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Why is US obsessed with Iran


Sep 8, 2009
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The purpose of this thread is to have a healthy debate about why , is it such a big deal for US to be focused on Iran ?

Why ?

Iran has not done anything for past 20 years + almost 25 years.

So why is that peaceful region , is such a matter of interest not only to US which exists thousands of miles away.

I mean , there is this issue about Iran , holding some ppl hostage like ages ago , probbly debatable if those were acts of individuals or rouge elements or state authorised. But US already took their revenge with downing of Iraian airplane

And this was like ageeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees ago

So why can't these two countries just call it even and just get on with their lives -

I mean iran's navy/airforce etc is all old etc so I don't know ...

The funny thing is US has alot of iranians tones and tones of iranians

So why can't these two countries just call it even and just get on with their lives -

If the US doesn't keep scaring the average American Joe about Iran, who's going to pay for their next oil-shopping-spree?
See I am a little confused becasue , their main argument has always been "eye-ranians" are governed by fanatics and religious extreme elements - yet we are completely fine with the fanatics and religious extreme views of Saudi Arabia

And we are also fine doing business with fanatics with Mr Karzai , who happen to smuggle out 4 billion dollar from Afghanistan to out side of country ....now I can't even move 100 bucks with out 1000000 questions being asked but some guy in Afghanistan can move 4 billion dollars out to western society via smuggling

So there goes that logic -

Next is of course proximity to Russia , well they don't need iran now they have anexed Iraq , just put a missile defence there for Russia we all know this is all being done for Russia ? Right ???

Like Iran is it really gona scare mighty US who have like 20,000 planes in their inventory while poor Eyeranians are flying planes from 1960's ??


But the most puzzling is that they can't even sit on the table to talk ?

I mean every one talks ... even india and pakistan and we have had 3 wars plus one minor scrimage

I would really like to know what the actual americans think about it ...
The purpose of this thread is to have a healthy debate about why , is it such a big deal for US to be focused on Iran ?

Why ?

Iran has not done anything for past 20 years + almost 25 years.

So why is that peaceful region , is such a matter of interest not only to US which exists thousands of miles away.

I mean , there is this issue about Iran , holding some ppl hostage like ages ago , probbly debatable if those were acts of individuals or rouge elements or state authorised. But US already took their revenge with downing of Iraian airplane

And this was like ageeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees ago

So why can't these two countries just call it even and just get on with their lives -

I mean iran's navy/airforce etc is all old etc so I don't know ...

The funny thing is US has alot of iranians tones and tones of iranians


Iran has one of the worlds largest proven oil reserves but a US unfriendly government so...
The purpose of this thread is to have a healthy debate about why , is it such a big deal for US to be focused on Iran ?

Why ?

Iran has not done anything for past 20 years + almost 25 years.

So why is that peaceful region , is such a matter of interest not only to US which exists thousands of miles away.

I mean , there is this issue about Iran , holding some ppl hostage like ages ago , probbly debatable if those were acts of individuals or rouge elements or state authorised. But US already took their revenge with downing of Iraian airplane

And this was like ageeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees ago

So why can't these two countries just call it even and just get on with their lives -

I mean iran's navy/airforce etc is all old etc so I don't know ...

The funny thing is US has alot of iranians tones and tones of iranians


Read the article in the following link, you might get some answers

HitXP - I Promise to pay the bearer - by Gurudev

A para from the above link

As described in earlier articles Iraq was invaded simply because Saddam Hussein had started accepting Euros instead of dollars to sell Iraqi Petroleum. This was a master blow to US economy and hence Iraq was invaded. The WMD which Saddam had was none other than Oil. After US invaded Iraq and dethroned Saddam the first thing it did was to revert back oil exporting currency of Iraq to dollars. Similary Iran is being threatened by US not because it has started Uranium enrichment programme but because it has started accepting Euros instead of dollars. Similarly Russia has started accepting its own Roubles instead of dollars to boost its own economy. Venezuela is also switching to Euros to export its Oil.
Iran, Venezuela and Russia account for about 25% of world oil exports, and if they do away with dollars, then there is a serious threat to dollar stability, and would lead to serious inflation and recession in US. UAE central bank has said that it will convert 10% of its dollar reserves to Euros. Even Kuwait and Qatar have hinted at the same. Sweden has brought down its dollar reserves from 37% to 20%. If there are no buyers for dollars, why will countries export their goods to US, what will they do with the dollars paid to them?
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Whether any body likes it or not , US will attack Iran one day.

The "hostage crisis" was perhaps the biggest INSULT ever faced by America.

Whether any body likes it or not , US will attack Iran one day.

And when they do you can expect regional collapse.

The "hostage crisis" was perhaps the biggest INSULT ever faced by America. That has to be avenged.

You remember when the Chinese caught the American spies, destroyed their plane and refused to return the parts or the staff even under US Pressure... Was that avenged?

The posturing by Iranians has not helped matters either.
When Iran calls for "wiping out Israel" and "death to America" it is only ensuring that a war will happen.

Yes agree on that part, Mr. Mehmoud is playing a very dangerous game.
US will not attack iran, it will only allow it to become more powerfull to squeeze anything out of arabs..!!
Sab Nora-Kushti he ..!

Saddam hussian was an anti Iran leader is now being removed by the US
Taliban had an anti Iran stance , they are also dismanteled from the mainstreem by the US
The US had the chance to destroy the Shia cleric Muktada Al Sadar in Iraq but didnt
In Pakistan the key Gov officials are all shias ..!
The Israeles had the the chance to Kill the Hezbollah Leader Hassan Nasrullah who found refuge in the Iranian Embassy in Lebanon but they didnt.

A stronger Iran actually favours US interests.
In short ,The main theme behind not attacking Iran is it its anti arab/sunni stance which the yanks want to exploit to carve up there regional gains...!
I am surprised that US did not declare war on Iran after Embassy Hostage crisis.Technically Iran declared war on America by taking over the embassy as an embassy is considered Foreign land so US Embassy was land of United States.
☪☪☪☪;969755 said:
I am surprised that US did not declare war on Iran after Embassy Hostage crisis.Technically Iran declared war on America by taking over the embassy as an embassy is considered Foreign land so US Embassy was land of United States.
A major issue (or problem) with functional democracies is that quite often there is a certain level of unpredictability in the leaderships. When that Iranian revolution took American hostages, our leadership at that point was quite spineless. When there was a regime change with Ronald Raygun as President, the hostages were released toot-sweet.
Yea.. in what eventually became the Iran-Contra scandal.. arms for hostages.
The USA hates, yes hates, Iran for two main reasons:

#1, Revenge (i.e. Badal) has not been taken yet. The taking of our diplomats as hostages as well as those in Lebanon, and the bombing of our Marines and Embassy in Lebanon, has never been avenged. The Iranian airliner downing was not revenge but an accident. Accidents don't satisfy our need for justice a' la Amerikawali. We need to hammer the clerics good to feel satisfied. Personally, I think we should obliterate Khomeini's memorial to call that part of the equation "even".

#2, Iran is the leading state sponsor of terrorism in the world, especially in the Middle East. Iran stands in the way of settling the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by a two-state solution (thru it's proxies Hizbollah and Hamas). The USA cannot extricate itself from propping up Israel until the conflict is resolved and Iran is the main obstacle to that happening.

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