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Why is South Asia so tense?

^^^You didn't answer my question.Instead of defending a thing which does not exists(INDIA helping SL).The reality is that SL was back stabbed by India and then they turned to Pakistan for weapons and we gladly helped our South Asian Brother.

Ohh that was a question.
Yes Pakistan sold weapons to SL because as I said due to sentiments of Tamil population we could not do the same.
If you understand little politics this should be enough to answer your question.
Pakistan also has same situation, Pashtun population in Afghanistan but it helped USA against them, see the result. That is why we acted smart.

About back stabbing by India, I will rather believe stand by GOSL then a conspiracy theorist.
India, unnecessarily pulls thousands of troops onto the border. Pakistan's defense budget was frozen so we could focus on other things like education and infrastructure. India see's this as an advantage. Musharraf threatens with nuclear destruction. India leaves.

I suppose you conveniently forgot the December 11th attack on India's parliament? Selective amnesia or was it another Indian drama?

As far as India being responsible for tensions with Pakistan - A bit of recent history. Lahore 99 was followed by Kargil and hijacking of IC 814. Agra summit although a failure was followed by the attack on Parliament.
Ohh that was a question.
Yes Pakistan sold weapons to SL because as I said due to sentiments of Tamil population we could not do the same.

Then you should also not claim that INDIA Helped SL .

Pakistan also has same situation, Pashtun population in Afghanistan but it helped USA against them, see the result

First off all you must know the difference between our Pashtuns and the Afghans.Those Afghans are not our country men and are not our problem and besides the Tribal areas ppl which are minority no Pashtun really gives a care about what happens to Afghans.They have caused us enough problems already and our Pashtuns know it.and even if we did helped USA the bomb blasts started after 2007 if our pashtuns were to oppose why didn't they protested or why didn't bomb blasts frequently occurred in 2002.

About back stabbing by India, I will rather believe stand by GOSL then a conspiracy theorist.

I can Understand his position to cool down a 20 times big Country.Finland also had many agreements with USSR.But they were out of fear than love and all that ended with the end of USSR.
In Sri Lanka, India overtly and covertly supported the insurgency against the state by LTTE, a nationalist Tamil group in the northern Jaffna region of this small island country, which kept it politically and economically destabilised for decades. In the end, India paid a price for interference when its prime minister, Rajiv Gandhi, was assassinated by a Tamil activist for having betrayed the movement.

And the story ends there?? Rajiv Gandhi was assasinated in 1991 by LTTE. Its been long time since 1991 mate, 19 years to be exact, and the idiot who wrote this article thinks India supporting LTTE after hummiliating Indian establishment by assasinating Rajiv?. Prabhakaran bcame one of the most wanted fugitive in India. the hunt for him and his organization continued untill his sh!t head go blown off by SL army weapon. And I dont think Rajapakshe CAN NOT deny the training and support given by Indian army to SL army, can he?

Although not a part of South Asia, China’s relations with India for decades have remained frosty, at best. They went to war in 1962 over a border dispute. Competing for regional leadership, it does not hesitate to antagonise China by hoisting Dalai Lama off and on to keep the issue of Tibet alive. Lately, having aligned itself with America to contain China, India is bargaining for a tense Sino-Indian relationship in the years to come.

totally idotic argument. when did Indian gov start building relationship with US gov bytheway?? since the Bush admin?? Untill recently India was the bad guy for US,China and Pakistan. Dont make me write an essay about the round table meetings happened between these trinity agaist India in Bangladesh liberation war. Till today US is the biggest market for Chinese goods and Pakistan is the biggest ally for the so called war on terror.:rolleyes:. But when US start to building relationship with with India somebody's azz starts to burn, i dont know why!. Now, as far as the use of "US use India to contain China" phrase is concerned, let me tell u guys something..... India is powerfull soverign nation that doesnt need anyone's help to contain china, we can do is ourself alone ,thanks, no need of US required. As of today, aprox 70% of our weapons are from Russia and the rest 30% are from France,Israel so on so forth, still, the Chinese believe we Indians are the biggest threat to them,Now, That is a proof that India doesnt need US to contain china. India started to economically challenge China way before even US starts to build relationship with India.

Last but not the least, India and US are naturally allies my friend and it will be like that as long as we claim ourself THE most powerfull democracies of the world.

With Pakistan, India maintains the worst of relations mainly because of Pakistan’s political and military standing and its ability to reject Indian domination. Outstanding disputes including Kashmir, water distribution, dams that India constructs in violation Indus Water Treaty and border issues have remained unresolved.

It give me a laugh when the author claimed Pakistan's ability to reject Indian domination.:lol:. There is only two nations in the whole continant of Asia that can be listed with India as far as the power goes.....and they are China and Japan, often called as the trinity of Asia. I dont think i need to mention the list Pakistan is enlisted in.:disagree:

By joining the American bandwagon in Afghanistan and positioning its troops in the name of infrastructure development, India created enough concerns for Pakistan.

who care about Pakistan's concern?? all we Indians care about is that after decades of war, terrorism, plundering finally afghanis will get a chance to live under a civilian government, in peace. If we can build them a brandnew parliament, road etc and teach their youth how to be a productive successfull citizen by giving them scholarship and oppertunity to study here in India and train them as civil servants, then we are proud that we are making a difference in this world. If Pakistan can not contribute anything good for Afghanis, let the others do the job.

But by its collusion with CIA and Mossad to take out Pakistan’s nuclear assets through subversion in Fata, the NWFP and other areas using the militants of Tehrik-i-Taliban, India is slamming shut the door on the peace process that Pakistan has been persistently trying to keep open ever since 1947. With a history of constant endeavours to balkanise Pakistan, Indian military build up in Afghanistan is seen by Pakistan’s military as an effort to put it in a nutcracker.[/B]

Dont talk about the commitment to the peace process alight!. Everybody know what heppened right before Kargil. Everybody know what happend to the master minds of Mumbai.

Indian military build up in Afghanistan

^^:lol: Indian jawans in Afghanistan.....nice try!!!!:hang2:
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Taimi Khan.

Your post talks about FEAR of Indian domination and hegomoney by its neighbourly states.

Causing Tension.

Yet i feel for India.

A nation respected and acknowl;edged globally as a regional power of rising importance surounded by smaller nation with huge internal struggles.

Sri lanka civil war with Tamils
Bangladesh Poverty
Afghanistan Terror networks Extremisim
Pakistan WOT military rule

SO INDIA has overlooked its small troubled states and developed good relations elsewhere further way


And india has benefitted from this policy.

India has nothing to gain from its neighbours.
Taimi Khan.

Your post talks about FEAR of Indian domination and hegomoney by its neighbourly states.

Causing Tension.

Yet i feel for India.

A nation respected and acknowl;edged globally as a regional power of rising importance surounded by smaller nation with huge internal struggles.

Sri lanka civil war with Tamils
Bangladesh Poverty
Afghanistan Terror networks Extremisim
Pakistan WOT military rule

SO INDIA has overlooked its small troubled states and developed good relations elsewhere further way


And india has benefitted from this policy.

India has nothing to gain from its neighbours.

I completely agree with this.
Taimi Khan.

Your post talks about FEAR of Indian domination and hegomoney by its neighbourly states.

Causing Tension.

Yet i feel for India.

A nation respected and acknowl;edged globally as a regional power of rising importance surounded by smaller nation with huge internal struggles.

Sri lanka civil war with Tamils
Bangladesh Poverty
Afghanistan Terror networks Extremisim
Pakistan WOT military rule

SO INDIA has overlooked its small troubled states and developed good relations elsewhere further way


And india has benefitted from this policy.

India has nothing to gain from its neighbours.

Not even China?
Taimi Khan.

Your post talks about FEAR of Indian domination and hegomoney by its neighbourly states.

Causing Tension.

Yet i feel for India.

A nation respected and acknowl;edged globally as a regional power of rising importance surounded by smaller nation with huge internal struggles.

Sri lanka civil war with Tamils
Bangladesh Poverty
Afghanistan Terror networks Extremisim
Pakistan WOT military rule

SO INDIA has overlooked its small troubled states and developed good relations elsewhere further way


And india has benefitted from this policy.

India has nothing to gain from its neighbours.

But unfortunately India is the only country in South Asia that likes to flex its muscle and interfere in other countries affairs, so unfortunately the Indian policy is contradicting to what you are saying.
India, unnecessarily pulls thousands of troops onto the border. Pakistan's defense budget was frozen so we could focus on other things like education and infrastructure. India see's this as an advantage. Musharraf threatens with nuclear destruction. India leaves.

We have to make a choice... or we will be defeated by Indian just as soviet were by Americans! We do not have the resources and the ability to match their defense budge.. on other hand we have a corrupt politician and corrupt military which in itself is an industry. We either make peace with India and concentrate on building our other infrastructure...education, health and create more opportunity for our people. Or we need to start a war with India and get it over with...for time is not in our favor... the longer we wait the stronger India gets. Compare India of 2000 to today and see how much leverage it has over us...they were able to turn the rightful independent movement of Kashmiris into terrorist movement. They blame anything goes wrong on pakistan...to the point if a bomb goes off in less then an hour they start blaming pakistan and the world media...not just west media...the whole world media---including Aljazera sides with them.
Taimi Khan.

Your post talks about FEAR of Indian domination and hegomoney by its neighbourly states.

Causing Tension.

Yet i feel for India.

A nation respected and acknowl;edged globally as a regional power of rising importance surounded by smaller nation with huge internal struggles.

Sri lanka civil war with Tamils
Bangladesh Poverty
Afghanistan Terror networks Extremisim
Pakistan WOT military rule

SO INDIA has overlooked its small troubled states and developed good relations elsewhere further way


And india has benefitted from this policy.

India has nothing to gain from its neighbours.

Well your post shows the ignorance that you or guys over there have, with all the media which is feeding you, without showing the true picture.

First of all it is not my post, read the heading and then the author name, the link to the source of the article and even e-mail of the writer is given, so it makes not my views, rather someone's else.

And would be better that before reading the posts of Indian members here or your one sided media reports, Google and see what role India is playing in this whole region. Its relations with BD, SL, Pakistan, China and others.

If US and Soviet Union being once stars and powers of the world, could not stop fingering in other countries matters or occupy other countries, do change of regimes, fund counter insurgencies, instigate rebellions, assassinations etc etc etc, then why not expect the same thing from another so called rising power. For you guys India is a regional rising power, so it will play around in its region to have a control, so that it can rise towards world power thingy.

So better keeping your knowledge limited to the forum and posts over here, do some more research and see what else is there to support such arguments.
I beleive the tensions in the Subcontinent are mainly down to expansionist aims of the Indian govt (not people). They have a dream of being the dominent player in south asia - all others should just be consumers of Indian goods. Sri Lanka tried the hand of friendship with India when it signed up for FTA on 1st March 2000, but soon realised that when their exports of hydrogenated vegtable oil and pepper were cheaper in Sri Lanka than India - India slapped down trade barriers and curtailed the import of both.
So this is how Free Trade works with India you can imagine how every other relationship will work out as well.
India wants to be in charge and everyone else play second fiddle. Its not going to work and its the cause of instability in South Asia.
Corrected some misrepresentations in your post:


A nation respected and acknowl;edged globally as a regional power of rising importance surounded by smaller nation with huge internal struggles.

India is propped up by established powers who fear a rising China.

INDIA has overlooked its small troubled states and developed good relations elsewhere further way

India has a far better reputation far away from home than it does with its immediate neighbors who know it better.
India is propped up by established powers who fear a rising China.

Sure....we are propped by established powers"....for
having China as biggest trade partner....
holding observer status in SCO...
improving ties with China day by day...
started even military cooperation/exercise etc with China


opposing the climate summit...
do not have the largest military relation with US...
improving ties with Russia as well...

We are very much being backed by established ones!!
I think evil sons of Chanakya are doing a great job in diplomacy. :devil:

India has a far better reputation far away from home than it does with its immediate neighbors who know it better.

What point does it make. Kindly remember SL, BD, Nepal etc. as other member pointed out. We would believe their government official response rather than openions from a third country citizen. :blah:
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