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Why is PDF turning into an anti-government media cell?

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We have continued exposure of things that government has done good via Positive section of the website, and negative via the Siasat. Everything we post are facts or news.

There are times i admit we have posted opinions through twitter in direct criticism of PML-N that we would slow down.

Before replying, go and check the official Facebook and Twitter feeds and find me one positive post about the PMLN government.

It doesn't exist.

Is this a forum to discuss "Pakistan Defense" or to advance the narrative of one political party over another over its millions of followers?

Your rant is similar to Trump,s rant about cnn Moed Peerzada explained it brilliantly we have no obligation to have a neutrality bias what is wrong is wrong we wont sugarcoat it

I.K during dharna cry hard for Umpire but there is no umpire in this game.

Why are suddenly completely irrelevant people concerned with how PDF is run? last time I checked, PDF was not run on taxpayer money and is a private cooperative community. If the the majority are in union about a certain dynasty that is currently acting completely against the interests of not just the Pakistani military but Pakistan itself via corruption, collusion and criminal activities, that enemy.. ENEMY needs to be targeted.
Paid trolls of Qatari Shezadi are butthurt let them cry

Because PDF exists as an extension of PTIs media wing :whistle: ive been visiting for years before I became a member and always found it dominated by PTI supporters.
Its just a strange coincidence that most patriotic educated young people online are pti supporters :whistle: they tend to flock on pro Pakistan pages and forums all baboons do here is defend their corrupt leader
That said, I do think that the current criticism of NS and PML is justified as they are trying to incite hatred towards the courts and military. PDF being a Pakistani and military forum is within it's ambit to criticise them.
So now can i accuse you of being a paid member of pti :angel:
The government does not want to do anything positive yet the cry babies are whining when their corruption is exposed. Not every body is on PML N pay roll and i for am glad to be a part of a community who likes to call spade a spade.
Because gov has done nothing positive in the last 4 years? or because the current gov is busy defending and attending jalsas of a corrupt, dishonest and disqualified person and now a murderer too who's openly inciting people against Army and Judiciary give me reasons why should i praise pmln's gov?

>Should i praise them because of piling debt or making a record of taking $10b debt in 1 year? first time in the history of Pak.

>Should i praise them because our literacy rate dropped by 2%?

>Should i praise them because of falling exports?

>Should i praise them because they failed terribly at advancing our interests?

>Should i praise them because our traitor PM kept quiet on kulbushan whereas modi was talking about liberating Balochistan?

>Should i praise them because they murdered 14 people in front of whole world in broad daylight?

>Should i praise them because a corrupt PM lied in Parliament about his assets?

>Should i praise them because of dawn leaks?

>Should i praise them because of wasting tax payers money in giving ads to defend their corruption?

@Arsalan @WAJsal @Zibago @Imad.Khan

I don't understand how you people are asking these questions.
Because gov has done nothing positive in the last 4 years? or because the current gov is busy defending and attending jalsas of a corrupt, dishonest and disqualified person and now a murderer too who's openly inciting people against Army and Judiciary give me reasons why should i praise pmln's gov?

>Should i praise them because of piling debt or making a record of taking $10b debt in 1 year? first time in the history of Pak.

>Should i praise them because our literacy rate dropped by 2%?

>Should i praise them because of falling exports?

>Should i praise them because they failed terribly at advancing our interests?

>Should i praise them because our traitor PM kept quiet on kulbushan whereas modi was talking about liberating Balochistan?

>Should i praise them because they murdered 14 people in front of whole world in broad daylight?

>Should i praise them because a corrupt PM lied in Parliament about his assets?

>Should i praise them because of dawn leaks?

>Should i praise them because of wasting tax payers money in giving ads to defend their corruption?

@Arsalan @WAJsal @Zibago @Imad.Khan

I don't understand how you people are asking these questions.
Nokar ki tey nakhra ki offshore baboons who dont get affected by events in Pakistan are giving us huge lectures on what we should and should not say about a corrupt,murderous,fraudster who has been disqualified for life over corruption charges
Cos people here are more knowledge than Mango people...and it is difficult to deceive people here
Nokar ki tey nakhra ki offshore baboons who dont get affected by events in Pakistan are giving us huge lectures on what we should and should not say about a corrupt,murderous,fraudster who has been disqualified for life over corruption charges
I mean it's ok if you were there supporters/voters but despite knowing all the kartoots of that corrupt murderer you're still defending him and gov? and not only that but also asking others why we're criticizing him?
We have continued exposure of things that government has done good via Positive section of the website, and negative via the Siasat. Everything we post are facts or news.

There are times i admit we have posted opinions through twitter in direct criticism of PML-N that we would slow down.


The OP observation is right; The problem is the "mindset of the PDF" which created by the people and continuously since 2008, PDF management intentionally giving encouragement to proper elements who not only Anti PMLN but actually Anti all political set up of this country (Sad, Very Sad for PDF), weather its PMLN, PPP, MQM, ANP, JUI-F, PKMAP or NAP. This mindset is totally favor Establishment mouth pieces since 2008 and the reality is despite their hue and cry for last ten years we are again witnessing Anti Establishment victory of all these political parties in 2018 Elections again. So what it tells us about PDF management as a bottom line....That it rans from reality, it cannot face, and shuns its opponents and it actually close her eyes like a pigeon then to face the Cat, (When you cannot allow dissent of opinions and bully people like a pack with all favorable moderators and extremely prejudice and immature a sub-Administrator Horus, this is all you can get)

PDF, who encourages difference of opinions in all international matters and allow topics and discussion which are out of the box, modern, librel and even allow and encourage great numbers of people and their fair opinions from across the border who tend to be our enemies in popular discourse......caves in when it comes to internal Pakistani Politics....shame, its really a shame for PDF management.
I am totally against nawaz and zardari. No words to describe those two ******s
But bieng a karachite i will always be thankful to nawaz sharif for bringing peace to this city. Average murder rate was above 12 persons a day when he came in power. Now see the drop in Murder rate.
P. S. Now everybody will say it was the rangers and army who are to take credit for the peace. But for last 25 years rangers are in karachi and they were there when everyday 13 hunman beings were being killed daily.
It was his government that gave legal cover to our arned forces to bring back the peace.
So for that i will be voting for the most corrupt humnan bieng in Pakistan in next General election.
As for rest of Pakistan nawaz did fail miserably.
The OP observation is right; The problem is the "mindset of the PDF" which created by the people and continuously since 2008, PDF management intentionally giving encouragement to proper elements who not only Anti PMLN but actually Anti all political set up of this country (Sad, Very Sad for PDF), weather its PMLN, PPP, MQM, ANP, JUI-F, PKMAP or NAP. This mindset is totally favor Establishment mouth pieces since 2008 and the reality is despite their hue and cry for last ten years we are again witnessing Anti Establishment victory of all these political parties in 2018 Elections again. So what it tells us about PDF management as a bottom line....That it rans from reality, it cannot face, and shuns its opponents and it actually close her eyes like a pigeon then to face the Cat, (When you cannot allow dissent of opinions and bully people like a pack with all favorable moderators and extremely prejudice and immature a sub-Administrator Horus, this is all you can get)

PDF, who encourages difference of opinions in all international matters and allow topics and discussion which are out of the box, modern, librel and even allow and encourage great numbers of people and their fair opinions from across the border who tend to be our enemies in popular discourse......caves in when it comes to internal Pakistani Politics....shame, its really a shame for PDF management.

PDF has every right to pursue its own policies set by those who manage the forum. Participation here is voluntary, and if anyone does not like the way things are run, they can either go to (or make) another competing site, or just put up with what happens here. It is as simple as that.
PDF is not an anti government Media cell.

GoP is an anti Pakistan RAW cell.

PDF merely states what is in the best interest of the nation. The freedom of the internet lets the true awami voice be heard.
the reality is despite their hue and cry for last ten years we are again witnessing Anti Establishment victory of all these political parties in 2018 Elections again.
PMLN,s anti establishment narrative is fairly new you either have to forget everything that happened in the past or be a paid troll to believe that
Anti all political set up of this country (Sad, Very Sad for PDF), weather its PMLN, PPP, MQM, ANP, JUI-F, PKMAP or NAP
If the people here are not satisified with their political leaders i fail to see a problem here its the same in US,UK and many other democratic countries not being ok with political descent is what dictators do (well that is exactly what we expect from Zia party and its supporters :D )
Na ahel league has a flawed understanding of what democracy means it not only means right to vote but also right to criticize
On topic i am not in favour of complete ban unless someone really crosses the line or mocks the state institutions (army and judiciary) it should not be allowed on an international forum
Those who are against this point should first do that on indian forums if they dont get banned or negatives they should come back and lecture us here

caves in when it comes to internal Pakistani Politics
No it does not the admin is under no obligation to tow the govt line if you want them to act like geo well it aint happening buddy :D
That it rans from reality, it cannot face, and shuns its opponents and it actually close her eyes like a pigeon then to face the Cat,
They dont shun them paid they are given space to do propaganda its just that when they are refuted they resort to insults which land them in trouble
PML(na ahel) is no more ecp has ordered the corrupt clowns to elect a new leader :D
National Action Plan?
PML (na ahel) made it a joke when banned sectarian goons were allowed to hold rallies in the capital
I completely agree with OP . I personally think all political parties are equally corrupt as we all know how leadership of PTI is collecting goons from PTI just to secure more seats in coming election. I personally dont mind bashing of PMLN/Nawaz or any criticism on running government but i am against bashing/abusing/name calling to supporter of any political parties. You are less Pakistani, you are corrupt, you are jahil patwari baboob etc because you dont consider imran khan as political messiah. Current government whether you consider it choor, incompetent or corrupt etc still elected by people of Pakistan.

PDF management should stay neutral in moderating political section because right now its totally one sided where bashing of government or insulting PMLN supporters allowed while moderators/Think tanks jump in with negative ratings when insults or abuse thrown at opposition leader Imran khan or party i.e PTI so either allow this throwing insult and abuse at each others from boht side or ban it completely without any political bias from think tanks or moderators or simply declare political section of this forum as PTI/ insaaf section where beinsaafi is going on :D @WebMaster

PDF is not an anti government Media cell.

GoP is an anti Pakistan RAW cell.

PDF merely states what is in the best interest of the nation. The freedom of the internet lets the true awami voice be heard.
True Awaami voice opted for PML(N) in 2013 election
PDF management should stay neutral in moderating political section because right now its totally one sided where bashing of government or insulting PMLN supporters allowed while moderators/Think tanks jump in with negative ratings when insults or abuse thrown at opposition leader Imran khan or party i.e PTI so either allow this throwing insult and abuse at each others from boht side or ban it completely without any political bias from think tanks or moderators or simply declare political section of this forum as PTI/ insaaf section where beinsaafi is going on

Not aware of this. Ratings are only given when rules are violated. Corrupt will be called a corrupt, this is not against the rules.
Before replying, go and check the official Facebook and Twitter feeds and find me one positive post about the PMLN government.

It doesn't exist.

Is this a forum to discuss "Pakistan Defense" or to advance the narrative of one political party over another over its millions of followers?
PDF is part of the social media and is the reflective of the opinion of the people of Pakistan. Just take this as the representative of the whole of the country. Not a single honest and educated person, born legitimately, likes NS and PMLN. Nobody likes the criminal mafia that has been disqualified and dislodged by the SC of the country. NS and his mafia members are doomed.
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