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Why Iran supports Assad?

Dude believe me ...US will never attack Iran as Iran is not a push over country....And apart from that the existing status quo of weakening financially to Iran suits more to US rather than attacking with war...

I have heared saddam saying that it ended up with him losing twice then hiding in a whole underground (remember Saddam in his war against iran had the upper hand though much smaller in size and half of his population were iranian traitors)

i have heared Gathafi saying some thing similar and he ended up beaten to death.

I have heared Bashaar regime saying some thing about burning the whole middle east, posessiong Nuclear weapons, Having the best army in the world blah blah....look at him now, civilian rebels only armed with RPG's and AK47 are defeating him.

Iranian regime have the same mentality of those above, just bluff and talk to much we will do this we will do that blah blah....but in reality we know if the US wanted to invade iran it will take them at maximum 30 days, it took them 21 days to occupy iraq from north to south, it took them 33 days to defeat iraq totally into surrender in 1991 (remember iraq had 1.2 million of military who were armed with modern soviet & french weapons at that time).

not to mention in iran there are many ethnicities and religious groups who want independence and will be happy to be freed from the current criminal regime.

I know some of our iranian friends in here wouldn't like what i said but it is reality and they know it, i feel sorry for average iranians they are victims of the current regime more than others, look at them now suffering from collapsing economy while their goverment spend millions on bashaar in a losing inhumane battle.

i just want to say i hope to see iran a peaceful, propsperous and good neighboring gulf state ,maybe even GCC member why not? ;) but thats impossible until the iranian regime changes and get replaced by a good peaceful regime.

ok that will be my last reply in this topic.
It's very simple: Because the majority of Syrians support Assad! That is why Iran still supports Assad.

If Assad really had no legitamacy any more, then why don't the syrian oppostion want Assad to take part in free elections?

The oppostion, NATO, the Saudi and Qatar, they all want Assad to leave power before there is a free internationally-supervised election. Why? If the majority of Syrians really were against Assad, then a free internationally-supervised election would be the best way to prove it.

They all know, that even in a free election, Assad would become president, and that is the reason why they are so determined to push Assad out before there are elections.

Just wait and see: After the armed oppostion is crushed, there will be free, internationally-supervised presidential elections, Assad will take part in this internationally-supervised elections, and then we will see which country really stood at the side of the Syrian population - Iran or the West/Turkey/Saudi/Qatar.

(By the way: A article by CNN....are you serious?)

majority of Syrians support Assad
there is no proof for this on the ground, only a free and fair election can prove this, so Iran cannot support Assad based on this premise

If Assad really had no legitamacy any more
Assad has no legitimacy to become a candidate because long before there were any armed protest, he killed thousands of unarmed protesters. He had ample opportunity to go for an election, but instead he decided to suppress the protests by killing people

What Saudi and Qatar want is irrelevant, they would have no opportunity to poke their nose, if Assad did not start his killing spree with his Shabiha thugs

It remains to be seen who will be crushed.

I am sorry to say, but you are not making arguments, you believe in certain world view and it sounds like you want to impose this view on others.

CNN just like RT, pressTV or other media outlets are just mouth pieces of their sponsors/owners.

What I know is that Alawi in Syria has been a despised, marginalized and serf like minority under Ottoman Sunni rule for centuries. After fall of Ottoman, under French rule they got into armed forces and in Bath party in good numbers and eventually took over the state. Since then they have been ruling Syria with iron-fist in collaboration with some Sunni population who got rich and comfortable working with this regime, but vast majority of Syrians have been suffering.

So when you claim that Assad has mass support it only exposes your bias, not mine or that of CNN.

The real reason Iranian regime support Assad I believe is to maintain a shia unity and de facto supremacy over this region using Assad regime and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Iranian regime is using religious sectarian (shia) solidarity to further these geopolitical and geo-strategic goals.

In principle I am not against using religion or religious solidarity for geo-political or geo-strategic ends, but what I object to is the subversion of greater Muslim interest, while pursuing these goals for a very small section (10-15%) of the Muslim population.

If we look at the recent historical back ground, after fall of Ottoman, the former Ottoman Arab provinces were divided into small nation states according to a secret Sykes Picot agreement between France and UK. In some of these provinces the Shia became majority population. If and when the region integrates into a greater GCC (GCC+ as I like to call it), then many of these majority shia population will become minority again, unless of course Iran joins this GCC.

The West has deliberately fragmented the region to rule easily and to extract resources cheaply. Israel was established also on these Ottoman fragmented pieces. Iran using its oil wealth has also gotten involved in this region with a Pan-shia ideology much later, just like GCC Sunni's are spreading some of their ideas and views using their own oil wealth.

By supporting Assad, Iran risks alienating the rest of Sunni Muslim world of 1.4 billion people, which may not be in the best long term interest of Iranian people.

I see positive statements from Saudi posters, Mosamania is talking about pipelines, rail roads etc. and Tihamah wants to make Iran part of GCC. Iran should give up on this shia-supremacy idea and instead concentrate on economic issues and regional integration that will help Iranian people.

This idiotic Muslim on Muslim killing must stop, but there is no way to do that without finishing off Assad, on this I agree with Tihamah. I know his mind, he is just like Gaddafi, he will not stop till he is defeated.
Also a concern for the US and its regional puppets:

If Assad wins a free election supervised by international observers, this will break the US' goals of creating a rift between Sunnis and Shias, because the US wants to create the image that "Sunnis and Shias hate each other"......divide and rule!

It's not THE Sunni Syrians who are against Assad, it's only the poor, salafi-inspired Sunnis who are against Assad, but the educated middle-class Sunnis are not against Assad!

If Assad wins the free, internationally-supervised election (and he will!), it will show, that also most Sunni Syrians have absolutely no problem with being ruled by an Alawite man.

This will be a catastrophe for US (and Saudi) goals, not only in Syria, but in the whole middle east.

I hope the Syrian military can break the terrorist gangs very soon, so that the a free inernationally-supervised election can take place, because then the whole world will see, that Shia Iran was the only country which stood by the Sunni-dominated Syrian population!
Because mullah regime is most hypocrite regime in human history.

Main threat? Pfff. They never were a threat. Before 2006 they were nuisance. Since 2006 they did not fire a single bullet towards Israel.

Why should they shoot a bullet against Israel?
The main objective of creation of Hezbollah was to kick Israel out of Lebanon and prevent further Israeli aggression.They have succeeded so far.Hezbollah is not only a military unit,it's also a powerful political group,it has no interests in starting a new war.2006 was a whole different story though.
Also a concern for the US and its regional puppets:

If Assad wins a free election supervised by international observers, this will break the US' goals of creating a rift between Sunnis and Shias, because the US wants to create the image that "Sunnis and Shias hate each other"......divide and rule!

It's not THE Sunni Syrians who are against Assad, it's only the poor, salafi-inspired Sunnis who are against Assad, but the educated middle-class Sunnis are not against Assad!

If Assad wins the free, internationally-supervised election (and he will!), it will show, that also most Sunni Syrians have absolutely no problem with being ruled by an Alawite man.

This will be a catastrophe for US (and Saudi) goals, not only in Syria, but in the whole middle east.

I hope the Syrian military can break the terrorist gangs very soon, so that the a free inernationally-supervised election can take place, because then the whole world will see, that Shia Iran was the only country which stood by the Sunni-dominated Syrian population!

If Assad can come out of it alive, then there is a question of election. He lost his chance of election once he started his killing spree. I find it amazing that how people like you ignore the fact that he has killed thousands, before a single bullet was fired against his security forces.

There are some urban Sunni middle class who prospered under his regime, I don't know the percentage, but I think they already turned against him, because of his indiscriminate killing and targeting of Sunni's to foment a sectarian civil war, which he failed to do so far. Even Alawi's in Latakia and some Christians have joined the rebel forces now.

The topic on this thread is not Assad or his actions or what will happen to him, but:

Why Iran regime is supporting such a murderous genocidal butcher?

You may drink Iran regime's kool aid, but the wider Sunni Muslim world of 1.4 billion is quietly watching these actions by Iran regime. We will not forget these easily and it will have future implications on your foreign relations for generations to come, specially if the current regime in Iran continues to rule.
If Assad can come out of it alive, then there is a question of election. He lost his chance of election once he started his killing spree. I find it amazing that how people like you ignore the fact that he has killed thousands, before a single bullet was fired against his security forces.

There are some urban Sunni middle class who prospered under his regime, I don't know the percentage, but I think they already turned against him, because of his indiscriminate killing and targeting of Sunni's to foment a sectarian civil war, which he failed to do so far. Even Alawi's in Latakia and some Christians have joined the rebel forces now.

The topic on this thread is not Assad or his actions or what will happen to him, but:

Why Iran regime is supporting such a murderous genocidal butcher?

You may drink Iran regime's kool aid, but the wider Sunni Muslim world of 1.4 billion is quietly watching these actions by Iran regime. We will not forget these easily and it will have future implications on your foreign relations for generations to come, specially if the current regime in Iran continues to rule.

Dude,the only ones who are obsessed with sect are the rebels and terrorists,not Assad.Syria has a secular system.Religion is least important in its governmental levels.
Those so called rebels are butchering Syrians more than Syrian army.the government has no interests in targeting civilians,because it needs their support badly.But terrorist scums target civilians and they gain 2 with one shot :1-putting fear among people's hearts and those who support government 2-blaming it on the government forces.Who is doing all the suicide bombings in Syria everyday?Syrian army or those rats?

Why don't you blame Saudi Arabia,Turkey,Qatar,Jordan and others for arming and funding terrorists?Only because you're a Sunni and they are your Sunni 'brothers'? Why so much hypocrisy?
I find it amazing that how people like you ignore the fact that he has killed thousands, before a single bullet was fired against his security forces.

He did not kill thousands, but one thing is true: In the first weeks, there were only peaceful protests, and the regime reacted violently and some people were killed, just as dictatorships react. But it was the same in other arab countries. For example in Morocco the regime also reacted violently, some people were killed, but no foreign country took advantage of it, so after a couple of weeks, things in Morocco calmed down.

But in Syria, just after a couple of weeks, many foreign countries took advantage of the situation, and then the real crisis started.

No country has the right to interevene in the affairs of other countries.

And just because the regime in the first weeks reacted violently, this does not mean, that most Syrians are against Assad.

In 1989, the Chinese regime supressed the Tian’anmen protest, thousands were killed in just one single day. Does this mean that most Chinese oppose the chinese regime?

You may drink Iran regime's kool aid, but the wider Sunni Muslim world of 1.4 billion is quietly watching these actions by Iran regime. We will not forget these easily and it will have future implications on your foreign relations for generations to come, specially if the current regime in Iran continues to rule.

OK, we will see. There will be free elections in Syria with international observers (especially western observers), Assad will take part and I'm absolutely confident that he will win. This will show, that also most Sunni Syrians suppert him, and than the 1.4 billion Sunnis will see, that it was Shia Iran which stood by the Sunni Syrian population, and not the sunni states.

And you also know that Assad will win, and that is the only reason why you want him to leave power before there are elections.

You are simple desperate!
If Assad can come out of it alive, then there is a question of election. He lost his chance of election once he started his killing spree. I find it amazing that how people like you ignore the fact that he has killed thousands, before a single bullet was fired against his security forces.

There are some urban Sunni middle class who prospered under his regime, I don't know the percentage, but I think they already turned against him, because of his indiscriminate killing and targeting of Sunni's to foment a sectarian civil war, which he failed to do so far. Even Alawi's in Latakia and some Christians have joined the rebel forces now.

The topic on this thread is not Assad or his actions or what will happen to him, but:

Why Iran regime is supporting such a murderous genocidal butcher?

You may drink Iran regime's kool aid, but the wider Sunni Muslim world of 1.4 billion is quietly watching these actions by Iran regime. We will not forget these easily and it will have future implications on your foreign relations for generations to come, specially if the current regime in Iran continues to rule.

Wider Sunni Muslim world
ah my Jewish friend just cause you are hiding behind false flags don't mean you can hide who you actually are.
I have heared saddam saying that it ended up with him losing twice then hiding in a whole underground (remember Saddam in his war against iran had the upper hand though much smaller in size and half of his population were iranian traitors)

i have heared Gathafi saying some thing similar and he ended up beaten to death.

I have heared Bashaar regime saying some thing about burning the whole middle east, posessiong Nuclear weapons, Having the best army in the world blah blah....look at him now, civilian rebels only armed with RPG's and AK47 are defeating him.

Iranian regime have the same mentality of those above, just bluff and talk to much we will do this we will do that blah blah....but in reality we know if the US wanted to invade iran it will take them at maximum 30 days, it took them 21 days to occupy iraq from north to south, it took them 33 days to defeat iraq totally into surrender in 1991 (remember iraq had 1.2 million of military who were armed with modern soviet & french weapons at that time).

not to mention in iran there are many ethnicities and religious groups who want independence and will be happy to be freed from the current criminal regime.

I know some of our iranian friends in here wouldn't like what i said but it is reality and they know it, i feel sorry for average iranians they are victims of the current regime more than others, look at them now suffering from collapsing economy while their goverment spend millions on bashaar in a losing inhumane battle.

i just want to say i hope to see iran a peaceful, propsperous and good neighboring gulf state ,maybe even GCC member why not? ;) but thats impossible until the iranian regime changes and get replaced by a good peaceful regime.

ok that will be my last reply in this topic.

So you Know how the dictators and Self claimed kings and queens are taken out by their own population.
Why should they shoot a bullet against Israel?
The main objective of creation of Hezbollah was to kick Israel out of Lebanon and prevent further Israeli aggression.
Thats biggest lie that Hezbollah made up. Israel never had any intention to occupy Lebanon.

In 1948 Lebanon attacked us. Israel defeated Lebanese army and captured parts of South Lebanon. We pulled back in 1949. There was no any Hezbollah then.

From 1949 to the end of 1960-es Israel did not touch Lebanon.

In 1967 we defeated 3 Arab armies but did not touch Lebanon, although it was weakest country of all. Why? - Because Lebanon did not attack us.

But after 1967 war PLO terrorists began to operate in Lebanon and Israel forced to strike back.

In 1978 PLO terrorists who penetrated from Lebanon killed 37 Israeli civilians. In retaliation Israel captured South Lebanon, killing over PLO 1000 terrorists. In same year we pulled back. There was no any Hezbollah then.

In 1982 we launched a larger operation and kicked PLO from all Lebanon. In May 1983 we signed agreement with Lebanese government about complete pullout from Lebanon and termination of state of war.

And what happened next? - Syrian and Iranian armed groups forced Lebanese government to abolish this agreement. As result Israel stayed in Lebanon for another 17 years.

So Hezbollah did not "kick Israel", but on contrary, dragged Israel into Lebanon for 17 years.

After Israel pulled out in 2000 Hezbollah continued attacks against Israel. They wanted to drag Israel into another war for their Iranian and Syrian masters.

In 2006 Israel kicked Hezbollah's butt. And since then they stopped their attacks.
i just want to say i hope to see iran a peaceful, propsperous and good neighboring gulf state ,maybe even GCC member why not? ;) but thats impossible until the iranian regime changes and get replaced by a good peaceful regime.


Iran GCC member? Never…

Iran will not renounce ‘never’ on this shia-supremacy desire. It's in his veins. His blood.

The ‘eternal dream of shia Mullah’ which will control still the country.

Safavid conversion of Iran from Sunnism to Shiism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslim conquest of Persia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Battle of al-Q
I have heared saddam saying that it ended up with him losing twice then hiding in a whole underground (remember Saddam in his war against iran had the upper hand though much smaller in size and half of his population were iranian traitors)

because of The revolution in iran, only 40% of iranian army was ready, all experts expected iraq occupies iran during a week, but as all see they only waste 34 days to take khorramshahr!
the first two years iran took back their land and next 6 years iran was invading to Saddam, then read more about military and wars history!
and Iraq was under heavy support and iran was under heavy sanction!
3 times iraq rebuild her air force! but iran even couldn't find spare parts for her equipment. IRGC and whole basiji forces were using iraqi equipment that was captured from them in previous operations,
It's only war during cold war that both super powers were supporting same side.
in 1988 iraq was forth power in the world in attention to number of soldiers and equipment.
Iraq had everything, lot's of new modern tanks,APC, fighters, bombers, missiles, and chemical weapons, money and soldiers from arabic countries and ...
but iran was penetrating to iraq during war!, one of the reason iraq used chemical weapons is they couldn't stop iranian forces.
i read a report of french intelligence that say IF Only french doesn't support iraq for several weeks, saddam would fall.
If all powers didn't support iraq during war, iran could take Baghdad after 2 years.
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