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Why India's shift in foreign policy towards Israel is a welcome change

There is only ONE GOD, the only, the ABSOLUTE. The CREATOR of all creation. HE has none comparible to HIM and HE is Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah.

All creation are from Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah, whether they believe in HIM or not. And on Judgement Day, all will know the truth about their orgin.

As a hindu i completely agree with you...allah is the god...the only difference between you and me is i call god not only as allah but as shiva ,durga , pilliar whatever forms suite me...if i dont like any of the physical form as a hindu i just worship the light...does that make my religion better than yours ?

Absolutely not...to me all religions are great...you are just taking a different route to your destination...the route is only different...since i accept this i freely go from my temple to a sufi saints durga and pray my respect to him...does that make me better than you ?

Absolutely not...you are following your own religion and doing things what your religion says as true...if you keep following that we will eventually meet in the same place if i also like you follow my religion that is :tup:
As a hindu i completely agree with you...allah is the god...the only difference between you and me is i call god not only as allah but as shiva ,durga , pilliar whatever forms suite me...if i dont like any of the physical form as a hindu i just worship the light...does that make my religion better than yours ?

Absolutely not...to me all religions are great...you are just taking a different route to your destination...the route is only different...since i accept this i freely go from my temple to a sufi saints durga and pray my respect to him...does that make me better than you ?

Absolutely not...you are following your own religion and doing things what your religion says as true...if you keep following that we will eventually meet in the same place if i also like you follow my religion that is :tup:

What makes one human better than the other is not for us to judge but Allah Subhanu Wata'aalah. And one who adheres to Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah's commands, is the one closest to HIM. This is why Prophets were sent on earth. This is why acceptence to the faith in ONE GOD puts those who accept Allah, as believers and those who don't as disbelievers.

There is no grey area when it comes to this. Either you are a believer and therefore stand steadfast with Allah's commands, or you are NOT. It is that simple.
What makes one human better than the other is not for us to judge

And yet that does not stop people from doing just that... thousands of posts on this very forum is testament to that...even among believers themselves .

There is no grey area when it comes to this. Either you are a believer and therefore stand steadfast with Allah's commands, or you are NOT. It is that simple.

Yes its that simple in islam...but all dont follow islam do they...you can call us non believers does that stop allah from protecting me if i seek his blessings ?...i dont think so...but you may disagree which i can understand...does that stop a hindu like me to offer my prayers to Allah which i do many times in a durga from time to time ? nope...crores of us whorship a muslim saint as gods messenger and some worship him as god himself...his staunch followers are mostly brahmins in the south...beat that :-).
And yet that does not stop people from doing just that... thousands of posts on this very forum is testament to that...even among believers themselves .

You come off as someone who thinks he knows about Islam, but your remarks clearly show that you don't. Taking the "Shahadah" only permits you to be initiated into the "Ummah" after which it is the individual's responsibility to adhere to the commands of God. It doesn't guarantee you heaven, it doesn't guarantee you being forgiven of your sins. What guarantees your place in heaven or sins forgiven is your strict adherence to the Devine Laws.
India has sealed it's fate now, thank you so very much. Because in the coming future when you reap the rewards of being a Zionist lapdog. You may want to remember, that when Muslims respond to Israel's act of naked aggression in the not too distant future. That India would be on the receiving end of the stick. Also, it is nice to see how India really views the Russian Federatuon (if this idiot's views reflect the general indian public perception) and how this sort of attitude really amplifies the need for Russia to dump the Zionist lapdog (India) into the garbage bin of history. This is the ground reality of things as they stand.

Until you can replace the hard cash India offers Rus, this is just going to remain wishful thinking. Everything at the end of the day, is about money.
Until you can replace the hard cash India offers Rus, this is just going to remain wishful thinking. Everything at the end of the day, is about money.

India's economy is built on false pretense, and until India moves away from the Zionists, it shall share their fate. For the Zionists, you are an expendable ally. Since they truly are a parasitic kind, there isn't much you could possibly hope to get from them.
India's economy is built on false pretense, and until India moves away from the Zionists, it shall share their fate. For the Zionists, you are an expendable ally. Since they truly are a parasitic kind, there isn't much you could possibly hope to get from them.

Nice story bro. I wish you provided the basis for all your claims here. Fact is that India buys a lot of stuff from Russia and pays for it. We dont take freebies or loans. If Pakistan can do that, there is no way Russia will abandon India for Pakistan, a bankrupt Islamist state.
There is only ONE GOD, the only, the ABSOLUTE. The CREATOR of all creation. HE has none comparible to HIM and HE is Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah.

All creation are from Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah, whether they believe in HIM or not. And on Judgement Day, all will know the truth about their orgin.

Thats what you people believe and not us.

So muslims didnt rule u.
Change history

Nope, our rulers were high majesty Maharaja Ranjit Singh, Chhatrapati Maharaj Shivaji, Maharana Pratap etc.

You want us to worship monkeys and kali maa like pagans?

You can go @%$# yourself for all I care but dont spread that 10000 year rule lies of yours. Thats total BS.
Thats what you people believe and not us.

Nope, our rulers were high majesty Maharaja Ranjit Singh, Chhatrapati Maharaj Shivaji, Maharana Pratap etc.

You can go @%$# yourself for all I care but dont spread that 10000 year rule lies of yours. Thats total BS.
Loooool ok...
Muslims didnt rule you the British didnt rule u. You are so full of shit
Nice story bro. I wish you provided the basis for all your claims here. Fact is that India buys a lot of stuff from Russia and pays for it. We dont take freebies or loans. If Pakistan can do that, there is no way Russia will abandon India for Pakistan, a bankrupt Islamist state.

As always, time shall provide evidence, as it has in the past. Until then, india can keep living in neverland ranch.
Loooool ok...
Muslims didnt rule you the British didnt rule u. You are so full of shit

Yes, Turks who happened to be Muslims, ruled India, which includes Pakistan too.

Yes, the British who happened to be Christians also ruled India which includes Pakistan too.

This is the accurate way to describe it.

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