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Why Israel Must Destroy Hamas

Indians & Israelis both are same thing. What Israel does in Palestine...India does in Kashmir/IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir. In fact it was Israel who taught Indians how to crush Kashmiris more effectively & Israel lobbied in favor of India in EU & US.

Indians may act friendly & sweet but most of them are pure haters & like a sweet knife...they hate Muslims from the depth of their hearts.
Well said, one more thing they have flash back come upon them when Muslims rules them hundred years, cowards can't do nothing but come on internet and feel happy and enjoy to see Muslims murdering and in trouble, that's make them taking the revenge.
We are not intersted in controlling millions of Palestinians. After the pullout from Gaza in 2005 Israel planned the pullout from West Bank in 2006. But this plan was foiled due to Hamas rocket barrages.

Long list of Hamas terrorist attacks with lots of links:

List of Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel, 2014 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You should learn using google little terrorist supporter.

But was it more peaceful both for Israel and palestine prior to 2005 than it is now?
Learn to differentiate between bad and good people, not a group of people or religion.
well good muslims cant take dissisions in muslim world but the ones who propogate hate towards non muslims run the show and most of these so called good/modrate muslims are silent when there are geoncides after geonocides on non muslims
Some Indians members are so low on this forum as these days showed us.

I despise all kinds of @ss lickers.

The problem is all that a$$ licking won't do them no good, at the end of the day in the eyes of zionists these Indians are nothing more than wild hogs and not among the "chosen people".

Why should we worry about what's happening
between Israel and Palestine ?
[1] Israel is an ally and friend in our war against terror.
[2] Jihadis use the exact same modus operandi to gain world's sympathy in their ISI sponsored proxy war against India.
[3] Israel has never attacked any other country or tried to dominate whereas the Arabs have the history of attacking, looting other countries.

So if you care about your nation,
then support Israel's right to defend itself !
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Some Indians members are so low on this forum as these days showed us.

I despise all kinds of @ss lickers.

@ss lickers,

This comes to mind of many people's, when they think of Turkey and NATO.
@ss lickers,

This comes to mind of many people's, when they think of Turkey and NATO.

Yeah, some idiots can't differentiate.. between a member of an organization and an @ss-licker...
Anyways, after licking, don't forget to massage the balls.

Who knows maybe someday these characterless piece of shıts will lick our @ss as well. :lol:
Yeah, some idiots can't differentiate.. between a member of an organization and an @ss-licker...
Anyways, after licking, don't forget to massage the balls.

Who knows maybe someday these characterless piece of shıts will lick our @ss as well. :lol:

May be, till then you can continue @ss licking of NATO.

These are terrorist attacks by a small group of crazies. There are over 1.4 billion Muslims in the world. Almost all distanced themselves from this.

What did you want them to do, come out on the streets and ask for forgiveness?

Your are a racist and a sick man. I guess you take pleasure out of seeing dead Muslim babies too.
Learn to differentiate between bad and good people, not a group of people or religion.
@GURU DUTT has been spamming the crap out of this forum with his meaningless pictures, he can't face the arguments so he has resorted to this, can you give him a warning or send him on a break?
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