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Why is South Asia so tense?


Great job in extracting bits and pieces of my detailed response to the article and not only misquoting them to suit your ability to reply but also giving a totally new meaning to what I said. You should consider a career in spin doctoring yaar :cheers:

I answered you point for point, leaving out only the parts where I agreed with you, or where I did not have knowledge (India/Bangladesh relations).

Which part do you disagree with?
By joining the American bandwagon in Afghanistan and positioning its troops in the name of infrastructure development, India created enough concerns for Pakistan. But by its collusion with CIA and Mossad to take out Pakistan’s nuclear assets through subversion in Fata, the NWFP and other areas using the militants of Tehrik-i-Taliban, India is slamming shut the door on the peace process that Pakistan has been persistently trying to keep open ever since 1947. With a history of constant endeavours to balkanise Pakistan, Indian military build up in Afghanistan is seen by Pakistan’s military as an effort to put it in a nutcracker.

my reply

India's foreign policy cannot be dictated by Pakistan's concerns and neither can Pakistan's by India's concerns. If that was the situation then China would not be in Pakistan and in fact Pakistan would not be fighting a civil war. Unless Pakistan has evidence of India destabilising Pakistan via Afghanistan then Pakistan should with respect put up or shut up

your response

Originally Posted by PlanetWarrior
If that was the situation then China would not be in Pakistan

Pakistan's relationship with China exists independently of India. It will continue regardless of whether India breaks up into a hundred pieces, or absorbs Bangaldesh and Sri Lanka.

India really needs to get off its high horse and cure itself of its delusions of self-importance

Whilst I pointed out that India and Pakistan's foreign policies are for their own designs with regards to India and Afghanistan and I used the example of China in Pakistan as being Pakistan's foreign policy which India should either put up with or shut up about, you make it seem that I was complaining about China and Pakistan's friendly relations. Just one point in example although the majority of your reply leans in that direction
Same normal stuff again, nothing new, the blame game continues
Whilst I pointed out that India and Pakistan's foreign policies are for their own designs with regards to India and Afghanistan and I used the example of China in Pakistan as being Pakistan's foreign policy which India should either put up with or shut up about, you make it seem that I was complaining about China and Pakistan's friendly relations.

OK, I read that to mean China would not be in Pakistan if India had its druthers, which sounds the same as what you were saying. My response was in agreement with yours -- for India to mind it's own business, and Pakistan likewise.

Like I said, I agree with you on some points, not on others.

Anyway, my main point was at the bottom. Certain Indian attitudes which cause adverse reactions in neighboring countries and cause tension in South Asia. Admittedly, it is not all India's fault, but it certainly shares the blame.
Same normal stuff again, nothing new, the blame game continues

Agree with you. Funny thing is when I read articles about Indian "hegemony" one of the reasons I don't believe in that BS is because the Indian politicians don't have the skill for pulling that off.

I believe India's policy is in keeping pakistanis in pakistan, sri-lankans in SL, bangladeshis in bangladesh, kashmiris in kashmir as part of india & chinese off the indian sub-continent.
Agree with you. Funny thing is when I read articles about Indian "hegemony" one of the reasons I don't believe in that BS is because the Indian politicians don't have the skill for pulling that off.

I believe India's policy is in keeping pakistanis in pakistan, sri-lankans in SL, bangladeshis in bangladesh, kashmiris in kashmir as part of india & chinese off the indian sub-continent.

This is a totally one sided article and does not point out what is really going on in the region. Raising fingers against the other person does not solve your own problems. Its time for countries to introspect rather than blame all their problems on each other when the real culprits successfully write such articles and shrug off the responsibility. Meant to only flame, this article does not benefit society in any way and I really want to question what the author wants to achieve with this.

Such articles continue to misguide the youth of both countries and radicalize them towards each other and that is the major reason why south Asia is tense. We do not want to let go of our own inner demons and continue to breed hatred towards each other. Both our countries have great potential and can achieve anything they want but we are constantly held back by such conservative thinkers that can only achieve satisfaction by demeaning the other person. These so called “Defense Analyst” pretend to know details that are only visible to them and continue the misguide the brilliant youth of both countries. It is time that we stop looking upto these people and rather idolize people like Mahatma Gandhi or Jinnah who laid the foundations of 2 great nations on values of peace, democracy and tolerance.

We all claim to be defense experts and argue who is better all day but in reality its very easy to blow the enemy up but amazingly tough to shake his hand. Its time we stop looking at past demons and move forward to a future that we can all be proud off. Only when we are all able to see that these problems are only created by people who benefit from it, only then we would be able to see the truth, no matter how much we hate each other, India and Pakistan are destined to be brothers till the end of the world.

However it would be offtopic but all these civilizations need to change a bit according to the time. One rule from 1000 years ago may not necessarily applicable to today's world.

Though I agree what you are saying yet this is very general in nature. This phenomenon happened with every civilizations or regions. The main question is "why we are so behind"?

I still stick to my primary reason i.e. false sense of patriotism. Sometimes it is against national interest in a long term.

I have one example. After independence, India was favoured towards socialism. We got a great ally in form of Russia as they helped us a lot in our testing times. But this vision had some lackings as well. At that time people were too pro-Russia and reluctant towards west (for obvious reasons). As we were not so friendly with western nations, we could not benefit much from them be it military, scientific or economic. India was financially in deep trouble before it revived its policies in 90s. We realised very late and now India is more matured and balanced. It is benefitting from all sides be it east, west, north or south.

Hope I made myself clear.

Patriotism is key for servival , western nations development also based on Patriotism , that is reason they developed the concept of europian union which is successful venture, similarly muslim umah concept could be revived but due to lack of education and greedy leadership and secterianism ,this idea could not be implemented easily.

India has no its own economic system, it is country of many nations which has its own limitations and draw backs but young and educated population is a plus point.

It is in intrest of both Muslim nations and India to make a economic block and develop friendship.It will be benficial for whole region and both nations could spend more on public welfare projects.
South Asia may seem tense to pakistanis. Cause you are in a state of turmoil.

INDIA IS DOING fine growing nicely.

lets keep it that way

status quo plz
Patriotism is key for servival , western nations development also based on Patriotism , that is reason they developed the concept of europian union which is successful venture, similarly muslim umah concept could be revived but due to lack of education and greedy leadership and secterianism ,this idea could not be implemented easily.

I never said patriotism is bad. I wanted to point out ultra-nationalism, which stops the rational thinking, is harmful. I gave one example just to explain the things. Please see in that regard.

India has no its own economic system, it is country of many nations which has its own limitations and draw backs but young and educated population is a plus point.

I could not understand bold part for which I apologize. However the point of discussion is not Indian economy here. The reference was mentioned to point out the "false ego" or fake-nationism.

It is in intrest of both Muslim nations and India to make a economic block and develop friendship.It will be benficial for whole region and both nations could spend more on public welfare projects.

I agree. But this is again the same ego/ultra-nationalism/false-pride etc. which is serving as a obstacle.
Patriotism is key for servival , western nations development also based on Patriotism , that is reason they developed the concept of europian union which is successful venture, similarly muslim umah concept could be revived but due to lack of education and greedy leadership and secterianism ,this idea could not be implemented easily.

India has no its own economic system, it is country of many nations which has its own limitations and draw backs but young and educated population is a plus point.

It is in intrest of both Muslim nations and India to make a economic block and develop friendship.It will be benficial for whole region and both nations could spend more on public welfare projects.
My friend, the idea behind European Union is not religion. It is trade, which is a big motivation for the improvement in the quality of life of its individuals. The erstwhile CIS countries are also keen to join the EU, not for love of any religion but for the betterment of the lives of their people via trade and business.

So I disagree with your idea of everything being religion centric. It is not. I would like to leave this here for I believe that my religion is between me and my god. But as part of a community, a nation & a region, my view will be to focus on moving towards a scenario where we are all doing what each of us can do best and trade bases on our competencies. Opportunities for all you see.....

Re your comment about India, I completely agree with you that we are nation of diversities. Probably most diversities in the world. Isn't it amazing that our social fabric is such a collage and yet we gather under same colors. Look at other nations in the world with diversities, say even China. All the diversities and the religion never comes in the way of national policies. This is also common amongst all thriving nations with diverse populace.

Ever wonder why, let me let you in on this secret. You see we never put religion in the centre of our lives, religion for us is our compass of morality. The core desire and motivation of each individual is the their betterment and that of their families. The goal is always to reach the next income level or buy that next comfort for our families, education for children or hell, that nice dress for our women. But all this to be done in human and honest ways, that is where my religion is my compass.

South Asia will realize its true potential when we will have a common objective, which can motivate the whole region. That can only be the upliftment of the quality of our lives, removal of poverty, improvement in the available opportuities to our children, better health care for our elderly and increased acceptance and respect amongst us for each other values and beliefs.

Take care.
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