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Why is My Hijab Your Problem?

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Headscarf controversy in Turkey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Prime Minister Erdogan campaigned in his victorious 2007 campaign with a promise of lifting the longstanding ban on headscarves in public institutions. However, as the Turkish deputies voted in Parliament, tens of thousands protested outside in favour of the ban.
On February 7, 2008, the Turkish Parliament passed an amendment to the constitution, allowing women to wear the headscarf in Turkish universities, arguing that many women would not seek an education if they could not wear the head scarf. The main political party, the Justice and Development Party and a key opposition party, the Nationalist Movement Party claimed that it was an issue of human rights and freedoms.The Parliament voted 403-107 (a majority of 79 per cent) in favour of the first amendment, which was inserted into the constitution stating that everyone has the right to equal treatment from state institutions. However the move resulted in opposition throughout Turkey. The country's educational board and numerous universities vowed to defy the new law. In addition, the main pro-secular, opposition party of the Republican People's Party asked the constitutional court to block the new law passed, and viewed it is a move towards an Islamic state.[25] Thousands of demonstrators supporting the ban also gathered near the Parliament against the move by the government.[26]
[edit]Lifting of ban annulled
On 5 June 2008, Turkey's Constitutional Court annulled the parliament's proposed amendment intended to lift the headscarf ban, ruling that removing the ban was against the founding principles of the constitution.
The highest court's decision to uphold the headscarf ban cannot be appealed (AP 7 June 2008).[27]
[edit]Post September 2010: Headscarves informally permitted
After winning a referendum in September 2010, the ruling AKP vowed to support any student who was disciplined for wearing the headscarf on a university campus. Following this, the head of the Turkish Higher Educational council(YÖK), Yusuf Ziya Özcan, announced that instructors in universities may no longer take action against students wearing the headscarf.[28] While this goes against the Constitutional Court ruling of 2008, most universities have started permitting students to wear the headscarf on campus.
Thats why you lot are doing your level best to force us to be exactly as you are...and in most cases succeeding...

so you mean it is right to look upto a religious book and then seek answers to all your life decisions in it? Will you agree that it is some kind of a restriction on the free will of a person?

I myself never let my free will be made subjugate to a religious book or a religious preacher who enters my home and tells me as a true hindu/christian/sikh you need to do this and that. I will throw him out of my home.

I do what I decide to do and I am still a devout Hindu/Christian/Sikh. I may or may not be a good person though.
What I do see in a very carefully worded statement of your's is: To fix the system.

If that's what you're saying, then why the hell, introduce a new volatile issue in the present explosive mix anyways?????

I agree that, given this administration's record on governance, there is zero chance of addressing women's rights as an issue, but I see that as a more productive use of time -- and less contentious -- than focusing on the hijab itself.

As far as I know, there is no move to ban or mandate the hijab in Pakistan, silly rallies notwithstanding, so it's not an issue at all. However, improving the condition of women in general is a worthy cause in itself which will address the concerns about alleged hijab coercion as a side effect.

Basically I am advocating attention to root causes rather than individual symptoms.

I do what I decide to do and I am still a devout Hindu/Christian/Sikh. I may or may not be a good person though.

you cant decide you are a devout hindu sikh or christian :P

My question is Why my dressing anf my Hijab is men's problem???????????????

Because we like Nude women...
(No sarcasm..blunt reality)
I would like people to read this if you want to see how the situation was in Turkey.

Main article: Headscarf controversy in Turkey
Turkey is a secular state founded by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in 1923. Atatürk saw headscarves as backward-looking and an obstacle to his campaign to secularize and modernize the new Turkish Republic. (The fez, worn by men, was banned.) Kemalist ideology continues to emphasize secularism, despite the majority of Turks being Muslims.
Until the 1960's, female students or public servants wearing headscarves were not seen in Turkey. In 1968, a university student, Hatice Babacan, refused to remove her headscarf and from then onwards, although there was not a uniformly applied ban, some problems began to arise for students wearing headscarves at universities.
With the rise of the Islamic movement in Turkey in the 1970's and early 1980's, the number of university students wearing headscarves increased substantially and in 1984, the first widespread application of headscarf ban came into effect at the universities, but throughout 1980's and 1990's, the ban was not uniformly enforced and many students were able to graduate, albeit with lots of difficulties, and begin their professional careers without compromising on their headscarves. After the so-called "28 February process" in 1997, the ban on headscarves and other Islamic coverings were taken to such extremes that even some hospitals refused to care for patients wearing headscarves. The headscarf ban in public spaces, including schools and universities (public and private), courts of law, government offices and other official institutions, is only for students, workers and public servants. Hence, mothers of pupils or visitors have no problems at all entering the primary schools, but they would not be able to work as teachers. Similarly, at the courts of law, the ban only involves judges, attorneys, lawyers and other workers. Wearing headscarves in photos on official documents like licenses, passports, and university enrollment documents is prohibited.
In 1998, a Turkish student was banned for wearing a headscarf at Istanbul University.[74] In 2000, Nuray Bezirgan, a Turkish student, wore a headscarf at her college final exams.[74] A Turkish court sentenced her to six months jail for "obstructing the education of others".[74] The European Court of Human Rights upheld the ban in 2004, saying the rules on dress were "necessary" and did not violate the European Convention on Human Rights. (hypocricy?)[74] In October 2006, the European Court of Human Rights upheld the university ban again, rejecting a complaint filed by another Turkish university student.[75]
In October 2006, Turkish president Ahmet Necdet Sezer refused to allow Justice and Development Party (AKP) politicians whose wives wear the headscarves, at a ball marking Turkish independence, saying it would "compromise" and undermine the secular state founded by Kemal Atatürk.[76]
Islamic dress in Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is how grave the situation was during the lovely secularists in Turkey.
Pak women should protest against Hijab and stop wearing it.....it causes suffocation and may prove fatal.....Shame on Pak islamic fanatics who are mostly men
you cant decide you are a devout hindu sikh or christian :P
well it is what the Mullahs preach. Isnt it? that you are not Muslim if you dont do this and that.
isnt that the root cause of all the problems?

But still my question remains unanswered, why Muslims look to Quran for answer for what to wear?
Pak women should protest against Hijab and stop wearing it.....it causes suffocation and may prove fatal.....Shame on Pak islamic fanatics who are mostly men


The other day i saw some women dropping dead because they got suffocated in their Hijab :rofl:

well it is what the Mullahs preach. Isnt it? that you are not Muslim if you dont do this and that.
isnt that the root cause of all the problems?

So basically you are preaching Atheism?
Alert...Alert..... Centcom is back trolling.... Let's see what bad news he brings this time :argh:

Update: OK... I think it's about latest States Department ever growing list of TC... In the end the only country left out will be themselves... LOL.... :D
So basically you are preaching Atheism?

No when did I do that. I asked some other question.
why do Muslims look or need to look at Quran for what to wear or not?
and as per Geeta/Bible/Gurbani what should a women wear or not?
No when did I do that. I asked some other question.
why do Muslims look or need to look at Quran for what to wear or not?
and as per Geeta/Bible/Gurbani what should a women wear or not?

so since you ignore geeta and christian ignore bible..you want us to ignore Quran?
No when did I do that. I asked some other question.
why do Muslims look or need to look at Quran for what to wear or not?
and as per Geeta/Bible/Gurbani what should a women wear or not?

All those books you meantioned that I've heard of (wtf is gurbani?) say you should wear Hijaab, why else do you think mother Mary weared it? But why is it your problem is the question? Regardless of religion, all should have freedom of expression to wear hijab-if not enforced.
so since you ignore geeta and christian ignore bible..you want us to ignore Quran?
no dont ignore quran.. but dont burn people who burn quran.. thats JFS (just f'in stupid)
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