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Why Israel Must Destroy Hamas

Indians go to work in Muslim countries and then come online on forums and call every Muslim a terrorist and bay for their blood.

They will lie to your face to appease.

Millions of Muslims live in India and then many of them commit terror attacks against innocent civilians (non-Muslims), many of them provide support to Islamic Terror Groups from across the border. What do we call it? Treachery? Sedition?
Were did these Indian losers pop-up..... ???

Nobody cares, about India or Indians in this section of the world... we don't also care your opinions.. and it's not like you have any power over ME issues.

You are just @ss-licking Israel and that's all. Now kindly, F.Off.
Indians go to work in Muslim countries and then come online on forums and call every Muslim a terrorist and bay for their blood.

They will lie to your face to appease.
Muslims flock to Western countries, live off the benefits and curse western countries. What would you call them?
Hamas are harmful indeed due to their tactics not working and them only making Israel hit harder back. They do not have the technology to be a serious threat for Israel.

I think that most local Gazan's do not approve of their tactics as this is harmful for the civilians.

On the other hand Hamas did not come from nowhere. They were formed due to the result of Israeli occupation and actions.

I do not know what the solution is with this conflict other than a two-state solution but this seems impossible. Or maybe forced intermarriages once every 2-3 generation or so.:lol:

I hope the cool and sane Israelis and Palestinians will prevail and that they will realize all the things that bind them together so they can start from a fresh and live in peace as neighbors and do business. Then maybe the entire Arab world and most of the Muslim world will do business with Israel etc.

Those civilian children that are dead make me angry though and I lost my cool head yesterday.
I call them f**king idiots so recognize your own too instead of joining in.
Unlike those idiots, Indians work hard while living in uncomfortable conditions. They don't get hand outs from the govts. They are there because they are needed. So stop pretending as if by allowing Indians to work there is some kind of generosity.
I feel sad for the innocent Palestinian which are getting killed in this operation. Israel apparently has all the weapons to minimize the deaths of innocent, specially elderly, children and women... however they are just being trigger happy here. What is the difference between them and the terrorists if they both kill civil/innocent population beats me. I believe that Israel should act more maturely and order restrains. "Har eent ka jawab pattahr nahi hota" (Not ever brick has to be answered with stone).

An Indian.
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