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Why is My Hijab Your Problem?

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There is a difference between getting shot and being blown to bits by a bomb or beheaded.

There may be differences in these "methods"..But i know one very important similarity..
You die :rofl:
Mr the form of your islam is different and will never be accepted or implemented in a country of 300m people. I will also keep repeating myself. Please dont wall of text your same propaganda again. Thank you.
Sir their is only one Islam which government has to implement and sooner or later it will get implemented you have seen revolutions slowly taking place in other Muslim countries and you will soon see it take place in Pakistan and liberal shits will be thrown in the sea

Hijab - a shared responsability - YouTube

Every religion is made up of followers. Without them the religion would be just a part of history. If the followers of Islam are said to be 100%, what % of muslims do you think you could have a likeminded interaction with? Mind you, that we are talking about one single religion and countless sects and even more in terms of following their custom built ideology. It is more dangerous to have frustrated 1% of these muslims than a dormant amount. We have seen that in the last 10 years that not giving in to their ridiculous demands has caused. Time to wake up from the slumber and go to war. They will not have it any other way. No one will understand your "Men were told to lower their gaze".. they wont have to if they drape you.

This shows your ignorance and Jahiliat when it comes to Islam and Quran Sir Islam is from ALLAH and ALLAH has clearly said Muslims need Islam Islam doesn't need Muslims and even if Muslims betray Islam ALLAH knows how to destroy them and replace them a with those group of people who will love ALLAH and his PROPHET SAW and fight in his way so first read Quran Mr than come and talk **** which you always do

Hijab & Modest Sh. Yusha Evans - YouTube
Sir their is only one Islam which government has to implement and sooner or later it will get implemented you have seen revolutions slowly taking place in other Muslim countries and you will soon see it take place in Pakistan and liberal shits will be thrown in the sea

Hijab - a shared responsability - YouTube

This shows your ignorance and Jahiliat when it comes to Islam and Quran Sir Islam is from ALLAH and ALLAH has clearly said Muslims need Islam Islam doesn't need Muslims and even if Muslims betray Islam ALLAH knows how to destroy them and replace them a with those group of people who will love ALLAH and his PROPHET SAW and fight in his way so first read Quran Mr than come and talk **** which you always do

Hijab & Modest Sh. Yusha Evans - YouTube

So you keep saying. Just like the DPC halting NATO supplies? Now what are you going to do about it? Because obviously anything I say is going to float right over your head, the next best thing I can ask is when are you bringing your Disneyland to Pakistan's constitution? Or if you want you can personally come and try to throw me in the sea. You are more than welcome to try Mr. Start small then talk your undoable nonsense in repeat. Your ignorant version of foreign backed islam will be a sight to behold once it is crushed.
So you keep saying. Just like the DPC halting NATO supplies? Now what are you going to do about it? Because obviously anything I say is going to float right over your head, the next best thing I can ask is when are you bringing your Disneyland to Pakistan's constitution? Or if you want you can personally come and try to throw me in the sea. You are more than welcome to try Mr. Start small then talk your undoable nonsense in repeat. Your ignorant version of foreign backed islam will be a sight to behold once it is crushed.
Sir Islam will be implemented really very soon and than liberal cartoons and jerks will not find a place to hide and they will be all taken out really very soon and if DPC is sincere they will be able to halt Nato Supplies soon and if they are not they will do nothing but who want to stop it will fight for it and thank GOD we are not like liberal slaves of west always busy in eating **** of west like the one who I am replying here
Sir Islam will be implemented really very soon and than liberal cartoons and jerks will not find a place to hide and they will be all taken out really very soon and if DPC is sincere they will be able to halt Nato Supplies soon and if they are not they will do nothing but who want to stop it will fight for it and thank GOD we are not like liberal slaves of west always busy in eating **** of west like the one who I am replying here

Acha Mr Ibkay Maar, The only one eating anything of the US is your kind. You are working for US and its allies. You are just too ignorant to see it. Calling me a US stooge?? ha. Firstly, you idiots couldnt change your own diaper once we are done with you, let alone laws of a country. You can go to denmark and stop the cartoons, why dont you and your kind make a caravan and start hijrating.
Acha Mr Ibkay Maar, The only one eating anything of the US is your kind. You are working for US and its allies. You are just too ignorant to see it. Calling me a US stooge?? ha. Firstly, you idiots couldnt change your own diaper once we are done with you, let alone laws of a country. You can go to denmark and stop the cartoons, why dont you and your kind make a caravan and start hijrating.
We are fighting against USA with everything we have and we are fighting for Islam not like western slaves like one I am replying here who always bash Islam to make their western masters happy we will fight the enemies of Islam on all fronts and spread Islam and thanks to ALLAH Islam is now fastest growing religion Mr despite all the propaganda done by western slaves and their master west
thanks to ALLAH Islam is now fastest growing religion Mr despite all the propaganda done by western slaves and their master west

You realize that thats because Muslims have more kids, not because of conversions? As these populations get economically better, they will start having lesser kids.

Similarly like at one point of time Christianity was fastest growing, and Hinduism was fastest growing, Budhism was fastest growing.
You realize that thats because Muslims have more kids, not because of conversions? As these populations get economically better, they will start having lesser kids.

Similarly like at one point of time Christianity was fastest growing, and Hinduism was fastest growing, Budhism was fastest growing.
Sir these are because of conversions I am talking about growing fastest religion because of conversions Sir not because of something else Sir
This shows your ignorance and Jahiliat when it comes to Islam and Quran Sir Islam is from ALLAH and ALLAH has clearly said Muslims need Islam Islam doesn't need Muslims and even if Muslims betray Islam ALLAH knows how to destroy them and replace them a with those group of people who will love ALLAH and his PROPHET SAW and fight in his way so first read Quran Mr than come and talk **** which you always do

The knowledge Islam may not neet muslims but the religion needs Muslims.if not it wont make any sense

2] Muslims betray Islam...........Islam is a religion......by using such strong words , you have taken out any wriggle room or any option for choice !

3] Allah destroy ?..............huh Why would a compassaionate God ,Merciful God destroy his creation just because they dont follow Islam !! Are Athiest not Humans , or good people .............Then why does kaffrs exist in Islam !!.............If Allah destroys like you say....then why is there a need for judgement day !!!

4] Replace those who betrayed with those who love ?? ........................God is NOT needy nor desperate for love !!!He created US and kept a judgement day for deciding...till then expect only guidance...!!! this is just extremely strong wording..so that a Muslim who hear have no choice but to accept and go along !!.....
The knowledge Islam may not neet muslims but the religion needs Muslims.if not it wont make any sense

2] Muslims betray Islam...........Islam is a religion......by using such strong words , you have taken out any wriggle room or any option for choice !

3] Allah destroy ?..............huh Why would a compassaionate God ,Merciful God destroy his creation just because they dont follow Islam !! Are Athiest not Humans , or good people .............Then why does kaffrs exist in Islam !!.............If Allah destroys like you say....then why is there a need for judgement day !!!

4] Replace those who betrayed with those who love ?? ........................God is NOT needy nor desperate for love !!!He created US and kept a judgement day for deciding...till then expect only guidance...!!! this is just extremely strong wording..so that a Muslim who hear have no choice but to accept and go along !!.....
Sir your points show you know nothing about Islam and ALLAH first know than come and talk Sir first Islam is a deen that is a complete way of life and ALLAH has clearly said that Muslims need Islam Islam doesn't need Muslims if Muslims betray Islam they will be destroyed and ALLAH is not only compassionate but also the one who destroys and puts his wrath on those who doesn't obey his orders GOD is not desperate for love but humans had to follow his orders and obey ALLAH and ALLAH has only one standard of being good that is Islam sir ALLAH have sent Islam and which Humans have to follow and ALLAH has 99 names which are basically his qualities at least first know what are they

The knowledge Islam may not neet muslims but the religion needs Muslims.if not it wont make any sense

2] Muslims betray Islam...........Islam is a religion......by using such strong words , you have taken out any wriggle room or any option for choice !

3] Allah destroy ?..............huh Why would a compassaionate God ,Merciful God destroy his creation just because they dont follow Islam !! Are Athiest not Humans , or good people .............Then why does kaffrs exist in Islam !!.............If Allah destroys like you say....then why is there a need for judgement day !!!

4] Replace those who betrayed with those who love ?? ........................God is NOT needy nor desperate for love !!!He created US and kept a judgement day for deciding...till then expect only guidance...!!! this is just extremely strong wording..so that a Muslim who hear have no choice but to accept and go along !!.....
Sir ALLAH never said he will only judge and decide on the day of Judgement he can destroy here to and punish people Sir for their bad deeds he has done in past to like nation lot and also the nation of madian and many other nations who are now part of history Sir

Allah ? - Abdur Raheem Green - YouTube

Who is your Lord? by Dr. Bilal Philips - YouTube
Sir your points show you know nothing about Islam and ALLAH first know than come and talk Sir first Islam is a deen that is a complete way of life and ALLAH has clearly said that Muslims need Islam Islam doesn't need Muslims if Muslims betray Islam they will be destroyed and ALLAH is not only compassionate but also the one who destroys and puts his wrath on those who doesn't obey his orders GOD is not desperate for love but humans had to follow his orders and obey ALLAH and ALLAH has only one standard of being good that is Islam sir ALLAH have sent Islam and which Humans have to follow and ALLAH has 99 names which are basically his qualities at least first know what are they

Sir ALLAH never said he will only judge and decide on the day of Judgement he can destroy here to and punish people Sir for their bad deeds he has done in past to like nation lot and also the nation of madian and many other nations who are now part of history Sir

Scary !! i will stay out of your way now !!
Why is a woman's hijab, the problem of Indians?

Indian tharkis need to get a life, and preferably jobs.
Your (men) eye is dirty and you are asking me to cover???
Hijab is order of ALLAH first of all and its for women own protection because this is not a perfect world lady
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