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Why is there a statue of Ranjit Singh in Lahore?

Oh, rip.

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I read somewhere that those areas were not part of India and he captured most of them and then British captured them from him, that is why today we got those areas

That is more or less correct for not just FATA but also much of KPK as a whole. The region has typically swayed between Iranic and Indo-Aryan control, without Ranjit Singh it would have likely remained locked under Afghan rule today.
I'm from Lahore and i just saw that there is a Ranjit Singh statue there.


Why is there a statue of a tyrant, who tortured muslims during his rule, in the ISLAMIC republic of Pakistan?

And to make it worse, the statue was made and placed there by the Punjab government just last year. It's not even like that it was an ancient statue. They literally made the statue and placed it there.

This is extremely offensive.

Imagine if someone makes a statue of Hitler and places it in front of the Eiffel Tower. It's the same kind of situation here.


What are the Lahoris doing about this?

They should file a petition to get it removed.

And i just saw a tweet where Fawad Chaudhry called Ranjit Singh "Sher-e-Punjab". And i thought he couldn't be any worse.

He was a ruler for the Sikhs not for the muslims.

No Punjabi muslim likes Ranjit Singh.

Also, it's quite funny how Indians are "condemning" this "attack" on the statue but they would do anything to remove the statues of Aurangzeb and the other Mughal rulers from India. Hypocrites.
It install by Shahbaz Shareef for Punjabi awakening . Now no one will remove, because this statue already gain regional recognition ..... Keeping Sikh bradari is now very important ... " strategically " .
Because Pakistani liberals are the biggest Islam-hating virmins I've ever seen. They "own" their ethnic, non-Muslim history and disparage anything related to history that's 'Muslim history'

These ethnic secularists hate our Islamic Republic and want to damage it in whatever way they can. PM IK has people like Fawad Chaudhary in his cabinet that pushes these kinds of agendas and praised Ranjit Kanjar's statue.

The whole argument of the thread is that he persecuted Muslims, and was a Sikh ruler, and tries to compare him to Hitler.

I mean, the OP knows Mughal history as well, right? Some of the Mughal sultans also persecuted other groups. So, according to OP, would their statues be okay, since the persecuted people were non-Muslims?

The point I am trying to make is that this is simply history, and how leaders were in history save very few of them. We remember them for their governance, military expertise, and such things.

Hope the point gets across.

EDIT: I just did a quick read on his empire on Wikipedia. It mentions that he built mosques and temples. His sovereignty was accepted by Afghan and Punjabi Muslims, and that they even fought under his banner against Afghan forces. There are also accounts by then historians on his cruelty but also accounts by historians who deny this.
I think the empire followed the same pattern as literally every other empire in history. Conquer, destroy the previous empire's subjects, buildings to remove their influence, then go back to being somewhat considerate of the minorities like the previous empire.
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The only ruler of India who got kicked out of central Asia was Babur/mughals. Even at their height of power Mughals launched several attempts to conquer their fathelands in central Asia, got their a$$ handed to them every time.

They decided to let that region go after some initial attempts because of the Safavid Empire to the west, and because they didn't want to damage the little relations they had with Ottomans (they were very close to the central asian turks) who were seen as a 'potential ally' against the larger threat of Safavid Empire.
Yeah but there is no such thing as punjabi nationalism in Pakistan.

So why would a Punjabi muslim care about Ranjit singh?
He was a sikh not a muslim even if he was a Punjabi

Why should I, as a Punjabi, give a flying **** about his religion. He could believe in Allah, or Jesus, or some spaghetti flying monster. The point is the guy erected a Punjabi empire and defended the land from foreign invasions.

This is not about Punjabi nationalism, this is Punjabi heritage, and shows one of those few points in history that Punjabis decided to erect their own empire instead of building others' empires. The empire, like it or not, has a hand in defining the KPK-Afghanistan border of present-day Pakistan.

The country is a combination of many ethnicities, and so each ethnicity's heritage is also Pakistani history and heritage!

Which region in Punjab do you relate to exactly? Because I have NEVER seen this kind of toxicity for non-Muslims. The only one present is for the violence between Muslims and non Muslims during Independence in 1947.
were there no Muslims in Ranjit's Army when he fought against afghans? had there been no Ranjit would there be FATA in Pak today?

You're asking the right questions that these people can't comprehend and refuse to listen to, they're in such utter denial that in their extremist love for religion, they don't realize Pakistan would've been far away from the Durand Line had the fucking Afghans up north gotten control over present-day KPK. The same afghans who later rejected (now Pakistani) Pashtuns from migrating during British control.
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Most likely to do with our own pathetic mehman nawazi attitude in rolling out the red carpets for everyone including enemies.
Yes, I understand. Pakistan has been trying to revive Khalistan so they are doing all these gimmicks to get some sympathy from sikhs , even kartarpur was another gimmick, but so is India supporting the Baloch movement & had supported Mukti bahini in the past but that dint make any Indian govt put a statue of Aurangzeb in Delhi or inaugurate any masjid , just imagine Modi doing that lol, let’s just say that Indians are more classy when it comes to supporting secessionist groups, they do it covertly
Kartarpur was no gimmick. The open pilgrimage has been a demand from the Sikhs for decades. The plan had been discussed years earlier. Nothing to do with khalistan evertmything to do in preserving and improving a historic centre for a religeous community, not forgetting an increase in tourism.
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Hope all Punjabis adopt 'Sikhism' as it is ORIGINAL RELIGION of the land/Punjab instead invaders religion and build statues of Sikh kings who opposed invaders.
Hope all Punjabis adopt 'Sikhism' as it is ORIGINAL RELIGION of the land/Punjab instead invaders religion and build statues of Sikh kings who opposed invaders.
Sikhism has historic roots to the region. So does Islam, Hinduism and Buddism.
Sikhism has historic roots to the region. So does Islam, Hinduism and Buddism.

Sikhism all holy places in Punjab.
Hinduism all holy places Across India (& South east Asia)
Buddhism all holy places Across India/Nepal (& South east Asia)

& Islam??? None
Sikhism all holy places in Punjab.
Hinduism all holy places Across India (& South east Asia)
Buddhism all holy places Across India/Nepal (& South east Asia)

& Islam??? None
Islam came to the region centuries ago and is firmly set foot in place. Islam is equally important to the region and you cannot erase it. Remember millions of Pakistani Punjabis are muslim, are you suggesting for them to disregard their faith? Appreciate we maintained and looked after the Sikh Gurdwaras as mosques across india punjab have been demolished. Only recent did muslims rebuild a masjid in Ambala.
Islam came to the region centuries ago and is firmly set foot in place. Islam is equally important to the region and you cannot erase it. Remember millions of Pakistani Punjabis are muslim, are you suggesting for them to disregard their faith? Appreciate we maintained and looked after the Sikh Gurdwaras as mosques across india punjab have been demolished. Only recent did muslims rebuild a masjid in Ambala.

Why should Arab religion>> Punjab's OWN native RELIGION.

Either accept both are true or both are false. Why should u belive ALL UR ANCESTORS ARE WRONG BUT SOME ARAB DUDE is 100% right with '0' evidence?
Hope all Punjabis adopt 'Sikhism' as it is ORIGINAL RELIGION of the land/Punjab instead invaders religion and build statues of Sikh kings who opposed invaders.

Are you fucking stupid? One of the Sikh gurus is Muslim.


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