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Why Modi and Why BJP

BJP has done numerous fantastic things in last 3 + years.
Out of all the numerous one, 3 are the most significant moves that cater exclusively to the lower strata that have been left in the dark since independence.

1. LPG connections to all - The impact of this single move is there for all to see. That such a basic necessity was never thought of by previously as a must is shocking.

2. Electricity to the last home - Another high impact move that has potential to drastically change the lives of tens of crores of people. The impact of this move will be felt across the spectrum for the marginalized sections.

3. Bank accounts for all - Imagine in 21st century where a socialist country doling out lakhs of crores of each year has crores of people without bank accounts! This is again multiplier where the poor people get the money they are entitled to in their accounts and the middle men will not be able to syphon off money meant for poor.
Sir why highlight only 3, please highlight the other achievements and also the failures of this government.
Sir why highlight only 3, please highlight the other achievements and also the failures of this government.

Failures are part and parcel of any govt.
What one need to look for is whether the achievements outweigh failures. Whether there is corruption. Apart from that we need to look which party suits your sociological needs.

BJP as of today has much more achievements than failures. And if you compare with previous govt, the current one is miles ahead.
Failures are part and parcel of any govt.
What one need to look for is whether the achievements outweigh failures. Whether there is corruption. Apart from that we need to look which party suits your sociological needs.

BJP as of today has much more achievements than failures. And if you compare with previous govt, the current one is miles ahead.
Sir please highlight those achievements in detail, I am very keen to understand these achievements and also it will be good for other members of the forum here to understand what Modiji has done in last 3.5 years. One other request is that please if possible cover the achievements in the following areas:
poverty alleviation,
new jobs creation and
farmers suicide.

Well said Pranab da.
If only you were our PM instead of corruption king Manmohan.
Congress and all the seculars are in for ANOTHER shock in Gujarat.
After UP, they are again up to the same old tactics of propping up Pappu and gatheting "ladke".

Once again it's BJP, which has been on a winning spree in last 3 years that's under "pressure" & Congress which has not won crap which is on the upswing and pumped up.

I have no idea who writes these scripts for seculars but I will savour Gujarat win the same way I savoured UP win. Oh yeah, wanna bet the seculars will hide Again after Gujarat results? :D



You would think the media would have learned its lesson after Uttar Pradesh. A slap of that magnitude … 325 seats out of 403 is usually not forgotten in a hurry.

But this is our Indian media and they do not even have the sophistication level of a first grader in hiding their true feelings. So Rahul Gandhi goes to Gujarat the first time and no one comes to his rallies. Angry and distraught, the Shehzada demands a crowd … and the loyal Congress cadres work hard to fetch him one on his next visit.

Instantly, media goes into a state of euphoria, convinced that Rahul is rising (finally) and BJP is set for a huge upset in Gujarat.

No lessons learned. Absolutely no lessons learned from the Acche Ladke fiasco in Uttar Pradesh.

The reality for the Congress could not be more embarrassing. I am almost embarrassed for the Congress that has to go around begging 3 small caste leaders to have pity on their party and join.

Only one of the three actually joined. One declined flatly. Another seems to have at least met Rahul Gandhi but said officially that he had no time to meet Rahul Gandhi because of his engagements elsewhere.

That’s what Rahul Gandhi has become today. Begging for an audience with Hardik Patel. Begging to be intern of Jignesh Mewani.

Less than 60 days before the election, Congress has no strategy, no leaders nothing. It is counting on last minute support from 3 untested guys with zero organization claiming to be caste leaders.

You know the politics of “Jat anger” didn’t even work in Western Uttar Pradesh. The politics of “Dalit anger” did not work even for an entrenched player like Mayawati. Here, they are seriously expecting it to work wonders in urbanized Gujarat.

Some hopes they live on … lol.

A horrible fate awaits the Congress in Gujarat. These caste leaders have no organization and absolutely nothing to offer in terms of leadership and building public confidence. They are going to mooch on the Congress and worse … when the drubbing inevitably happens … they are going to turn around and blame Rahul Gandhi for the defeat.

Take it from me in writing.

At least if the Congress had run its own horses, it would have scored respectably in Gujarat.

The BJP learned this expensive lesson in Bihar. They courted Jitan Ram Manjhi like he was some messiah, bringing with him large sections of the (Maha)Dalit vote. Instead, his HAM had an embarrassing collapse and if I remember correctly, Manjhi could not even win his own seat.

Pity the Congress which has not one but three Jitan Ram Manjhis in Gujarat.

And pity the media which has again set itself up for disappointment. If they had kept their head down and been reconciled to their fate, the defeat in Gujarat wouldn’t have hurt them so much.

Meanwhile, for the right wing on social media : don’t sweat Gujarat unnecessarily. Instead, remember that the wounds inflicted by Uttar Pradesh are still raw in the minds of left liberals. In some ways, the lefties are talking up Gujarat as a form of self-intoxication, to take their mind away from the gaping wounds left by 325/403. I would focus on rubbing salt into those wounds.
At a time when Politicians are looting our nation, BJP is a party that stands out for their patriotism and nation first attitude.
The top leaders of the party don't give a pass to their families, let alone help them politically to get into cushy positions.

Kudos to BJP for encouraging such great leaders.


At a time when even the children of the officers of the defence forces hardly join the department, it is pleasing to see Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath's brother working as a subedar in the Indian Army. He is deployed on the Line of Actual Control with China.

India Today TV met the soldier while meeting the troops guarding the Chinese border, which has become sensitive amidst threats that the Chinese may carry out incursion in areas where the deployment is not as thick as the other sensitive areas.

"We carry out patrolling along the border throughout the year against any security challenge. This area is our homeland and we will protect it at any cost," says Subedar Shailendra Mohan, younger brother of Yogi.

The soldier is posted near the Mana border with China in the Garhwal Scouts unit which employs only locals as soldiers to guard the mountainous borders.

Asked whether he gets time to meet his elder brother, who renounced the world to join the Gorakhpur-based Gorakhnath Temple, he said he had met him in Delhi only once after he took over as the chief ministerof UP.

Shailendra also said his brother Yogi's only message to him was that he should serve the country to the best of his ability while sharing his own experiences in the service of the nation.

Shailendra added that he and the chief minister, whom he and his family refer to as 'Maharajji' have spent quite a lot of time together as kids - while sharing anecdotes about the firebrand BJP leader

The subedar then went on to add that he and Yogi Adityanath are carrying out similar duties for the country - as Yogi was serving the nation as the UP chief minister, while Shailendra was doing the similar job at the borders as an armyman.

Yogi has three brothers - Manvendra Mohan being elder to him and Shailendra and Mahendra Mohan being the younger ones.
Karnataka is at the pivot. It will be another lesson for Congress in their long history of appeasement biting them in the back.


You know how deep the Modi fear has struck into the hearts of opponents when you see articles written in late 2017 about how “Modi’s image as a messiah is fading”. These articles, written by eager chamchas at The Wire, get thousands of shares from desperately hopeful liberals … Some four years since it began, liberals are currently celebrating what they believe to be “Modi wave fading”.


A wave comes in and goes out in a matter of a few months. Perhaps a year. Liberal chamchas have been buried by the Modi deluge for four years now.

Modi may have been the face of this deluge, but the man who has given this wave its staying power is Amit Shah. No matter what your political preferences, learn from this man how to pursue a goal in life. Did you know that Shah went to visit the BJP office in faraway Lakshadweep, to interact with the BJP workers there?

In the single minded pursuit of 2019 victory, no state is too small and no seat is too irrelevant.

While Gujarat election dates have been announced, the action in the BJP has already shifted to Karnataka.

Now 2018 will be a challenging year for the party. Because at the year end and right before the Lok Sabha polls, the BJP will face elections in three major states where it is the incumbent.

Luckily, the BJP can be sure of retaining Madhya Pradesh. Another hat tip here to Uma Bharti … I have been a critic of her arrogant ways since 2014, but nobody can take away from her the credit for the 2003 victory in Madhya Pradesh. The state of Madhya Pradesh has gone on to become the BJP’s second major permanent post, after Gujarat.

Similarly, the BJP will probably retain Chhattisgarh on the back of Raman Singh’s popularity, including his ability to employ means fair and foul. Add to this the goodwill that Modi enjoys and of course, a helping hand from Ajit Jogi.

The big pain point is Rajasthan, where a perception … at least a perception is building against Vasundhara Raje. Now, I have a theory about seasonal downswings and permanent uptrends in the fortunes of BJP in Rajasthan that says the incumbency pendulum wont swing in Rajasthan in 2018. I have been waiting to test it since 2013. But it’s only an untested theory … and suffice to say that the RW is really nervous going in to Rajasthan elections.

It is the fear of a possible defeat in Rajasthan that makes Karnataka so important. With BJP at saturation in northern and western states, Karnataka is the one place where the party would look to increase at least half a dozen Lok Sabha seats. That and the desire to see Congress vanish from its last big landmass.

Amit Shah is blowing the bugle for Karnataka. The Prime Minister arrives in Bengaluru on Sunday. And then the BJP will officially kick off its campaign with a yatra starting Nov 2.

Now, it’s a pity that the BJP has to rely on Yeddyurappa who is more than 75 years old. But you could say that he was cheated out of half his term as Karnataka CM due to some meaningless accusations.

Of late, Siddaramaiah is going on the tried and tested track of incumbent Congress CMs facing defeat. He has played every kind of divisive trick possible … from caste census to promising Lingayats the status of a separate religion. For obvious reasons, Congress party playing the worst kind of divisive politics never counts as intolerance. And the media has been working to give him the same kind of perception boost that they always create at the last moment around opposition Chief Ministers.

Remember Harish Rawat and his last minute resurgence in Uttarakhand? He ended up losing from both his seats. And who can forget the Achche Ladke fiasco in Uttar Pradesh? The media actually convinced itself that Akhilesh had rid himself of four years of incumbency by playing family drama with his dad at the last moment.

The same is happening with Siddaramaiah in Karnataka now. The media is convinced that he is seeing a last minute surge. In reality, Modi wave is coming again. And come May 2018, Siddu will surrender without a whimper.

As for Rahul Gandhi, let’s just say : even if Congress loses Karnataka, Pappu would still be considered a winner
Whole of NE is now with BJP.

BJP officially is the most powerful party post Independence. They will be ruling more states than Congress ever has.

With GST raking in record revenue and economy at 7.2% & let's not forget the screws slowly tightening on the corrupt Congress...there is only one choice for India.

What Congress could not do in 70 years, BJP has done it in 1 year.
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