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Why my thinking changed towards PTI and Imran khan

Pakistan Taliban lite. No thanks
They’re the most democratic, merit based and Islamic party in Pakistan. They also have a history of helping Pakistan and Pakistanis in tuff times when all your other favourite politicians flee the country.
Pti and pmln is taliban lite. Pmln has history of working with Punjabi Taliban and even took funding from Al Qaeda to defeat benazir in elections. Pmln has had the closest link to militant organizations. Pti is soft on Taliban and baloch insurgents. Whereas JI gathered fighters to fight for Pakistan in its wars, supported us in east Pakistan, fought for us in Afghanistan twice and fought for us in Kashmir.
پہلے گھاس کھا کر ایٹم بم بنانے کی باتیں ہوتی تھیں اب ایٹم بم بیچ کر پیا ز کھانے کی باتیں ہو رہی ہیں شہباز تیری پرواز سے جلتا ہے زمانہ
Bhai jaan, yeh Irani Mullah firster fifth columnists hain, inn say koi khair ki batoN ki tawaqoh na ki jai...
They’re the most democratic, merit based and Islamic party in Pakistan. They also have a history of helping Pakistan and Pakistanis in tuff times when all your other favourite politicians flee the country.
Pti and pmln is taliban lite. Pmln has history of working with Punjabi Taliban and even took funding from Al Qaeda to defeat benazir in elections. Pmln has had the closest link to militant organizations. Pti is soft on Taliban and baloch insurgents. Whereas JI gathered fighters to fight for Pakistan in its wars, supported us in east Pakistan, fought for us in Afghanistan twice and fought for us in Kashmir.
What a joke, an "Islamic" party
3 times PM of Pakistan but no platelets treatment hospital built in the country ! Had to fly abroad for treatment. But what about poor people having platelets issues in Pakistan ?

Still not supporting IK ?
Not a single time he have been to the hospital for any treatment so lets not make us fool. Sooner he dies with the same poison which they are administering to their NAB case handlers and staff whose bank accounts were used to launder money and who are put to sleep by these bastards is the better.
So it is a choice of damned if you do it, damned if you don’t.
Only if you consider both sides equally bad and I have a hard time believing any sensible person would do that, unless they are trying to escape the guilt of not standing on the right side by going into denial.

Thankfully those overseas Pakistanis like me who now have the option of an alternative identity can choose neither and perhaps focus on their new adopted country.
Can't say I blame those who do. Why bear the pain and worries of two countries? Why not just the one which feeds one and offers a safe and dignified life.
Not a single time he have been to the hospital for any treatment so lets not make us fool. Sooner he dies with the same poison which they are administering to their NAB case handlers and staff whose bank accounts were used to launder money and who are put to sleep by these bastards is the better.

The only fools are PDM and especially PMLN supporters.
Their lie should bite all of them if only they have an once of izzat.
Only if you consider both sides equally bad and I have a hard time believing any sensible person would do that, unless they are trying to escape the guilt of not standing on the right side by going into denial.

Can't say I blame those who do. Why bear the pain and worries of two countries? Why not just the one which feeds one and offers a safe and dignified life.
There is also an aspect of apathy - most middle class I know that don’t support either are simply sick of Pakistan and don’t think anyone will change a thing. Their goal is to leave Pakistan and if they cannot at least enable their next generation to leave.
The only fools are PDM and especially PMLN supporters.
Their lie should bite all of them if only they have an once of izzat.
Thats the problem with our nationals is, have no principles or sense of achievement the only thing matters to them is ignorant talk and money. If you open your mouth to tell them something right, 20 of them will attack you and your voice will just simply drown out.
.... who now have the option of an alternative identity can choose neither and perhaps focus on their new adopted country.

So why are you posting in the section of Pakistani 'Siasat' ?
Because I can - having an opinion isn’t the same as being fully invested. Why are you posting in here?

My family and I still own property in Pakistan. I contribute to charity over there and I was planning to retire in Pakistan till beginning of 2022. And there are few more reasons.

BTW there is an 'Americas' section here where you can post your opinion about Ron DeSantis.
My family and I still own property in Pakistan. I contribute to charity over there and I was planning to retire in Pakistan till beginning of 2022. And there are few more reasons.

BTW there is an 'Americas' section here where you can post your opinion about Ron DeSantis.
So do I - I just wont retire to Pakistan.
I do post my opinion in the American section.
There is also an aspect of apathy - most middle class I know that don’t support either are simply sick of Pakistan and don’t think anyone will change a thing. Their goal is to leave Pakistan and if they cannot at least enable their next generation to leave.
I was one of those people, then for a brief while I got idealistic but it looks like they might have been right all along.
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