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Why not a civilian head of ISI?


Feb 3, 2009
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Why not a civilian head of ISI?

By Kamran Shafi
Tuesday, 17 Nov, 2009

IN view of the fact that the cardinal sin of the federal government to try and put the ISI under civilian control is cited as a reason behind all the obituaries presently being written about the imminent fall of a) just the president; b) all the major politicians; and c) the whole shoot, I’ve been trolling through the Internet to see how just many of the world’s top intelligence services are headed by serving military (in Pakistan’s case, read ‘army’) officers.

And how many are appointed by the army chief. Consider what I’ve come up with.

Except for two retired army officers in the early days, one a lieutenant colonel the other a major general, all the DGs of MI5, the “United Kingdom’s internal counter-intelligence and security agency were civil servants. The director-general reports to the home secretary, although the Security Service is not formally part of the home office”, and through him to the prime minister.

“The Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), colloquially known as MI6 is the United Kingdom’s external intelligence agency. Under the direction of the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC), it works alongside the Security Service (MI5), Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) and the defence intelligence staff (DIS).” Except for one naval captain, an admiral, a lieutenant colonel and a major general in the very early days, all of them retired, every single chief of this agency has been a ‘bloody civilian’, some from within its own ranks, others from the civil service. The present director is Britain’s former ambassador to the United Nations. The director reports to the chief cabinet secretary and through him to the prime minister.

Directors of Mossad, the dreaded Israeli intelligence agency which seems to be running rings (if reports in our conservative press and on our fire-breathing TV channels are to be believed) around our very own Mother of All Agencies, has been headed mostly by retired military officials (remember please that military service is compulsory in Israel) but also by ‘bloody civilians’. Mossad’s director is appointed by the prime minister and reports directly to him.

The director of the Central Intelligence Agency reports to the director of national intelligence (DNI), who in turn reports to the White House. The director is appointed by the president after recommendation from the DNI, and must be confirmed by a majority vote of the Senate. While there is no statutory provision which specifically excludes active military personnel from being nominated for the position, most directors have been civilians.

Barring Gen Reinhard Gehlen who set up the German intelligence agency Abteilung Fremde Heere Ost to principally keep an eye on the Russian easternfront during the Second World War, the present federal intelligence service, Bundesnachrichtendienst(BND), has always been headed by civilian public officials, notably by civil servant, lawyer and politician of the liberal Free Democratic Party, Klaus Kinkel who rose to be Germany’s federal minister of justice (1991–1992), foreign minister (1992–1998) and vice chancellor of Germany (1993–1998).

Next door in India all directors of RAW have been civilians, either civil servants or policemen or officials from within its own ranks. While the director RAW, also known as ‘Secretary (R)’, is under the direct command of the prime minister, he reports on an administrative basis to the cabinet secretary. However, on a daily basis ‘Secretary (R)’ reports to the national security adviser to the prime minister.

RAW too, if the press and TV channels are to be taken seriously, is running rings around us in close collaboration with Mossad.

So then, why is it that only in our country, our intelligence service is the fief of the army, and only of the army? Surely there are competent people other than generals who could well head the organisation and be a credit to it? I mean if all of the world’s leading agencies can be headed by civilians why not our ISI?

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, what is known as the ‘Ghairat Lobby’ has taken yet another drubbing with the most recent report of the LA Times to the effect that ever since 9/11 fully one-third of the CIA’s budget has been diverted to the ISI. It also reminds us brutally what the Commando has already told us in his ‘book’ (stand up, Humayun Gohar): that the ISI sold people, some surely terrorists some very surely innocent, to the Americans for cash payments as low as $5000 a go, and as high as millions of dollars for those who had huge head moneys on offer for their capture/death.

It also tells us that the CIA money was in addition to the $15bn that poured into the country during the Commando’s dictatorship. In the words of the LA Times the ISI, “had also collected tens of millions of dollars through a classified CIA programme that pays for the capture or killing of wanted militants, a clandestine counterpart to the rewards publicly offered by the State Department”. Will the Ghairat Lobby please sit up and take note, and understand that such reports make its ghairatmand stand on the Kerry-Lugar Law all the more ludicrous and hypocritical.

Let me here once more caution the leaders of the major political parties, the PML-N and the PPP: please close ranks and collectively beat back the ongoing assault on democracy by the establishment. Our country simply cannot take another extra-legal intervention (I did not say martial law) to remove any one individual, or two, from the scene. To President Zardari let me say, yet again: do not prevaricate, act now on the Charter of Democracy; break away from the too-clever-by-half -self-servers that you have surrounded yourself with.

To Mr Nawaz Sharif, this: Asif Zardari is not the only target of the establishment, he is only the first. You are next. Consider: if there is an anti-AZ story on one page, there is an anti-NS story on another page of the same newspaper on the same day. The Internet is full of planted stories on both the large political parties; stories that desperately try to turn lay people away from electoral politics. Be prepared for more dirt.

United you politicians will stand, divided you will fall.

P.S. The Balochistan High Court has ordered Musharraf to appear before it in the case of Nawab Akbar Bugti’s murder. How come there is no further reporting on this earth-shaking event, weeks down the line, as if it never happened?

DAWN.COM | Columnists | Why not a civilian head of ISI?
:) Let me tell you why we should not have a civilian head.

1. Because the usual ranting against ISI, Army has come from the likes of you me Kamran Shafi and ayaz mir type people both were kicked out of Army for their activities.

2. You suggested if RAW next door can have civilian heads why cant. Well Mr Uncle Shafi, RAW also had a psycho head so should we also have Psycho as head of ISI??????? Nah

3. They may have been direct command of PM of President but sorry we can not give our vital, backbone of our security to a President like Zardari.

The rest of your BS about CIA reports does not support your suggestion to have one from civilian set up.

Above all, all the appointments from civilian set up are based on favouritism and politically based and we do not trust them as much as we trust our military system despite all the negativism.
Mr Kamran Shafi in todays issue of DAWN was clearly perturbed by ISI not having a civilian chief . Firstly ISI (Inter Services Intelligence) is an intelligence agency of the three services Army, Air force and Navy. So it simply does not make any sense of having a civilian chief of services intelligence agency. Secondly, if we are to look at a parallel agency of MI5 in Pakistan that would be IB (Intelligence Bureau) and we have seen civilian chiefs of that agency and we know very well how they performed.
Mr Kamran Shafi in todays issue of DAWN was clearly perturbed by ISI not having a civilian chief . Firstly ISI (Inter Services Intelligence) is an intelligence agency of the three services Army, Air force and Navy. So it simply does not make any sense of having a civilian chief of services intelligence agency. Secondly, if we are to look at a parallel agency of MI5 in Pakistan that would be IB (Intelligence Bureau) and we have seen civilian chiefs of that agency and we know very well how they performed.

:) good points.

Kamran Shafi was not suitable for Army neither he can tell the difference between the ISI and a Civilian intellegence agency, MI5 and IB., And thats why he got himself kicked out of PMA.
:) Let me tell you why we should not have a civilian head.

1. Because the usual ranting against ISI, Army has come from the likes of you me Kamran Shafi and ayaz mir type people both were kicked out of Army for their activities.

2. You suggested if RAW next door can have civilian heads why cant. Well Mr Uncle Shafi, RAW also had a psycho head so should we also have Psycho as head of ISI??????? Nah

3. They may have been direct command of PM of President but sorry we can not give our vital, backbone of our security to a President like Zardari.

The rest of your BS about CIA reports does not support your suggestion to have one from civilian set up.

Above all, all the appointments from civilian set up are based on favouritism and politically based and we do not trust them as much as we trust our military system despite all the negativism.
India bashing uncalled for. India does not have a coup thats as common as drinking chai. i dont know who is the psycho you are referring to, but I would think twice about calling names, if I had zia-ul-haq in my camp.
Mr Kamran Shafi in todays issue of DAWN was clearly perturbed by ISI not having a civilian chief . Firstly ISI (Inter Services Intelligence) is an intelligence agency of the three services Army, Air force and Navy. So it simply does not make any sense of having a civilian chief of services intelligence agency. Secondly, if we are to look at a parallel agency of MI5 in Pakistan that would be IB (Intelligence Bureau) and we have seen civilian chiefs of that agency and we know very well how they performed.

I think you got in opposite way usually Military Intelligence of Pakistan will gather the Intelligence for supporting Army, Air force and Navy & it should be reporting to your armed forces.

Federal Investigation Agency • Intelligence Bureau were for Internal security should be reporting to your Civilian goverment (home minister)

Inter-Services Intelligence is External intelligence reporting to your Civilian goverment (Head of the country) to make foreign policies.

this is what the report saying
India bashing uncalled for. India does not have a coup thats as common as drinking chai. i dont know who is the psycho you are referring to, but I would think twice about calling names, if I had zia-ul-haq in my camp.

neither giving examples of Indian RAW with a psycho head, was justified by the author hence my reply was in response to his statment.

And oh we are talking about ISI not army here.
I think you got in opposite way usually Military Intelligence of Pakistan will gather the Intelligence for supporting Army, Air force and Navy & it should be reporting to your armed forces.

Federal Investigation Agency • Intelligence Bureau were for Internal security should be reporting to your Civilian goverment (home minister)

Inter-Services Intelligence is External intelligence reporting to your Civilian goverment (Head of the country) to make foreign policies.

this is what the report saying

And ISI is under PM if Zardari wants all the vital information for passing on to outsiders then Sorry NO we dont want a Civilian head for ISI.
And ISI is under PM if Zardari wants all the vital information for passing on to outsiders then Sorry NO we dont want a Civilian head for ISI.

Now disrespect to Zardari is uncalled for.
Mr Kamran Shafi in todays issue of DAWN was clearly perturbed by ISI not having a civilian chief . Firstly ISI (Inter Services Intelligence) is an intelligence agency of the three services Army, Air force and Navy. So it simply does not make any sense of having a civilian chief of services intelligence agency. Secondly, if we are to look at a parallel agency of MI5 in Pakistan that would be IB (Intelligence Bureau) and we have seen civilian chiefs of that agency and we know very well how they performed.

pakistan Army has got a full fledged millitary intelliegence(MI) wing with it.

And Kamran Shafi knows about it.

Military Intelligence - Pakistan Intelligence Agencies
neither giving examples of Indian RAW with a psycho head, was justified by the author hence my reply was in response to his statment.

And oh we are talking about ISI not army here.
ISI and Army are like carrot and peas (if youve seen forrest gump).
so you are calling civilans as psychos? no wonder, being civilian in Pak, which my definition requires one to be civilised, is such a rarity.

---------- Post added at 03:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:05 PM ----------

neither giving examples of Indian RAW with a psycho head, was justified by the author hence my reply was in response to his statment.

And oh we are talking about ISI not army here.

btw, cute kid
neither giving examples of Indian RAW with a psycho head, was justified by the author hence my reply was in response to his statment.

And oh we are talking about ISI not army here.

which psycho head of RAW u talking about??

RAW is always headed by civilian Bureaucrats , police men or from its own RAS service who retires from service after a very limited tenure.
ISI and Army are like carrot and peas (if youve seen forrest gump).
so you are calling civilans as psychos? no wonder, being civilian in Pak, which my definition requires one to be civilised, is such a rarity.

btw, cute kid

:) Sorry in Pakistan we do not equate our Army with forest gump may be Indian Army might have been taken as ;)

On the other hand read my post again it was with regard to Civilian RAW head who had been medically declared as a Psycho. So if Mr Shafi wants us to follow the footsteps of RAW then we could also go for a Psycho too because Indians have done so???
:) Sorry in Pakistan we do not equate our Army with forest gump may be Indian Army might have been taken as ;)

On the other hand read my post again it was with regard to Civilian RAW head who had been medically declared as a Psycho. So if Mr Shafi wants us to follow the footsteps of RAW then we could also go for a Psycho too because Indians have done so???
ok which may mean you havent seen forrest gump. carrot and peas means 'a combination that works well together.thick friends..' so i just mean to say that isi and pa are like ... vijay and veeru (if youve seen sholay) or like (waqar and wasim if you follow cricket) .. makki di roti aur sason ka saag.. mmm...
bec we dont want ppl lik zardari (who needs to get a nod from US before doin anything) to head ISI.
y doesnt imran shafi do somehting about IB. that will help Pakistan as well.

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