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Why Israel Must Destroy Hamas

Yeah, some idiots can't differentiate.. between a member of an organization and an @ss-licker...
Anyways, after licking, don't forget to massage the balls.

Who knows maybe someday these characterless piece of shıts will lick our @ss as well. :lol:

oh great turkey what did you do when your NATO killed millions of muslims in afghanist iraq and libya you couldn't raise one finger and now you are here on PDF ranting like a fool typical ignorants these bunch of people can't do jack yet when india or be it any forgien country praises israeli act thye will come out to the rescue and cry as a victim pathetic :lol::lol::lol::rolleyes::disagree:
May be, till then you can continue @ss licking of NATO.

You know... your kind is good at nothing other then trolling and producing non-sense sentences...

You can continue to spew out non-sense..like I would care about what an Indian thinks about Turkey or Turks.

Continue on licking.

@Rahul9090 i didn't read your post but you deserve the master licker title. This answer applies to you as well.
Frustration in islamic world has reached to such a level that they are not ready to live peacefully nor they are allowing others to live peacefully. A carefully crafted strategy should be devised to counter this terror with minimum collateral damage to minimize the loss. This is a long war and whole world should get ready for that.
I heard Guru Twat and Rahul69 practiced tonguing each others @sses in preparation for this moment.
oh great turkey what did you do when your NATO killed millions of muslims in afghanist iraq and libya you couldn't raise one finger and now you are here on PDF ranting like a fool typical ignorants these bunch of people can't do jack yet when india or be it any forgien country praises israeli act thye will come out to the rescue and cry as a victim pathetic :lol::lol::lol::rolleyes::disagree:
We were participating in humanitarian missions in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kosovo. :)



You know... your kind is good at nothing other then trolling and producing non-sense sentences...

You can continue to spew out non-sense..like I would care about what an Indian thinks about Turkey or Turks.

Continue on licking.

@Rahul9090 i didn't read your post but you deserve the master licker title. This answer applies to you as well.

ya when logic and arguments fails you resort to personal insults i get it sir keep living in a delusional world i hope that helps you defeat Israel
You know... your kind is good at nothing other then trolling and producing non-sense sentences...

You can continue to spew out non-sense..like I would care about what an Indian thinks about Turkey or Turks.

Continue on licking.

@Rahul9090 i didn't read your post but you deserve the master licker title. This answer applies to you as well.

You reply shows you care, dumb @ss.
ya when logic and arguments fails you resort to personal insults i get it sir keep living in a delusional world i hope that helps you defeat Israel

I'm not personally insulting anybody here... i'm talking about the "some of the Indian users who enjoys @ss licking."
Why would i want to defeat Israel.... see.... you don't even know what you are talking about.... just @ss licking nothing more.
These are terrorist attacks by a small group of crazies. There are over 1.4 billion Muslims in the world. Almost all distanced themselves from this.

What did you want them to do, come out on the streets and ask for forgiveness?

Your are a racist and a sick man. I guess you take pleasure out of seeing dead Muslim babies too.
well dear most of the muslims never disagree with "idiology" of the islamik jiahdies/ terrorists but say that they are using too much voilence and most of the so called "modrate muslims "never try to stop these terrorists until they start kiling there own people

there was a time when pakistanies felt proud in keeping doantion boxes in all the markets across pakistan for "donations for jihad against infidels specialli in kashmir"

as for killing babies well when you use your children as human shields to gaurd against potential airstrikes tell me what is the fault of israelies who are trying to protect there citizens from these repeated attacks

want in 1948 all arabs attacked israel when british left and when got a bloody nose simply took owt a resolution that nomuslim nation will ever aknoledge the indepentent jewish state of israel and will keep fighting till israel is wiped off the face of the earth

dint israel gave back sainai peninsula back to egypt which it won in 6 day war for promise of pece

dint israel PM bill clinton & yasser arafat agrered to a peace deal in 2000 which was broken as soon as arrafat came back to palestine and a series of seucide bombers attacked different parts of israel

well my freind its easy to name some one zionist and evil or racist when he speaks owt truth

the problem lies with so called "muslim sentiment" which in lay man terms means "give them nothing but take from them every thing" even if they retaliate and kill your loved ones and no matter how high is the price of that confrontation

just like muslims non muslims also have a right to live a peaceful and independent life you can never alwaqys force your islam and point of view on non muslims who want to live with there ancient beleives

i know im very harsh but truth should be spoken at any cost cause if you dont speak owt truth chances are your sielence will be taken as weakness
@GURU DUTT has been spamming the crap out of this forum with his meaningless pictures, he can't face the arguments so he has resorted to this, can you give him a warning or send him on a break?
why are you trying to potray me as evil when all i have done is speak owt truth im sorry if truth dosent coinciedes with your point of view but that doesnt means you try to bully me
I'm not personally insulting anybody here... i'm talking about the "some of the Indian users who enjoys @ss licking."
Why would i want to defeat Israel.... see.... you don't even know what you are talking about.... just @ss licking nothing more.

The same can be said about some Turkey members supporting Palestine, or in you words @ss lickers of Palestine.
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