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Why Iran supports Assad?

None of what you said made any sense. I am also on my laptop in my living room. Running 100kg would probably give me a heart attack. Just face it, all Iranians here and probably everywhere hate you.

Just a couple thousand MEK traitors in this world have same ideology as you.

if all of Iranians are like you aggressive low intellect and
fake identity (god forbid if my country mates are like that)
then probably yes , and that,s in your dreams
try to grow up accept the hard fact that you are a useless
person in the society and try to be a little useful
I don't think all the sunni supporting FSA otherwise i will be very difficult for asad to stay in the power for long time,Iran is supporting the asad is purely geopolitical reason .

Lots of forum member of particular country talks of democracy ,right to choose the government,free speech ,and blah blah blah when they themshelves are under monarchy and never tasted the real freedom they don't have any moral right to talk about democracy first they have to start revolution in their country and fight their puppet king .

Turkey,saudi arabia,qatar and west are going against the charter of United Nation and interfering in and supporting the terrorist who are hilling innocent people and then blaming the government.
The point is this conflict doesn't have any connection with shie sunni issues at all, truth is unfortunately all the countries that are involved in this crap are seeking their interests in Syria , but someone are saying that it's a allawie or shie war against sunnis , Syrian government is a secular one.

Is that a statement to deny or obfuscate the reality or you are really that naive?

Syrian Alawi govt. is Bathist Arab nationalist "secular" because they have been a despised "Nusayri" minority for 500 years of Sunni Ottoman rule. So when they finally got hold of power by infiltrating the Armed and security forces and the Bath party, they are of course interested to make it "look" like a non-sectarian or even a non-religious country for their own interest, so they don't feel out of place among a Sunni majority. Its an open secret, my question is why you are trying to deny it and give it a completely different color, as if Alawi's are really so evolved and sophisticated that they and their rule are secular because of their liberal views and values. It seems to me that they still are much more clannish and backward than the Sunni population, even after few decades of Alawi dominated govt. and resulting better access to wealth and education. Its hard to wipe away centuries of history and social evolution in a few decades.

You say its not a Shia Sunni thing, then why do Iran support every Shia populations wherever they are in the globe? I noticed it in my country too with a minuscule 50,000 or so Shia population.

Is there a reason why Iran is supporting Hezbollah, Iraqi Shia's and Alawi's other than the fact that they are Shia? How does it serve Iran's national interest when it supports a small Alawi minority but ignore the interest of around 70% fellow Sunni Muslims, while also hurting Iran's relation with the rest of 1.4 billion Sunni Muslims of the world?

Its clear why Iran is doing this absurd thing, because they somehow believe they can maintain a Shia supremacy in the Arab world using Shia Arab Muslims, even if they are minority like they are in Syria. This policy is now obsolete with the advent of Arab spring. Iranian regime strategists need to go back to their drawing board and rethink and redesign their strategy. Regardless of how much Iran will bring in and leverage its Russian and Chinese friends and allies, this policy is a recipe for disaster as it is happening today and it is bound to fail.

The days of using Shia solidarity and unity to advance Iran's strategic interest is now over. It is time that Iran accept a more pluralistic rule in the Arab world where ever the contagion of Arab spring spreads. A peaceful, integrated and prosperous greater GCC is in the interest of all countries in this region and their neighbors such as Turkey, Egypt and Iran. It will also make the Shia population in this region more secure in a peaceful environment.

Sectarian fault lines and divide emerge when a country goes through trauma and conflict, just like it did in Iraq and is happening in Syria to some extent and starting to happen in Pakistan also. The more peaceful and stable a country is, the less sectarian it is. Dictators can maintain peace and stability, but it does not last long, because there is no good succession plan. Only democracy provides long term peace and stability, because peaceful successions and power handover's are built into democratic systems of govt.
Muslims who live in Israel have LOWEST infant mortality rate in entire Middle East. Thats why ayatulas hate us. If we were slaughtering then like Assad, or Bashir, ayatulas would like us.

Those are not the kids I was referring to and you know that. :rolleyes:
Once Hafez Alasad was asked in an interview: "President, why did you stand with Iran and supported Iran over Iraq? "
Alasad Response: "My son, there is a day that will come where our "brothers" (Arabs) will put a knife in Syria's back, and Iran will heal(Treat) that wound. The reason we Syria are supporting Iran, because Iran for sure will return the favor".​

The great leader Hafez Alasad knew that the "Arabs" will betray us, this is his speech a decade ago, Alasad saw the future, because he knew Those "arabs" are traitors, this is his speech about them betraying Syria:
Translation below:

President Hafez Alassad saw the future in his own eyes:
Translation of above speech of late President Hafez Al Assad:
"We won't miss the road, because we have a cause, we hold tight, because we have a home country we love and hold tight, but you, you don't have a home country, because your home country is where your opportunistic interests, where your greed is, where your opportunism is, your home country is where unjust and oppression is, where hatred and abuse is..

The home country of ignorance is a moving country , border less and not constant, swims over people in the whole planet, crushes skulls, kills values, ruins human coherence wherever it can.. This is the home of ignorance.

And for their misfortune, and misfortune of their masters in Washington & Tel Aviv, that we know they are individuals and they are very small in numbers, even those who managed to sneak into this place or that, he won't represent except those small numbers of individuals, they laid with them their consciousness and their honesty outside the borders of the home country.

Either way, they saw and they'll see more in the future as they saw in the past, that the people is more stronger than them and more stronger than their masters, and their financiers, and that people is first the hard workers of laborers, farmers, and revolutionary intellectuals, and the ideological soldiers who believe in Unity, Freedom and Socialism.

The awareness of our people is big, the awareness of our people is the hard rock that dreams of enemies break against it, the colonizers. The awareness of our people was always big, and it was the guarantee for each successful movement in this country. Colonization failed, before and it won't win later in misleading our people, to mislead our populace, notice this rabid campaign that is waged by foreign media and especially those combined media, this rabid campaign that targets our people's self-confidence, targets the confidence of our people in their leadership, but our people is big and noble, big in their ambitions, big in their understanding, big in their struggle.

Misleading media will not be able to get to our people through radios, newspapers nor any other misleading medium, they won't get to 'affect' our people's determination, and its seriousness all the mediums of the colonizers"
Remember this is like 3 decades ago!
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Once Hafez Alasad was asked in an interview: "President, why did you stand with Iran and supported Iran over Iraq? "
Alasad Response: "My son, there is a day that will come where our "brothers" (Arabs) will put a knife in Syria's back, and Iran will heal(Treat) that wound. The reason we Syria are supporting Iran, because Iran for sure will return the favor".​

Hafez is a traitor himself. he betrayed arabs in the 70s.

Yeah slaughtering syrians is for sure returning the favor. :disagree:
Those are not the kids I was referring to and you know that. :rolleyes:
I really dont know what u are rambling there. Muslims living in Israel have lowest mortality level and highest life expectancy in entire Middle East.

President Hafez Alassad saw the future in his own eyes
If he is loved by people and saw the future, why he did not make free elections? Why 99% joke with one candidate?

Its clear why Iran is doing this absurd thing, because they somehow believe they can maintain a Shia supremacy in the Arab world using Shia Arab Muslims, even if they are minority like they are in Syria. This policy is now obsolete with the advent of Arab spring. Iranian regime strategists need to go back to their drawing board and rethink and redesign their strategy. Regardless of how much Iran will bring in and leverage its Russian and Chinese friends and allies, this policy is a recipe for disaster as it is happening today and it is bound to fail.


Too late !

Not surprising. A simple constant of thousands of years...
Hafez is a traitor himself. he betrayed arabs in the 70s.

Yeah slaughtering syrians is for sure returning the favor. :disagree:
All i have to say is :
And for their misfortune, and misfortune of their masters in Washington & Tel Aviv, that we know they are individuals and they are very small in numbers, even those who managed to sneak into this place or that, he won't represent except those small numbers of individuals, they laid with them their consciousness and their honesty outside the borders of the home country.
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