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Why Musharraf Is a Safer Bet for Pakistan

Gillani to deal with Musharraf by Constitution

Abrar Saeed and Irfan Bukhari

ISLAMABAD - The nation would have its 25th Prime Minister on Monday afternoon in what seemed to be the one-sided contest between the Pakistan Peoples Parties and its coalition partners candidate Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani and Pakistan Muslim League(Quaid-I-Azam) and its allied parties candidate Ch. Pervaiz Elahi.
On Sunday Makhdoom Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani was fielded by Pakistan Peoples Party and its coalition partners as their candidate for the slot of Prime Minister while Pakistan Muslim League(Quaid-I-Azam) and its allied parties nominated Ch. Pervaiz Elahi to contest against him.
After scrutiny of the nomination papers of both these candidates Speaker National Assembly Fahmida Mirza declared the papers in order and issued the final list of the candidates to go into elections in the Lower House of the Parliament on Monday(today) at 4.00pm to ascertain as to who was enjoying majority in the National Assembly.
Earlier Pakistan Peoples Party candidate Makhdoom Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani along with a number of party and coalition partners MNAs arrived at the National Assembly Secretariat and filed his nomination papers for the slot of Prime Minister with the Secretary National Assembly Karamat Hussain Niazi.
He was proposed by Asfandyar Wali Khan, Syed Naveed Qamar, Maulana Qasim, Raja Pervez Ashraf, Sherry Rehman and Khawaja Asif while the seconders for Mr. Gillani included Mahreen Anwar Raja, Mahesh Kumar, Imtiaz Safdar Warraich, Khursheed Ahmed Shah, Fakharuz Zaman Kaira and Afzal Sindhu.
After filing of nomination papers by Makhdoom Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani Pakistan Muslim League(Quaid-I-Azam) and its allied parties candidate Ch. Pervaiz Elahi came to the National Assembly Secretariat along with his supporters to file his nomination papers for the slot of PM.
The nomination papers were filed with Secretary of the National Assembly Karamat Hussain Niazi.
The proposers for Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi were Raza Hayat Hiraj, Amir Muqam, Dr. Atiya Enayatullah and Aftab Ahmad Khan Sherpao while the papers were endorsed by Ch. Wajahat Hussain, Sheikh Waqas Akram, Fizza Junejo and Bahadur Khan Sahar.
Talking to media person before filing of the nomination papers Makhdoom Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani said that country was confronting with enormous problems and sought the help of the nation to resolve these problems.
Yousaf Raza Gillani said he would deliver a policy statement and party’s strategy in the National Assembly so that the challenges facing the nation could be met effectively.
When asked about the understanding with the MQM, he said, “it is a political force and we are thankful for its unconditional support”.
Central Leader of PPPP, Syed Naveed Qamar told media persons that the coalition partners of PPPP including Pakistan Muslim League (N), Awami National Party (ANP) and Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal (MMA) have submitted the nomination papers on behalf of Yousaf Raza Gillani for the slot of premiership.
He said though Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) had not submitted any nomination papers on behalf of Yousaf Raza Gillani, but “we enjoy their unconditional support and PPPP appreciates their cooperation.”
Speaking on the occasion, Ch. Pervaiz Elahi said that he knew that how much votes he would obtain but he had become a candidate to uphold the norms of Parliamentary democracy where the leader of the house had never been elected unopposed.
He said that the MQM had not betrayed them they had discussed each and every bit before the final decision of MQM to back out from the elections keeping in view the interest of the people of Sindh with particular reference to Karachi.
He thanked the Peoples Party (Sherpao) and Functional League for extending support to his candidature.
Meanwhile, Yousaf Raza Gillani said that he would continue to work as long as party wished him to stay in office as premier.
In his first press talk after nomination as prime minister, the PPP stalwart who remained in jail as a political victim observed that even after his becoming of premier has not reduced the distance between Adiyala Jail and Parliament House.
“We will have to work jointly to steer the country out of confronting challenges and it is not a work of single man”, he said while addressing a press conference here at Parliament House after submitting his nomination papers for slot of Premiership on Sunday. He said that all coalition parties would help each other in the Parliament for revival of 1973 Constitution, independence of judiciary and media.
Under article 91 of the Constitution, he said, the Prime Minister, Federal Ministers and Members National Assembly were accountable before the Parliament. “I am the servant of public not Prime Minister, therefore, I want to serve the nation”, he said adding that he would take all decisions in accordance with the Constitution. Gillani said that Parliament was representative forum of the country. “We will make stronger all bodies of the National Assembly”, he added. He vowed to follow the guideline of late Former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. He said he would try his level best to come up to the expectation of masses as well as Party. “I am thankful to the PPP and its allied Parties for reposing confidence into me”, he stated.
He said that he would ensure implementation of charter of democracy. “The party leadership will take decision about nomination of Parliamentary leader in the Assembly”, he said and added that he would make announcement about Federal Cabinet after taking oath. Answering a question, he said, “I am permanent Prime Minister or temporary. I don’t know. I do not want to express my views in this respect”. He said it is his personal opinion that the defence budget should be debated in the house.
Yousaf Raza Gillani said it is owing to the martyrdom of Benazir Bhutto that democracy is taking breath in the country. He said he is thankful to the PPP and its allied Parties for reposing confidence into him. He said that MQM was a political undeniable reality and he was thankful to MQM for their cooperation.
Agencies add: Gillani vowed to restore the supremacy of parliament but the veteran leader who refused to be drawn into the debate on how long his innings would last remained non-committal on President Pervez Musharraf’s fate.
“Parliament is a reflection of the people and their aspirations. We will work for the supremacy of parliament. We will make parliament supreme in policy-making,” he said during the Press conference.
Replying to a question on whether he would maintain a working relationship with Musharraf or ask him to step down, Gillani merely said, “I’ll follow the Constitution.”
On whether he was nominated for the post of premier for only an interim period, Gillani said, “I can only say that the PPP has reposed confidence in me. And the party will decide how long it wants me to serve.”
“We are here to deliver....We are not here to count how many days we have (left) in the assembly.” Gillani said, “I’m not the prime minister, but servant of the people.”

The Nation
Rationalising the Executive


ISLAMABAD - The top leadership of the PPP appears to be in a dilemma as how to surmount another uphill task of cabinet-making for efficient and effective governance without hurting the aspirations of the coalition partners.
The catch-22 situation has been further accentuated due to MQM joining the ruling coalition and stiff resistance being mounted by the second largest coalition partner PML (N) demanding a smaller cabinet.
Primarily the PPP, the leading partner in the ruling coalition, would have to choose between the minimal options of having the pre-2002 model of 16-17 ministries or the model set out by the former PML (Q) ruling alliance with 61 ministries.
In the given situation, the PPP is hardly in a position to follow either the model that was set out by late Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto during her second stint in power by having a 71-member cabinet. The civil bureaucracy is however hesitant to recommend a new experiment that the PPP and coalition partners together could adopt as a new home-grown model.
Given that the ruling coition has publicly declared to steer the country out of the prevailing mess by taking a collective responsibility, it has to have a smaller cabinet besides taking the partners along.
It is always an ‘easier said than done’ situation because it warrants great deal of homework and wisdom to translate the masses’ aspiration into a reality and keep the coalition intact.
Therefore, to rise up to the benchmark of good governance, it is of paramount importance that PPP and its coalition partners should move more rationally rather than politically while making the future cabinet.
Many civil servants believed that the best way for the new government to wriggle out the quandary was to embark on serious administrative reforms.
“To begin with, it would be much better for the new government to re-merge all the ministries that were bifurcated by the previous government of Prime minister Shaukat Aziz”, a senior bureaucrat told TheNation.
Requesting not to be named, he added that the former government had created several new ministries just to meet the pressing demand of the coalition partners. The upcoming government should not follow the practice of creating slots for political appeasement.
The official maintained that former Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz had bifurcated at least 14 ministries and divisions merely for adjusting of as many of the coalition partners as possible. Therefore all those administrative overdoing should be reversed at the earliest option, he recommended.
In the first place, previously divided into two, the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs should be again made as one. Likewise four of the present ministries namely the Culture, Tourism, Sports, and Youth Affairs should also be merged back into one outfit as it used to be in the pre-Musharraf regimes.
Similarly Ministry of Communication was segmented into two by creating a separate Ports and Shipping Ministry.
Moreover the bureaucrats believe that the Ministry of Industries and Production bifurcated into Ministry of Privatization and Investment should also be re-grouped as Competition Ministry, following the European model.
At the same time bureaucratic circles also seamed to be lured by the Indian model wherein one Ministry at the centre governs Information, Culture, Education, and Youth Affairs.
On the contrary, the last government created three ministries out of the one namely Women Development, Population and Social Welfare, and Special Education. Local government and Environment were also separated into two.
Textile was taken out of the Commerce Ministry. However, the caretaker government has timely merged it back to the Commerce Ministry.

The Nation
Come on man its good to hear different points of views. I sometimes post things which are against President Musharraf, because I believe the whole scope should be looked at. As far as being a fair journalist is concerned, I think that is a myth. No one can ever be neutral because we all have our own opinions. Now out of all the journalists in Pakistan the one I like the most is Cowasjee who writes for Dawn. I mean I dont agree witht the guy's opinion but he gives an all around view.
Who do you think is the most fair journalists or as a matter a fact the most fair media outlet?

No your posting Bias views of opinionist bloggers.

And my all time favorite Journalist he is one of the greatest Journalist that Pakistan has ever Produced Khalid Hasan he writes for various News editorials like Jang, Dawn, Times etc...
No your posting Bias views of opinionist bloggers.

And my all time favorite Journalist he is one of the greatest Journalist that Pakistan has ever Produced Khalid Hasan he writes for various News editorials like Jang, Dawn, Times etc...

I am sorry if you think what I post is bias. I just post stuff thats in newpapers. But I just want you to know and you must of realized it by now their is bias everywhere. I am bias, you are bias no person on earth can ever be neutral.
And as far as your journalist is concerned I can see why you like him. He is indeed a very respectable and a very knowledgeble journalist. But then again like I said even he is not neutral he also has his bias.
I am sorry if you think what I post is bias. I just post stuff thats in newpapers. But I just want you to know and you must of realized it by now their is bias everywhere. I am bias, you are bias no person on earth can ever be neutral.
And as far as your journalist is concerned I can see why you like him. He is indeed a very respectable and a very knowledgeble journalist. But then again like I said even he is not neutral he also has his bias.

I said your posting someones Bias view a bloggist I didn't call u Bias for posting my answer, this forum or any forum of the matter is social opinion related to connect with world and peoples opinion, and if everyone on the thread agrees to particular than it called fact.
Our Man, Mr Mush has been a victim of the Pakistani system on a bigger scale....and its that the system automatically rejects anyone who works and tries to bring the change.....thats what i and many other have experienced and are experiencing.... True, Our Man has made some mistakes (now when i look back...)but upon close reflection, all those actions/decision that have been contributed as Mr. Mush's mistakes were taken in good faith..so if it didn't work out..it didn't work out...but my question is ....are the mistakes made / contributed towards our man graver than the collective loot, plunder, murders, corruption, extortion and hijacks, the hallmark of NS and AZ and their cohorts, that we saw before Mush came in the scene...Was his filing a legal reference against CJ worse than the supreme court storming....was his decision to pardon NS to SA graver than hijacking a plane and attempted murder....was his decision to kill the terrorists and anti state elements in Baluchistan and NWFP worse than extra judicial killing of paksitani activists , was his decision to change the Jihad policy worse than supporting and creating Taliban, was his decision to give freedom to media worse than ransacking The News office (which NS did) and suspending their publications, isnt it clear that our Man never attempted to bribe the media or threatened them else they would not have been badmouthing him ... (can anyone still believe that our journalists dont have a price tag?)....was tthe decision to make pakistan a free economy worse than freezing foreign currency accoutns (which still remain unaccounted for)...was the decision to give boost to higher education worse than freezing the S&T scholarships (in early 90's), was the decision to start so many mega projects worse than a starting an contoversial IPP /motorway/ yellow cab schemes etc.... What are the anti-mush people talking about...i can go on and on....all i can say is that people have become blind in their hate to mush and they hate him because the media tells them to do so....we are morons
Moha can you use punctuation and paragraphs in your posts please. currently they are unreadable
Very well said Moha!..i dont blame anyone but the politicians of 80's and 90's to bring our people in this kind of blind and ignorant mindset, and a mindset in which any man, no matter how corrupt he is(like NS), can tell them sweet things and show them sweet dreams and our people just believe him w/out realising the difference b/w right and wrong, which has been happening in the past and in the elections of 2008 as well.
I can only hope that in future we become able to get rid of this stupid mindset and judge everything with national interest at the back of our minds.
SORRY, guys we , should start accept realities as far as MUSHARAF is concernd. he was supported by oil mafia( CIA) and its oweners ! BUSH adminstration?

I TOTALY, agree that MUSHARF is a good guy off course, he is , but he doesnt have any sort of political expiriences, it was the frist reason that he, cant deal with USA in frist hand, whatever he did good for pakistan ! he had losted by leting these thugs into pakistan.

AND , all that was done under direct, orders of MS CONDALIZA RICE who made musharaf bow down to accept HER wrong and very harmfull policies and NOW HE (MUSHARAF) is become the ultimate victm of this?

PEOPLE, like SHUKAT AZIZ and TARIQ AZIZ ( mushys persnal assistant), made musharaf accept all crap from usa?
Musharraf's policies were always in favor and on 'Pakistan first' basis. Since the begining of 2007, the systematic attempts to undermine Pakistan's progress and prosperity, designed by foreign and local power hunger polticians, were meant for REGIME CHANGE of Musharraf.

Pakistan's economy has really turned around:

Pakistan's economy grew by 100% --- to become $ 160 billion
Revenue grew by 100% --- to become $ 11.4 billion
Foreign Reserves grew by 500% --- to become $ 17 billion
Exports grew by 100% --- to become $ 18.5 billion
Textile exports grew by 100% --- to become $ 10.2 billion
Karachi Stock Exchange grew by 500% --- to become $ 65 billion
Foreign Direct Investment grew by 500% --- to become $ 8 billion
Annual Debt servicing decreased by 35% --- to become 26%
Poverty decreased by 10% --- to become 24%
literacy rate grew by 10% --- to become 54%
Public development Funds grew by 100% --- to become Rs 520 billion

For India, with advent of Gwadar with China meant Pakistan becoming a regional power, therefore, president Musharraf had to be weakened. All this drama since one year is regime change....
Well said! :tup:

I think you have to take things in perspective.Firstly there is no denying that things became better in Musharraf's time.However, given all the money that flowed in to pakistan, would that not have happened if someone else had been in Power? I think a lot of the things that are being attributed to Musharraf may well have happened due to the war on terror.
Secondly, we are all loath to admit that the same old faces have reappeared on the political scene to rob and pillage Pakistan again. The quesation is what did Musharraf do to prevent that. In fact has he not shaken hands with the devil herself and invited her back. Has he not given in to the whims of Saudia and allowed Shariffs to come back.
Thirdly we are all praises fro Musharraf. Has anyone asked which institution has he strengthened. Has education changed? has judiciary become better? has beaurocracy become any more wiser. We all know that it is strengthening of institutions which strengthens the Government, not the rule of one man.
Look at all the investemnt that has come in to Pakistan. How much has actually gone into industrial setup and how much into infrastructure. All we seem to have done is build more buildings and bridges and lease more cars on lease hire. People often say we have 16 billion in reserves, but what is it actually made up of.?i.e where is the money coming from. Are our books balanced and are exports increasing and imports going down.
I think we are often lulled into a false sense of security and if you analyze tha situation the picture does not appear as rosy as we would like it to be. I mean it is ironic that after 60 yrs nobody still has the gumption to stand up and say I am going to tax incomes from farms and Agriculture. i am forced to say that the more period we have stayed away from accountability and political process, the more we have lost incollective development and maturity as a nation.
I think you have to take things in perspective.Firstly there is no denying that things became better in Musharraf's time.However, given all the money that flowed in to pakistan, would that not have happened if someone else had been in Power? I think a lot of the things that are being attributed to Musharraf may well have happened due to the war on terror.

A misperception persists within some critics that attribute completely the turning around of Pakistan’s economy to: US aid or 9/11.

Therefore, let it be clarified that major economic indicators had improved before 9/11, and the economy had already started showing signs of recovery and revival.

In that SHORT span of 2 years BEFORE 9/11, Pakistan’s revenue increased from Rs.308 billion to become Rs.395 billion. Exports increased from $7.5 billion to become $9.2 billion. Foreign Reserves increased from $1 billion to become $3.25 billion. Debt servicing as a ratio to Revenue decreased from 65% to 57%. Public and external debt as a percentage to Foreign exchange earnings declined from 300% to 250%. Current account deficit decreased from $2.4 billion to become $510 million. And, Pakistan’s large-scale manufacturing grew by 11% in June 2001 against 3.5% in 1998.

These facts should set aside the skeptical grumblers.

Now countering the other most popular allegation, i.e. US aid enabled the recent economic achievements.

The annual flows Pakistan has received during the last six years amount to approximately $ 1.75 billion from all types of US assistance - military, economic, and reimbursements for logistics support. Of these flows, the aid – military and economic accounts for $ 700 million annually.

This amount is 4.5% of total foreign exchange receipts, 7.2% of total budgetary expenditures, 6.4% of total value of Imports, 4% of total Exports and 5.8% of current account receipts of Pakistan. As a proportion of GDP of Pakistan these gross flows from all sources work out to only 3%. Negligible!

Please read full article:
Pakistan First : Pakistan’s Economic success: Mercy of 9/11 or Macro-Economic Policies?

Thirdly we are all praises fro Musharraf. Has anyone asked which institution has he strengthened. Has education changed?

In 1999-2000 there were 31 Public Universities. Now 2005-2006 there are 50Public Universities. Musharraf era INCREASED 20 Universities: :pakistan:

a) Air University (established 2002)
b) Institute of Space technology, ISB (established 2002)
c) Sardar Bahadur Khan Women University, Quetta (established 2004)
d) University of Science & Technology, Bannu (established 2005)
e) University of Hazara (founded 2002)
f) Malakand university, Chakdara (established 2002)
g) Karakurum International university, Gilgit (established 2002)
h) University of Gujrat (established 2004)
i) Virtual University of Pak, Lahore (established 2002)
j) Sarhad University of IT, Peshawar (established 2001)
k) National Law University, ISB (2007)
l) Media University, ISB (2007)
m) University of Education, Lahore (2002)
n) Lasbella University of Marine Sciences, Baluchistan (2005)
o) Baluchistan University of IT & Management, Quetta (2002), etc.

has judiciary become better?

Judicary is considered the MOST corrupt institution of Pakistan according to Transparency International: Judicary, Police and Parliament.

The judges are to be blamed for that 60 year mess! Not Musharraf !
Out of every thing else, these warm my heart:

c) Sardar Bahadur Khan Women University, Quetta (established 2004)

e) University of Hazara (founded 2002)

f) Malakand university, Chakdara (established 2002)

g) Karakurum International university, Gilgit (established 2002)

n) Lasbella University of Marine Sciences, Baluchistan (2005)

o) Baluchistan University of IT & Management, Quetta (2002),

Combined with the Northern Areas Bill passed by Musharraf, one can say that at least in this matter he has attempted to right the wrongs of the past.
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