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Why is My Hijab Your Problem?

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I agree.. we should not be looking into religious books on to decide what we should eat, drink or wear. If we can't decide that for ourselvs.. then we are still immature as a child. Religous books should give us some kind of values in life rather than dictate the way we move.. sleep.. eat.

So hijab or not hijab... people should be free to wear what they want. However i believe that the identity of one person should not be hidden in an open society.
I agree.. we should not be looking into religious books on to decide what we should eat, drink or wear. If we can't decide that for ourselvs.. then we are still immature as a child. Religous books should give us some kind of values in life rather than dictate the way we move.. sleep.. eat.

So hijab or not hijab... people should be free to wear what they want. However i believe that the identity of one person should not be hidden in an open society.

Speak for yourself...Or should i say hindu self...
For Muslims Quran and Hadith are Beacons of Guidance...

But how can "Le Atheist Hindus" understand this...
I'm tired of repeating the same thing again, so hope all the ignoramus are listening. Hijab is not a face covering, Google it if you don't believe me, you don't loose your identity, you just become a women who wears a head scarf.
so since you ignore geeta and christian ignore bible..you want us to ignore Quran?

so you mean to say that all Hindus, All Christians, All Sikhs are ignoring the Geeta. Bible and Guru Granth Sahib.

So now all Hindus are non Hindus, All Christains are Non Christains and All Sikhs are Non Sikhs.

All those books you meantioned that I've heard of (wtf is gurbani?) say you should wear Hijaab, why else do you think mother Mary weared it? But why is it your problem is the question? Regardless of religion, all should have freedom of expression to wear hijab-if not enforced.

I meant Guru Granth Sahib.

Ok but still Hindus/ Sihks/ Christains dont look for answers on how to life their life in the religious books. They decide on their own will what to wear, eat or do.

Why only Muslims have to look to the religious book for answers on how to decide their life's actions?
so you mean to say that all Hindus, All Christians, All Sikhs are ignoring the Geeta. Bible and Guru Granth Sahib.

So now all Hindus are non Hindus, All Christains are Non Christains and All Sikhs are Non Sikhs.

I meant Guru Granth Sahib.

Ok but still Hindus/ Sihks/ Christains dont look for answers on how to life their life in the religious books. They decide on their own will what to wear, eat or do.

Why only Muslims have to look to the religious book for all answers?

Read your comment again and you will realize that you are contradicting yourself :lol:
I'm tired of repeating the same thing again, so hope all the ignoramus are listening. Hijab is not a face covering, Google it if you don't believe me, you don't loose your identity, you just become a women who wears a head scarf.

how about a head scarf with a jeans or backless dress or a skirt to go along with it. Is that what you are promoting? only head scarf?

Read your comment again and you will realize that you are contradicting yourself :lol:

you said Hindus. Christians are ignoring Geeta, Bible so they must be Non Hindus and Non Christians right. I dont see any contradiction here but that is precisely thr dilemma and problem facing muslims - wear this, do this eat that or else you are not a Muslim.

All attempts are made to look to Quran for answer to EVERY single question on how to live your life. Whereas other religions people dont do this and are still Hindus and Christians and Sikhs for them and they dont see any contradictions.

(but now you might declare hindus and christians and sikhs as non hindus and non christians and non sikhs for not following Geeta/Bible/Guru Granth Sahib)

why Muslims cant decide their life actions on their own. Why seek answer to EVERY question like what to wear,what to do, what to eat, where to go, what to see, whether to sing and dance, what punishment to give to thief etc etc in Quran? Decide yourself what you want to wear or do in life like I and other religion people do?
Q. Why is My Hijab Your Problem?

Ans. Because we have all right to protect our people and city from suicide attacks that can be disguised under a hijab or burkha.

A moving tent is a big symbol of suppression and brain washing to justify it.
how about a head scarf with a jeans or backless dress or a skirt to go along with it. Is that what you are promoting? only head scarf?

you said Hindus. Christians are ignoring Geeta, Bible so they must be Non Hindus and Non Christians right. I dont see any contradiction here but that is precisely thr dilemma and problem facing muslims - wear this, do this eat that or else you are not a Muslim.

All attempts are made to look to Quran for answer to EVERY single question on how to live your life. Whereas other religions people dont do this and are still Hindus and Christians and Sikhs for them and they dont see any contradictions.

(but now you might declare hindus and christians as non hindus and non christians for not following Geeta/Bible/Guru Granth Sahib)

So how can one be a Hindu when they dont follow Geeta and dont follow or even have any religious Guidelines?
and Vaguely beleive in a few Sculptures...

Islam asks for more devotion
Speak for yourself...Or should i say hindu self...
For Muslims Quran and Hadith are Beacons of Guidance...

But how can "Le Atheist Hindus" understand this...

See.. the problem.. is people.. not the religion. Here.. the blind interpretation of the religious teaching is a problem. You say women should cover up.. when people try to implement it even in the labour room.. or opreation table.. that is when we know that this is too much... people just are reading a book.. but not absorbing the teachings mentioned in the book . The teachings should be used practically in life..!!

PS: Labour room and operation table i mentioned above is just a metaphor for blunt preaching for a particular type of dress..!!!!
Q. Why is My Hijab Your Problem?

Ans. Because we have all right to protect our people and city from suicide attacks that can be disguised under a hijab or burkha.

A moving tent is a big symbol of suppression and brain washing to justify it.

and we have every right to Protect PDF from Trolls like you :P

Go on Then...How Hijab destroys cities as you portray it..
Will be interesting read...
As per your "Safety precautions" Breif cases,handbags,Long Skirts,Baggy jeans and clothes all together should be banned....What a genius :lol:

See.. the problem.. is people.. not the religion. Here.. the blind interpretation of the religious teaching is a problem. You say women should cover up.. when people try to implement it even in the labour room.. or opreation table.. that is when we know that this is too much... people just are reading a book.. but not absorbing the teachings mentioned in the book . The teachings should be used practically in life..!!

PS: Labour room and operation table i mentioned above is just a metaphor for blunt preaching for a particular type of dress..!!!!

The thing is you know bananas about Islam and yet pose as the all knowing...
We have clear Guidelines for when to cover up and when not to..
On operation table she can be as naked and uncovered as necessary for her safety of life...
@ Security expert DavidJames

All these goilz can hide le bomba strapped to their legs...They should be banned from where ever you live and Juice lives ;)


and i wonder how dangerous men and women wearing these can be for Le nationalsecurity :lol:

@ Security expert DavidJames

All these goilz can hide le bomba strapped to their legs...They should be banned from where ever you live and Juice lives ;)


and i wonder how dangerous men and women wearing these can be for Le nationalsecurity :lol:


But yet...they don't. Shall we discuss why?
So how can one be a Hindu when they dont follow Geeta and dont follow or even have any religious Guidelines?
and Vaguely beleive in a few Sculptures...

Islam asks for more devotion
so now you will support SA to issue fatwa and declare all OTHER RELIGIONS people as NON RELIGIOUS?

The only point is that other religion people do things in life of their own will and not based on some religions book as you yourself has now accepted.

But why Muslims cant decide on their own about their life actions? why they have to look to a religious book written thousands of years back in prehistoric times to decide their actions in a world of 21st century. Why cant they decide on their own?

Why make society (Islamic countries) run on the basis or rules in a religious book written centuries ago? Why not have countries run on basic or modern rules formed for present times of 21st century?
But yet...they don't. Shall we discuss why?

Yup we shall discuss...
the number of people being killed by those types and that types and statistics will speak for themselves :azn:

so now you will support SA to issue fatwa and declare all OTHER RELIGIONS people as NON RELIGIOUS?

The only point is that other religion people do things in life of their own will and not based on some religions book as you yourself has now accepted.

But why Muslims cant decide on their own about their life actions? why they have to look to a religious book written thousands of years back in prehistoric times to decide their actions in a world of 21st century. Why cant they decide on their own?

A religious person who follows no religion..
Hmm that makes sense :no:
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