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Why is My Hijab Your Problem?

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Not really. You are more likely to be violently killed in a major Pakistani city than a US city. If we account for the bombings etc.

Its because of your interference. When you were not there in sub-conti then it was more peaceful
so its better to be "Politely Killed" as in a "Polite Murder" ..
Yup that makes sense.

Yes it would be much better if I was killed because I was going to be robbed or a drug deal gone bad then be "politely" asked to step from a bus and get my back checked. Again that is just my take on the issue. You are more than welcome to prove me wrong by packing up your bags and moving to a better place right next to me.
so its better to be "Politely Killed" as in a "Polite Murder" ..
Yup that makes sense.

There is a difference between getting shot and being blown to bits by a bomb or beheaded.

Its because of your interference. When you were not there in sub-conti then it was more peaceful

Are you by any chance referring to the RAW, CIA, Mossad argument?
I cant agree on bolded point. Budhism started because of Budha, It was his own thinking.

Other points about hinduism as i said each and every one will tell the way he THINKS without quoting vedas or any books. Its better if you provide the links from where you understand this concepts.

Hmmmmmm ...did i deny that Buddhism did not start because of buddha
!!............... State of buddhahood is same in attributes to Nirguna brahman........so why dont you refute what i said by stating the differences ....................i have never said that buddiism and hinduism is same....but that that philosophies of both are born from Vedanta

I have given you a brief summary of Hinduism.............I dont need to quote Veda or any books...coz i have seen and argued with plenty of Zn lackeys to know where this is heading ..............so better why dont you refute with me by showing verses that is saying otherwise .....................please when you quote th verse...give the entire para and tell me which school of philosophy too
Not really. You are more likely to be violently killed in a major Pakistani city than a US city. If we account for the bombings etc.

Actually, the homicide/murder rate is higher in Pakistan than the US. By a big margin. Without even accounting for the bombings.
Hmmmmmm ...did i deny that Buddhism did not start because of buddha
!!............... State of buddhahood is same in attributes to Nirguna brahman........so why dont you refute what i said by stating the differences ....................i have never said that buddiism and hinduism is same....but that that philosophies of both are born from Vedanta

I have given you a brief summary of Hinduism.............I dont need to quote Veda or any books...coz i have seen and argued with plenty of Zn lackeys to know where this is heading ..............so better why dont you refute with me by showing verses that is saying otherwise .....................please when you quote th verse...give the entire para and tell me which school of philosophy too

You are too much obessed with ZN. First of all when you are explaining hinduism then you would be able to explain from where you got that idea. Or atleast i would like to know to explore more. If you are saying some thing whatever u want, then better name it some thing else. Your problem is you dont know what vedas say. When some one quoted from "Translated" book. You are shocked. And you just want to ignore it. Even before ZN there are people who said the similar things.
Raja Ram Mohan Roy. People said same thing to him as you are saying to ZN.
Actually, the homicide/murder rate is higher in Pakistan than the US. By a big margin. Without even accounting for the bombings.

It is way higher but for the sake of argument I wouldnt even google the made up facts. You put their numbers to the test and they will fail repeatedly even in them.
It is way higher but for the sake of argument I wouldnt even google the made up facts. You put their numbers to the test and they will fail repeatedly even in them.

I agree with you here. Societies that aren't transparent or countries of a repressive nature generally do not provide accurate crime statistics. But even if you take the 'official' figures regarding the reported murder rate of such countries, not taking a defective registration into account, even then the US is holding its ground.
Does anyone realize we are going round and round?

It always goes back to square one!

Good thing I missed it then.:chilli:

Pakistanis and Indians have prejudices against each other is the real point to be discussed. Why is that?:

-Anti Hindu/India hate education in Pakistan
-Scapegoating one another
-Low literacy
-Bad History
-Patriotism and Pride above reason and logic.
-Prejudice Anti Pakistan Indian media.
-Not enough people to people contact.
sounds fun, but ya know we gotta think long term, once in an eternity decisions shouldn't be taken by your parents you know

If that is the case why dont you canvass pakistan government to shut down all madrassa and religious teaching should be done only after the child is made aware of the choices he has like Xianims,islam ,judaims hinduism,sikhism,jainism,zorastrianism buddhism ...etc etc...so he can choose his once in a life time chance :azn:

Read about Islam, there are many websites, compare to your current belief system (english word religion doesn't mean the same, religion is like Islam Christianity etc. hinduism is like a never ending fairytale[dont mean it in offensive way])

I have read enough Islam and seen it in reality to stay what iam .
Classify Hinduism as belief system or anything else....i dont care.......for me thats my religion

fairytale ???........If Theophilosophy goes over your head....next time please ignore it............also since u love fairytale...there is a wonderful story of how to cut the moon....read and enjoy it
So, you are a Hindu Mullah who knows it all and anyone who doesn't agree with you is wrong?

Did i go around preaching hinduism to others who did not ask for it ??
Did i go around insulting other religions and the misquoting verses to show them in bad light?
Did i drag hindusim into this topic or anyother topic...supporting hindus irrespectice of who was right ??

If someone doesnt agree with me...its just a point of difference...If someone quotes nonsense and expects me to agree, hell with it .So how the heck am a a hindu mullah !!!

I have yet to see one debate where the Aryan samaj has said he is wrong...1 min you say that Vedas talks about 1 god, yet you say Dr.Zakir Naik translated it wrong? Isn't that what he translated? Because previously not many Hindus would ADMIT THAT 1 GOD IS EVEN PREACHED IN THE VEDAS! Like if I asked a common Hindu whom do you worship...the only answers I get are a number of deities, no one has said the 1 god that the vedas preaches about. The one which has no shape...

iam sure you have google and youtube. Do google about ZN and his misquotes.Yes Zn said the there is only One God in the Vedas and everything is God but ins Islam everything is God's.he also mentioned kalki is Prophet muhammed ,and his mother or father too is present and that Allah is mentioned .and then so many craps about how women is suppressed or similar rubbishes with the sole purpose of either showing that Islam is what vedas prophesised or else Vedas is utter nonsense....taking verses out of context, mistranslatiing

Well go to arya samaj or find a Hindu who reads Upanishads or vedas..ask them....they will gladly clear your doubts.It was not ZN's advent that Hindus started admitting there was only one God.......even before ZN arya samaj was there...so was various other schools of thought. Iskon believes only in one God...............And also since if you dont understand what polytheism represents in Hinduism and prefers to look at it from the muslim theology....its understandable you wont find it interesting

Yes, we can see that...Because praying to more than 1 god is somehow equal to accepting only 1 god...

Praying to many god aspects is ok when you know there is only one God............and for being a good human ,the number of gods,Gods or no Gods does not matter .i know many good atheist who are by far better than any religious person i have met . Vedanta followers accept differences..hence can accomadate and be open to diffferent philosophies.......By religion there is no compulsion only the the choice.

Which North European country are you talking about? Oh, yes Norway, where it was ok to kill 77 people and get away with 20 years of jail? Yup of course nothing is wrong there!

Then again...These countries also practice 1 other thing which people overlook! They do not feast their eyes! You are in no way allowed to harass a woman and get away...nor is starring normal...Nor is nude beach a norm...Children do not go there and people do not over react when they go there...In fact it is not even a normal place to be except if you are a tourist or want to party...

I am actually unsure about this fetish Asian men have with nude beaches! Is that the ONLY example you can come up with?

Norway : intentional homicide rate .6 /100 000
incarceration rate 70/100 000
Prisoner Recidivism rate 20 %

Please top that with a religious nation or .....a moral nation measured with your stick

Dont try to Judge Norway with one incident...which they themselves consider as a shock.......unlike our nations where gunmen , rapes, honour killing, tribe killings, suicide bombs and ied bombs are daily news

They dont follow our culture nor our standard for moral...........they have their own and they have as i said before become neither corrupt nor immoral nor is the crime rates soaring...................Dont use our stick for morals and ethics on somebody else culture .......they didnt come to pakistan or india to impose it on ours neither did they judge us like you do
Just some one writing to hear himself. Common law is based on old tradition (pre-dating Islam)

your answer is no answer, come up with facts or do not respond when your peanut sized brain is hurt.
You are too much obessed with ZN.

I didnt drag him into this topic........it was you and then posted his interpretations . and talked about IRF.....my obsession started with seeing you bringing that guy here .............so no need to to dump that on me

First of all when you are explaining hinduism then you would be able to explain from where you got that idea. Or atleast i would like to know to explore more.

I got it from various Gurus and satsangs.....but since that is not possble for everyone....i would find some good books and mention them to you ....

If you are saying some thing whatever u want, then better name it some thing else. Your problem is you dont know what vedas say. When some one quoted from "Translated" book. You are shocked. And you just want to ignore it. Even before ZN there are people who said the similar things.
Raja Ram Mohan Roy. People said same thing to him as you are saying to ZN.

And what is it that you are saying that i didnt accept ?

Look at post 592 to see how i jumped into your conversation with Bangalore to correct him stating that there is only one GOd....you bring in ZN and his postings ......and then say iam obssessed !!
Please do say where you copied your info on Rig vedas in post 539

Now regarding your posting from IRF regarding this Hijab in hinduism

Rigveda Book 8 hymn no.33 is completely about Lord INDRA !!!!!

Rig Veda: Rig-Veda, Book 8: HYMN XXXIII. Indra.

Verse 19 is

Cast down thine eyes and look not up. More closely set thy feet. Let none
See what thy garment veils, for thou, a Brahman, hast become a dame.

This verse is about Indra, it describes his strength and compares him to a bull. The verse directly before this one discusses Indra's chariot, which has the ability to take to the air. This verse advises a learned man looking into the sky to avert his gaze from Indra's chariot, because a man of learning will be afraid of a god who is so ferocious in appearance (as Indra). It further advises to adjust the feet so one does not fall. The second line goes further into this and says that the Brahman had been cowed by Indra. It has nothing to do with women, or women wearing veils. The veil in question is only clothing, as in clothing that veils your flesh from ungainly exposure.

See how out of context ZN has used this verse...........there is no Women even mentioned in this hymn !!!!

It is not further mentioned in Rig veda book 10 hymn 85 verse 30 !!!.................and Ramayan mahavir charitra ........hmmm Where the hell is that chapter in Ramayana !!!! Please be kind enough to tell me where exactly this chapter comes...................for your information....Parusharam met Lord Ram before his marriage, not after !!

If you are gonna say rajaram mohan roy...then tell me where he quoted so !!!
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