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Why my thinking changed towards PTI and Imran khan

Sure imran khan should listen to people who dont comeout on streets when needdled and make videos.

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sure we shouldnt support imran khan
I support IK but infographics like this are always misleading, they don't take into account projects that were already initiated under previous governments and just happened to be completed under the new governments tenure, global crisis or events like Covid-19, GDP rebasing, the condition in which the economy is inherited it, etc.

Overall there should be better methodology for explaining who performed better in their tenure
Sure imran khan should listen to people who dont comeout on streets when needdled and make videos.

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sure we shouldnt support imran khan

How much money did the graphic designer on PTI's payroll charged for creating this? The reality is SO different from this bullshit it's not even funny.

The couple of officers from the military who confronted Mr. Khan on his corruption were removed, And since then, there is a crazy propaganda and insults being given on this forum by PTI members. Our military and shaheeds should NOT be insulted, period.

Rest, everyone is allowed their opinion as ALL politicians are MASTER FRAUDS, that includes IK also. In fact, IK's made more corruption $$ than others in 30 years!
How much money did the graphic designer on PTI's payroll charged for creating this? The reality is SO different from this bullshit it's not even funny.

The couple of officers from the military who confronted Mr. Khan on his corruption were removed, And since then, there is a crazy propaganda and insults being given on this forum by PTI members. Our military and shaheeds should NOT be insulted, period.

Rest, everyone is allowed their opinion as ALL politicians are MASTER FRAUDS, that includes IK also. In fact, IK's made more corruption $$ than others in 30 years!
how many $$ you are getting on believing the stories and spreading it? May be graphic designer getting less than what you are getting and no one is disrespecting the shaheed here so you can take your propaganda somehwere else and tell them the story about imran kha. corruption and tell them source is " Trust me bro".
The guy interviewed is a joke.
Fruits of social media.
A jahil can become influencer now.
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how many $$ you are getting on believing the stories and spreading it? May be graphic designer getting less than what you are getting.

That's PTI mindset. If you arn't a thief with me, then you must be paid by someone else. Chor machai shor!
I support IK but infographics like this are always misleading, they don't take into account projects that were already initiated under previous governments and just happened to be completed under the new governments tenure, global crisis or events like Covid-19, GDP rebasing, the condition in which the economy is inherited it, etc.

Overall there should be better methodology for explaining who performed better in their tenure
Remittance and Exports has nothing to do with the previous project. If these two incresing country is progressing thats all there is should matter for pakistan.

Tell me one project of pmln which increase our remittance? export or reserves? if you have the anwer would love to know about it

So far all I know pmln took loan be it 90's era and gone then again 2012 to 2018 khao pio loan letay jao

That's PTI mindset. If you arn't a thief with me, then you must be paid by someone else. Chor machai shor!
haha see mindset is you tell here stories saying graphic is lie its stats of sbp about export and remittances

Its fine we have lots of pakistanis in pakistan thinks that they know everything just because they watch Jew tv khanzada paid show or najam sethi what they say you will spread

where is the source of your claim??
It is okay. Just give it a few months, and an election, and much will go back to its previous routine.
Are you sure?

I feel that after years of stating, ad nauseum, that 'things will stay the same', your message might still not be clear.

Point being, we all get what your position is on this.

Some critical analysis on current events would be a welcome and refreshing change for readers, even if at the end you want to throw in "... but things will go back to their previous routine".
Muzzamil is a kind of a woman who had slept with thousands of men and still whining about not being loved.
And Nawaz Sharif is the type of guy who closes kitchen drawers with his hips lol.

I dislike his stuck up, arrogant face

And Hindutavas on his comment sections don't help either

I closed the video after seeing it was over an hour and half long. Ain’t got time for this 144 p trash.
Some critical analysis on current events would be a welcome and refreshing change for readers, even if at the end you want to throw in "... but things will go back to their previous routine".

Right now, everyone is simply too inflamed on one side of the fence or the other to even contemplate any sane counsel. Better to just let things be for now and go where they may. Seriously. All sides need to cool down a bit and take stock of where they would like to go next. You are right, I do not need to state my position anymore.

In the meantime, the worsening economic situation will take precedence over all else, both at the society-wide and individual levels, as it should be. Each side and their followers will continue to blame the other for causing all the hardship, and no one will present any viable solutions, for there may be none for the time being.

Pakistan will come out of this largely intact, albeit a lot poorer, despite all the worries and hopes being expressed.
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Disclaimer: I dont support Patwaris or Jiyale or religious fanatics like Molana Diesel.

Good gossip, but nothing substantial. ....Nadeem Malik, Azaz Syed ....lolzzz ... praising India ...lolll..if Modi then talks about Indian Muslim killing ...

Give a reference of people who exist in our society and culture ...giving a reference to western scholars on totalitarian society ???? ...When Faiz and Jalib are present why need to read foreigners...we have our own people in our own language ... These so called intellectual who try to go against the wind with promoting their thoughts with some names and cool looking styles...lollll
Gas khatam
Bijli khatam
Rozgaar khatam

Keep supporting these crooked politicians and haramkhor leaders, they all same.

Dekhte hain kaun gas, bijli, Aatta, sehat dega in 24 crore ko

Its fucked up when things get so bad that everything gets shutdown
The couple of officers from the military who confronted Mr. Khan on his corruption were removed,

Can you name these officers? Why did they not confront Bajwa, Kayani and other corrupt Generals?
Why not confront Nawaz, Shahbaz and Zardari for their corruption

If you don't know the answer, then you can ask Dirty Harry Faisal Naseer.
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I will support a donkey or a dog over Sharifs and Zardaris. Anyone but them.

But I hope someone from the bottom rises up. Pakistan needs an unknown person like that to rise up. No connections or vested interests or craves the limelight, not a me me me type of person. A hungry patriot who has seen the worst.
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