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Why Israel will rule the new Middle East

........We have never heard of jewish prosecution in Iran..

Ignorance is a bliss. Isn't it.

And Ignoramus love to throw around innocent questions.

Oh my dear dear poster.

1979 was a black plague spread by Mullahtic rats. But the plague only impacted Iranian minorities mainly Bahais and Jewish people. 1000s upon 1000s of these innocent Iranis had to escape from Ayatullah's black plague. Many of them fled to Pakistan. Some stayed for good, but many left for Australia and the West.

Ayatullah plague then proceeded on to send the oil money for propping up Shia militant and political organizations in Pakistan and everywhere Shias were in significant numbers.

That resulted in further death and destruction when they fought pitched battles with Sunni militants (funded by Saudi Mullah plague).

The rest is they say is history. But as I said, ignorance is bliss for so many on PDF.

Ignorance is a bliss. Isn't it.

And Ignoramus love to throw around innocent questions.

Oh my dear dear poster.

1979 was a black plague spread by Mullahtic rats. But the plague only impacted Iranian minorities mainly Bahais and Jewish people. 1000s upon 1000s of these innocent Iranis had to escape from Ayatullah's black plague. Many of them fled to Pakistan. Some stayed for good, but many left for Australia and the West.

Ayatullah plague then proceeded on to send the oil money for propping up Shia militant and political organizations in Pakistan and everywhere Shias were in significant numbers.

That resulted in further death and destruction when they fought pitched battles with Sunni militants (funded by Saudi Mullah plague).

The rest is they say is history. But as I said, ignorance is bliss for so many on PDF.


not saying the guy you quoted is one, i know he is not, but still irani fanboys are one of the weirdest people on the planet..
=FaujHistorian;3946045]Ignorance is a bliss. Isn't it.

You need to understand what you read first before , you make any judgment...Probably they were afraid to stay under the ayotallah, but they left on their free will, not from presecution...If they were the world in its entirity would have heard about it, and we will still hear about it today! ...And the only death and injuries that were sustained were few and the 250 jewish families that were attacked were sheltered by their Muslim friends and it happened in 1910 not in 1979.
=500;3944460]When nearly 100% leave it happens only due to harsh persecution. Biggest massacres were Fez in Morocco, Granada.

In FES, it was in 1910 when Morocco was French ruled as a french protectorat, and all the population was under French rule...Beside, I know one death is too many, only 60 jews were killed, that was hardly a holocost.. In grenada, it was in the year 1060...

When I repled to your post, I was about something in our time...

Morocco's jewish population is more than 6000, Algeria's jewish population is more than that, as well as the one in Tunisia...
In FES, it was in 1910 when Morocco wasFrench rule a french protectorat, and all the population was under French rule...
I was talking about 1465.

When I repled to your post, I was about something in our time...
In 20th century pogroms which led to massacre of dozens of Jews happened in Iraq, Libya, Morocco, Egypt, Syria, Yemen...
I was talking about 1465.

In 20th century pogroms which led to massacre of dozens of Jews happened in Iraq, Libya, Morocco, Egypt, Syria, Yemen...

Compared to what they endured in Europe in the same period, its hardly an event. But the thing that escapes me the most, is , as victimized as you were, why Israel espoused the same methods of your past tormentors on the Palestinians? WE espect you to be seeking more "PEACE" than what it's taking place...
Compared to what they endured in Europe in the same period, its hardly an event.
Number of Jews in Europe was about 10 times higher. Also Jews still live in Europe while almost gone in Muslim countries.

But the thing that escapes me the most, is , as victimized as you were, why Israel espoused the same methods of your past tormentors on the Palestinians? WE espect you to be seeking more "PEACE" than what it's taking place...
Arabs in Israel live better than in their own countries. And their number is rapidly growing.
Arabs in Israel live better than in their own countries. And their number is rapidly growing.

that is one of the most silliest arguments I keep hearing from Israelis. Fact is that they are being extremely discriminated. Surveys showed that 50% of Jewish Israelis do not believe Arab citizens of Israel should have equal rights and 50% said they wanted the government to encourage Arab emigration from Israel. In 2006, a research institute poll reported that 41% of Israelis support Arab-Israeli segregation, 40% believed "the state needs to support the emigration of Arab citizens", and 63% believed Arabs to be a "security and demographic threat" to Israel. Not considering racial profiling on airports and other acts of humiliation conducted by Jews.
Compared to what they endured in Europe in the same period, its hardly an event. But the thing that escapes me the most, is , as victimized as you were, why Israel espoused the same methods of your past tormentors on the Palestinians? WE espect you to be seeking more "PEACE" than what it's taking place...

What the f this argument is Maulana Sahib? What the f. So Hitler killed millions, and Mullahs killed 100s of jews. So Mullahs are much much better.

Since when two wrongs make it right? Since the fing when?

Pardon me for my "f"rench, but your arguments are so pathetic and stone age, that any sane person has to express the maximum disgust about your.

So sorry to see that people like you still exist and worse, post on a Pakistani forum.

So so sorry to see.

peace to ya'll
For those who want to know a reason for Iranians to hate Israeli.
just recently the Zionist celebrated a national holiday which is associated with the murder of over 75,000 Persians!

don't fall for these juden propagand. The zionist will be wiped out.
more nation need to be created like Iran to wipe out the zionists.
For those who want to know a reason for Iranians to hate Israeli.
just recently the Zionist celebrated a national holiday which is associated with the murder of over 75,000 Persians!

What holiday?
What holiday?
There is no "Zionist holiday" but there is Purim which arrives in a few days. As that event happened thousands of years ago and has no modern parallel, that in itself is no cause for Iranians to hate Jews or Israelis and most don't: many Jews still live in Iran and Iran-Israel relations were quite good under the Shah.

However, I can see how Purim makes the mullahs and their followers scared and worried. Purim is a commemoration of an occasion where gangs of Jew-haters (not just Persians but other nationalities throughout the Empire) publicly plotted genocide against the Jews to be carried out on a specific day but the Jews armed themselves and killed the Jew-haters before the gangs could carry out their deeds.

The mullahs seek to dominate the middle east and destroy Israel but Purim strongly suggests that the Jews, while they will put up with verbal abuse and won't engage in empire-building, nonetheless won't allow the mullahs to fulfill their dreams of tyrannical domination and genocide. And for that us Zionists are hated by them.
Arabs in Israel live better than in their own countries. And their number is rapidly growing.

The one living in Gaza and west bank are not Palestinian? That's the one you need to treat right to have peace with, not the Israelis arabs...
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