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Why is the southern part of South Asia more developed than the northern part of South Asia

The same story for almost all the countries.

But when comparing development based on countrywise you look at the whole country and do not look only at a part of a particular counrty or who went to Olympiad.

Yes when it comes to stats one has to look country's average ....... I am highlighting the fact that there are regions which are well developed and then there are backward regions in India.
Come to South India and see for yourself. South India is more developed than north in terms of human development. In fact if human development in north was similar to south, India would have been similar to Sri Lanka in terms of human development.

calm down! @Ajatashatru @Manvantaratruti and others plz dont make it south-north fight.
Just asking how do you know about the intellectual traditions in Sri lanka.? True that SI can boast about nobel laureates while SL cannot. But the individual accomplishments of few people do not show the real picture. Not only you there are many in SL who attend very good schools and even students from my own schools have attended Math/Physics Olympiad. I don’t think it is a suitable parameter.
One thing you got right is indian govern has invested in their own universities and you have very good universities. Instead SL gover is letting foreign universities to mushroom in SL without considering whether they would be actually beneficial to SL.
Points to ponder for gover supporters here like, @HeinzG, @Skyline and @Azizam

May be true. what makes you think others are not?

The bold part shows what sort of an education you must have had :) you might have access to many good jobs that doesnt mean anyone else from SL or rest of subcontinent did not. That is a poor assumption and a stupid one coming from a very 'educated' lady

Did you go to Sln schools or SL universities?

That was me,not my wife,

And am sorry,that kid was trashtalking like crazy.
Did my post sound like that??

I only said south have some smart brains.

yes it did. And what makes you think only South India has? I am an engineer and i have worked with engineers from TN. To be honest i was not impressed.
yes it did. And what makes you think only South India has? I am an engineer and i have worked with engineers from TN. To be honest i was not impressed.

I don't think so!!

Why should I rely on your judgement when whole world is acknowledging this fact about Indians including Obama.

You have some flaws in your judgement!!

You are an engg. in ??

are you related to software??
Just asking how do you know about the intellectual traditions in Sri lanka.? True that SI can boast about nobel laureates while SL cannot. But the individual accomplishments of few people do not show the real picture. Not only you there are many in SL who attend very good schools and even students from my own schools have attended Math/Physics Olympiad. I don’t think it is a suitable parameter.
One thing you got right is indian govern has invested in their own universities and you have very good universities. Instead SL gover is letting foreign universities to mushroom in SL without considering whether they would be actually beneficial to SL.
Points to ponder for gover supporters here like, @HeinzG, @Skyline and @Azizam

May be true. what makes you think others are not?

The bold part shows what sort of an education you must have had :) you might have access to many good jobs that doesnt mean anyone else from SL or rest of subcontinent did not. That is a poor assumption and a stupid one coming from a very 'educated' lady

Did you go to Sln schools or SL universities?

I dont mean anything i said there but that dude was saying random stuff,it is a thing kids get into these days.

India bashing,they are unaware of the reality and say something on the internet.

i am sorry,man,
yes it did. And what makes you think only South India has? I am an engineer and i have worked with engineers from TN. To be honest i was not impressed.

and who are you ! some CEO ?
That was me,not my wife,

And am sorry,that kid was trashtalking like crazy.

I cant find where i mentioned your wife. And i was referring to your comment.

and who are you ! some CEO ?

Do you think only CEOs work with engineers?

dont worry,even i am not impressed by them.

yeah shame they couldnt get the same level of education and intellect like you, which is very much obvious in this forum.
I cant find where i mentioned your wife. And i was referring to your comment.

Do you think only CEOs work with engineers?

yeah shame they couldnt get the same level of education and intellect like you, which is very much obvious in this forum.

i mean who are you to judge the quality of others and why ur opinion matters even a bit!
I don't think so!!

Why should I rely on your judgement when whole world is acknowledging this fact about Indians including Obama.

You have some flaws in your judgement!!

You are an engg. in ??

are you related to software??

I am a chemical engineer i have worked with TN engineers in projects. I dont say Obama is lying (dont know he has really said so). I told what i experienced. Arent the most of the comments here are judgements after all?

i mean who are you to judge the quality of others and why ur opinion matters even a bit!

where have i judged others? I have every right to form an opinion. I didnt go on here calling TN engineers are bad. I just make my experience known in a thread where some people were boasting their personal rants belittling other people.

And my opinion matters here as much as yours matter here.
how is it typical sri lankan? what Aziz said may be distasteful. But what about the egocentric but foolish attitudes of indians here.

WHatever, we know how most Sri Lankans on here think.
I am a chemical engineer i have worked with TN engineers in projects. I dont say Obama is lying (dont know he has really said so). I told what i experienced. Arent the most of the comments here are judgements after all?

where have i judged others? I have every right to form an opinion. I didnt go on here calling TN engineers are bad. I just make my experience known in a thread where some people were boasting their personal rants belittling other people.

And my opinion matters here as much as yours matter here.

so just keep it with you .. why judging ability of others based on ur whims and fancies!
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