvantage IMO. It gives the Indian Army a serious advantage and morale boost knowing that they have the Artillery cover .

Artillery is still the single most power powerful weapon in the inventory . I hope Pak Army seriously considers testing our artillery at the border ..
I am not in favor of showing our enemies any mercy at all after all India has done to me and my family. But its important in this situation that we establish our terms of engagement and define our enemies. Who are our enemies anyway?

Having knowledge of FATA I know a lot of the airstrikes and the artillery we used has destroyed civilian housing instead of Taliban bastions. Keeping this in mind and our terms of engagement and definition of our enemies I thinks its important to acknowledge that the Kashmiris if not all muslims or even oppressed sikhs are not enemies but potential allies. By targeting everyone and everything we only kill our own people, in this case Kashmiris. We can do better than that as our state can and should pick the morally correct route. Killing RAW agents and Indian army are perfectly fine. Killing civilians who have no role in what Indian government/army is doing is plain wrong. We need to be better than the Indians.
PA does not need to use artillery for two reasons
  1. Pakistan Army is a professional and responsible organisation so it does not believe in killing civilians. Furthermore on both sides of LOC, they are our people so use of artillery can kill our own people as artillery is not a precision strike weapon.
  2. Pakistan army has precision strike capabilities and they have been taking out Indian cowards with pinpoint accuracy and thus Indian terrorist army has lost more terrorists than they have acknowledged and far more than the number of Pakistani soldier martyred
Furthermore, the use of artillery by ITAC (Indian Terrorist Army of Cowards) shows their incapability to match the precision strike capabilities of PA. We are proud of our clean shots and I hope more of our newly developed LSRs make their way into the hands of our soldiers at LOC.

Think in another way, since ITAC is trying to match PA with artillery right now, what will ITAC do if PA also employs artillery?

Furthermore, I like the first person shooter like videos released by PA of targeting and taking out Indians :) :) I love that ... up close and personal approach...and rather PA is doing surgical strikes on daily basis :)
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