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Why Israel Must Destroy Hamas

well when you are in one of the most densely populated areas on earth then you really have no choice where to go to fire a rocket. these rockets have limited ranges and they ave to close enough to the border to even fire them sometimes.
so i guess even if they wanted to be far from civilians they couldn't
Whatever may be reason but using your own ppl in line of fire is wrong. My point is if Israeli strike on civilian in Gaza is against human right then why not hamas rocket attack against Israeli civilians is not against human right?
A bunch of Nato, CEATO, Cento members or people run by despots who host foreign troops on their soil are teaching indians self respect. Oh please biatches, take your impotant anger at not being able to do shyte about hamas or israel someplace else.
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I will not waste any time for you. Believe it or stink off.
Then don't come to an argument equipped with half wits. Don't be surprised if we put your words to test unlike some of our neighbors who put you on a higher pedestal.

@Sinan @BLACKEAGLE now you guys see why us Pakistanis cannot get along with these Indians, how can one come to some sort of understanding with people who exhibit such irrational hatred.
haan tu aur ungli kar de :lol::lol:
hilarious comments made by ignorant terrorists sympathizers funny how ....no muslim country is trying to protect hamas no one@!@ yet these ignorant members will cry online and rant and rant if you are so courageous why dont you send your fighter jets and go fight for Palestine fact non of you can't do jack noon...there is only one Jewish country yet you guys will play the victim card why don't you act?who is stopping you? pakistani is a nuclear state i say send your jf17s ,turkey is allied to nato .i say go turkey even saudis with their typhoons are shit scared to act yet these people will come online and ask for sympathies why should we care ?when India itself is a victim of islamic terrorism l
israel is trying to punish the palestinians for choosing the government of their choice, they are trying to scare them straight and this will certainly not work. i was starting to develop respect of the country but i lost it all now because they are back at that tyranny once again. dropping leaflets and warning people is not enough to make it ok for you to bomb a building. they should have refrained from doing so the moment they realize that innocents might die.
Why is the highlighted part wrong?
Do you know the concept behind the Theory of collective punishment and its objectives.

The idea in this case is that Israel causes so much hardship for the regular Palestinians that next time they do not allow Hamas and Hamas like organizations to fire rockets from their areas, because Israel will not differentiate between regular Palestinians and Hamas. There is a concept of sovereign responsibility. The people of Palestine have a responsibility to ensure that their areas and land is not used to launch rockets against Israel.

Do you know in India, we have followed a similar(not same) strategy. Our concept of 'collective punishment' however is towards infrastructure instead of people.
Each time terrorists gather across the LoC in Pakistan, India shells and destroys the village nearest to the terrorist gathering spot.Because of the terrain and pass, it is generally Chakoti. We regularly destroy Chakoti village in Pakistan as a form of collective punishment. We avoid killing the people and focus on the village. The idea is that destroying the village brings hardship to the people of chakoti.

The result of this was that last year - the women of Chakoti held a protest against PA, asking the militants to be kept away from the village this year...they said that it is not the PA who has to suffer the blowback, its the people of the village.

Do you see the point I am trying to make? Or the logic behind collective punishment.
The reason why it worked for us is because PA actually owns up to the people of Pakistan and cares for them, Hamas does not give a damn. Hamas knows that Israel will retaliate with collective punishment and they still fire from populated areas just to ensure that Palestinians die so that they get more PR.
hilarious comments made by ignorant terrorists sympathizers funny how ....no muslim country is trying to protect hamas no one@!@ yet these ignorant members will cry online and rant and rant if you are so courageous why dont you send your fighter jets and go fight for Palestine fact non of you can't do jack noon...there is only one Jewish country yet you guys will play the victim card why don't you act?who is stopping you? pakistani is a nuclear state i say send your jf17s ,turkey is allied to nato .i say go turkey even saudis with their typhoons are shit scared to act yet these people will come online and ask for sympathies why should we care ?when India itself is a victim of islamic terrorism l

Do not be stupid we support Palestinians not Hamas.
Unbelieveable..... do you think we expect you to care...... Buddy, i said to you, from this part of world nobody gets a flying fvck about you or your country..

We just want you too shut-up, nothing more...

Cause people in India give a toss about turks when they poke their nose in Kashmir. Practice what you preach.
Muslim Brotherhood (whos branch is a Hamas) are well known international trouble makers. They nearly destroyed Egypt in 1 year of their rule. Poor Gaza is 8 years under their rule. Israel pulled out of Gaza 9 years ago and they used it to turn Gaza into a huge terrorist rocket base with thousands or rockets planted between the civilian houses:



Meanwhile tens of thousands of Gazans dont receive wages. What Gaza needs is their own Al Sisi, who will restore peace and stability.

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