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Why is Pakistan assumed to be the only saviour of the entire Islamic world?

If the Muslim countries set aside some funds equipment and troops(can be the reserves)and form like a NATO/UN peacekeeping force...this can be sent in to stop atrocities like the one in Myanmar. Of course sending them in would be the last step. If such a force was to exist then a simple threat to Myanmar would be enough to bring them to the table and figure it out. If Pak was to send troops alone then Myanmar would become enemies with Pak(not that anyone cares)...but with an alliance of a number of different countries(a coalition), it would be more like a police force. Ppl would see it not as invaders but sort of like how they see the UN peacekeepers.
It can only be a hope or oral conversation for politics. NATO can not protect the Muslims, any example please???
EXACTLY.............Not our business or that of any Pakistani. When the Palestinians and Arabs start caring about Kashmir and the 1 million innocent Pakistanis genocided by the sikhs in 1947 then we too shall start caring about them. Till then, I don't care about the Palestinians or other Muslims. Their problem, not ours. We should only care about making Pakistan an advanced and powerful nation. Besides the only 2 countries that mean anyrhing to us are China and Turkey. All others are irrelevant.

Not our problem. Couldn't care less. It's a Middle Eastern issue not a Pakistani one. Where were all the Palestinians/Arabs when we were being genocided by the sikhs in 1947 or when we were attacked by the indian creatures in the last 70 years?

2 wrongs don't make a right
It can only be a hope or oral conversation for politics. NATO can not protect the Muslims, any example please???
What? I never said NATO would protect the Muslims...I was saying that Muslim countries should form a coalition force along the lines of NATO/UN peace keeping force.
As if we have been saving the Muslim world in the past -- People have put their hopes/assumptions on a wrong nation.
Some brothers might take offence to my post and consider it a boast or a dig at our nation - it is not. I am however opposed to the negativity some people display under the guise of pragmatism.

Let me let you a story I heard from a sheikh. There was once a carpenter in Baghdad who was one of the most talented carpenters in the land. When he was at the peak of his abilities he carved a spectacular wooden mimbar. News of this spectacular mimbar spread and people came from far and wide to buy if for thier masjid. He refused each and every one of them, turning away fortunes for his mimbar. One day in the market someone asked him why he would not sell it. He replied he had created it with the intention of donating it to Al Aqsa. At the time Al Aqsa was under the control of the crusaders. The person heard his refusal and said Al Aqsa is under the control of the Kafir, how will you get it there? The old man replied that he is a carpenter and his job is to create it. Allah will get it to Al Aqsa if it is intended to be. A young child in the market place heard this. That young child was Salahudin Ayubi. He took back Al Aqsa and placed the mimbar there.

The moral of the story is that we should do our bit and let Allah take care of the rest. Instead of making excuses for our jokes of leaders and ask what others do, we should remind ourselves and each other of what is right and InshaAllah one day when the stars align or whatever good will overcome evil.

Heard the story in Turkish Serial, Dirilis Ertugrul. I would say that serial is a must watch for the Muslims of present day regardless of their language or ethnicity. It tells us how the ones before us felt the pain of Muslims in far corners of the world that a Muslim Woman's call for help led Ertugrul Ghazi to fight the Crusaders, Traitors and Mongols simultaneously. A similar story is when Muhammad Bin Qasim came to Sindh.
SAVIOUR!! :rofl: Most Bangladeshi,Afghan and Ahmadi Muslims disagree with it.

Really and how many they are.....less than 1% and second big Question is... are they really Muslims......well all other Muslims don't consider them Muslims...only they do by themselves. Or people like you non-Muslims having no idea of Islam consider them Muslims....
its assumed by emotional Pakistanis, rest the neighbouring Muslims of Subcontinent and Afghanistan want us to be failed and destroyed bar few Bengali Muslims who still believe in Two Nation theory..

That is a dreadfully fear-laden and over-dramatised view. I don't think that other than fanatic Islamophobes, who transfer their animosity towards Muslims to a symbol of Islamic nationhood, Pakistan, for fear of rebuke, anyone wishes for Pakistan to be failed and destroyed.

Yet you see the mirror lying to you when i put this logic on India.


What did that even mean? What mirror? What logic? If you are arguing what he does, it is a futile argument to suggest that all things will revert to their past states if left alone.
That is a dreadfully fear-laden and over-dramatised view. I don't think that other than fanatic Islamophobes, who transfer their animosity towards Muslims to a symbol of Islamic nationhood, Pakistan, for fear of rebuke, anyone wishes for Pakistan to be failed and destroyed.
Many indian muslims are ahead in enmity with pakistan . Then comes afghanis and then begalis who always seen spewing hatred toward pakistan . Observed them .
Because Saudis are busy counting their oil & hajj money, while rest of the middle east is stuck in their own riddle & Their we have a only country Pak which looks after the caretaking of fellow muslims around the world.
Many indian muslims are ahead in enmity with pakistan . Then comes afghanis and then begalis who always seen spewing hatred toward pakistan . Observed them .

I certainly don't agree.

Some Muslim Indians may oppose Pakistani policies and actions, especially military actions that cost lives, but they don't wish for Pakistan to be destroyed.

Why should they? Their primary focus is to ensure that even as a minority, they are given their democratic rights as citizens of India in full, with no compromise or half-hearted action by the administration. The vast bulk of Indians are worried about day-to-day life and survival, followed by the films (in different languages, not just Hindi) and some sports (cricket, mostly). International relations and geo-politics come in much later.
What did that even mean? What mirror? What logic? If you are arguing what he does, it is a futile argument to suggest that all things will revert to their past states if left alone.

You have to ask more precisely as i have already pretty much said enough on the topic.
and yes. if you leave things to their own they return or revert back to their past condition with time.
Governments are not stupid enough to say that.

They are called the government for a reason.

It's those westernised educated kids giving us a tough time through their own internal corruption.

We relate ourselves with that as well as of today.

Pakistan is no fool to appeal to them when we can diplomatically help them still on government level.

We are just friendly and too friendly.

We cannot fight the same enemy everywhere in the world. Corruption.

The world's gathering military equipment. No body knows why lol.

It's just that the market is in demand. Help yourselves first before you help others. Strange enough its an advisory given in an emergency on board airplane not if you are Tom cruise in the mummy though.

Just distribute the financial aspects amongst each other and peace will prevail till some idiot raises a Doomsday slogan.

So we are one slogan away from either war or greater Pakistan or greater Israel or greater Atlantis. Stop taking conspiracy theories so seriously.
I have never heard of any Arab nation or any predominantly Muslim nation refer to Pakistan as any kind of saviour. Even in any war - Pakistan has never played a decisive role in turning a conflict on its head. But I could be wrong - so feel free to correct my misconception. Sure, it has a decent army and some weaponry.
That is a dreadfully fear-laden and over-dramatised view. I don't think that other than fanatic Islamophobes, who transfer their animosity towards Muslims to a symbol of Islamic nationhood, Pakistan, for fear of rebuke, anyone wishes for Pakistan to be failed and destroyed.

What did that even mean? What mirror? What logic? If you are arguing what he does, it is a futile argument to suggest that all things will revert to their past states if left alone.

well, you can call it over dramatised, maybe they dont want us to be destroyed but want to see as defeated state, irrelevent colony of regional hegemons like their countries. some of them are even ally with your country for that cause from 50's and 60's. Sadly Indian Mullah didnt got the voice in bharati parliament and civil services to show their animosity toward Paks, i am sure if push come to shove they will be ahead of sanghis to show how loyal they are to fellow Hindus :lol:
I have never heard of any Arab nation or any predominantly Muslim nation refer to Pakistan as any kind of saviour. Even in any war - Pakistan has never played a decisive role in turning a conflict on its head. But I could be wrong - so feel free to correct my misconception. Sure, it has a decent army and some weaponry.

Why do you see relations in between countries or better said STATES to be of some sort of a business plan or something and always war?

We are talking about states politics here rather than governments.

We are talking about your average person here and not politicians or governments.

There is a fundamental difference.
well, you can call it over dramatised, maybe they dont want us to be destroyed but want to see as defeated state, irrelevent colony of regional hegemons like their countries. some of them are even ally with your country for that cause from 50's and 60's. Sadly Indian Mullah didnt got the voice in bharati parliament and civil services to show their animosity toward Paks, i am sure if push come to shove they will be ahead of sanghis to show how loyal they are to fellow Hindus :lol:

I'm very sure none of my many Muslim friends would like a country destroyed and its inhabitants in misery, especially if they are Muslim (to me that last religious portion would not matter, and I would feel equally disturbed and emotional if a non-Muslim were to be affected). I am very sure that Indian Muslims don't think in that way; yes, there may be resentment of the fact that every time some Pakistani makes an unwise remark, a Hindu bigot makes trouble for Muslims. It was sad to read what you said about Indian Muslims. They are loyal to India but that does not make them ill-wishers of Pakistan. That also applies to many Hindus who prefer to live and let live.

Some part of what you wrote may apply to Afghans. I am not sure and I cannot comment.
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