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Why Indians hate money ?

Do we really hate money....that a difficult question to answer....growing in India where your parents push you from childhood to become the best in your competitive life so that in future we can have good job , fat salary.....so, if we hate money why do we run all life long behind it...we celebrate diwali....and worship goddess Lakshmi(hindu goddess of wealth..) for what...to live in peace and to multiply our wealth......from ancient time India remained the wealthiest nation of world until Europeans looted us.....so, if we hated wealth ..how come our country accumulated so much wealth....Ghori invaded india 17 times and returned with tons of gold, jewellery, diamonds, jewels and what not.....the looting of indian wealth is not limited to ghori but there are many more.....most of the Invasion of india were because of the Indian wealth and prosperity be it ghazani, ghori, mughals, mongols, kushans,british, french, portuguese.......Our nation was called the golden Bird(sone ki chiriya..)...why this sone ki chiriya if we hated gold(wealth)........
but the question still remain...if we love money then why we have these...

songs we love "tu paisa paisa karti he..." etc ,look at the leaders we love .
I went on thinking and realized he was quiet correct ,whenever somebody want to criticize some other famous guy he quickly shout "look how much money he has" in a derogatory manner .

I think it's because ancient india rather focused on one thing which was more important than wealth and that's SPIRITUALITY.... where money and wealth looses it's sheen and only knowledge remain superior...that's why in ancient india we respected the rishis and maharshis who became ascetic and now also we have that spiritualistic part some where buried in our core which make us believe knowledge is superior than money...and we respect the the knowledgeable persons more than wealthy people....swami Vivekananda is one of the greatest example.....we indian believe in the theory of 0(zero) i.e. we are born,...we live ...we die ...and we reborn....and then when our soul become free from all sins we attain moksha....which can only be attained through true knowledge not by wealth.........
this may be the reason why still many Indian do not belive in the superiority of wealth....rather than superiority of knowledge..
:D Classic Indian thinking. Everyone wants to do charity just as long as it is with other people's money.

I din't use the word CHARITY anywhere...............

& that wasn't at all what i meant.

You must see a documentary on Warren Buffet.............or read a book on him.
I din't use the word CHARITY anywhere...............

& that wasn't at all what i meant.

You must see a documentary on Warren Buffet.............or read a book on him.

I know you didn't, just a light hearted remark.
Psychologically we do ,i don't why ,that's why i asked .

We push our eyebrows up in a sarcastic manner to show our disgust that this man owns huge money and that creepy smile :mad:

It would be better to call this psychological condition jealousy not hate.
You must see a documentary on Warren Buffet.............or read a book on him.

Warren Buffet, Bill gates etc are a product of a different system. Much to be admired & hopefully emulated but I don't believe that apart from a few exceptions that most Indian milionaires/billionaires will do much. The mentality here is to be tight fisted and a mindset that thinks of the larger society does not exist for the most part.( A good example will be that Indians are obsessed about their own houses being clean but extraordinarily indifferent to the muck outside)
Yes indeed.Good thread.
So my reply to the question "Do Indian hate money"....Big fat NO!
Indians worship "Laxmi" the goddess of money. :D
ha ha ha...
Indeed we do worship goddess Lakshmi...
but the reason behind it is the Love of Indian women for Gold....
so, yes ....I presume you love money and gold....:D:D
It is an effect and belief of Bhakti yug when Money was treated as MAYA. The perception has change a bit now. A man need money to the extent of his Genuine need and not greed. Indian can not mad after money like western country. I see the passion of money rapidly decreasing in Indians in old age.

I believe not only hindus but all desis one way or the other still show their inner greed for money with when they say with pinch of jealously "look how much money he or she or they have".
people want more money everywhere.. they want to do better off financially.. where do you draw the line of being greedy..
what is the difference between greedy and just wanting to be better off than currently you are..

only unique desi thing I can say is vulgar and ostentatious display of riches................ rich people here try to lie low generally
Was the thread title supposed to be why Indians hate spending money?
another reason could be 80s bollywood which made shittiest movies... where lala / baniya /sindhi dude will have lots of money but living miserable life but rickshaw walla .. coolie etc will be living happy and content life.. whistling aroud.. having loving wife and kids, having conscience, helping others always etc... they are also always angry on system/ rich people :o:
another reason could be 80s bollywood which made shittiest movies... where lala / baniya /sindhi dude will have lots of money but living miserable life but rickshaw walla .. coolie etc will be living happy and content life.. whistling aroud.. having loving wife and kids, having conscience, helping others always etc... they are also always angry on system/ rich people :o:

Now if everyone commented here could give me their money.

I don't hate money :ashamed:
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