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Why Indian Military is Preparing for the Last War

Well as the way the Muslims, the Sikhs and the Christians treated in India, Pakistan is some sort of a heaven for them.

Then Pakistan should enact a law to provide citizenship for persecuted Indians. Please go ahead and do it.

and again you're derailing the thread, and bringing old BBC article is nothing but try to face save, and what are India doing in its minorities Especially Muslims of India

CAA does not change the status of the Citizens of India. You should read more about CAA before debating.
He were just giving his opinions, and @Kaniska is one the saner PDF members here and he just give a reference to CAA not try derail the thread

But this thread has nothing to do with CAA. It was @Kaniska who started derailing this thread by bringing in CAA not me.

He were just giving his opinions, and @Kaniska is one the saner PDF members here and he just give a reference to CAA not try derail the thread

So since @Kaniska posts things that you like, you want to give him a pass even though he was derailing but report mine?

Great going :yahoo:
But this thread has nothing to do with CAA. It was @Kaniska who started derailing this thread by bringing in CAA not me.

So since @Kaniska posts things that you like, you want to give him a pass even though he was derailing but report mine?

Great going :yahoo:
He is just giving a hint/reference not going in details and his post relates to the subject unlike yours
He is just giving a hint/reference not going in details and his post relates to the subject unlike yours

Not going into details? Did you see what he wrote and what my response was?

Here it is again.

Nope...He is right...One thing for sure between India and Pakistan....Even if we fight with each other, there significant political stake in India( which is good) that will ensure that we should not simply attack Pakistan without any solid reason behind it...Take the example of current CAA rules. Do you know, it is the majority Hindus acrorss cities who are standing up against this rule. And they are pretty sure, this bill is basically aimed at curbing any immigration of Muslims from Pakistan and BD? So this shows that we have still people in India and I hope in Pakistan too, who prefer to fight with each other in forum like PDF, cricket, hockey and at UN rather than really killing en mass to each other...

BJP is just taking certain things for a ride. People are frustrated with Kashmir issue...We need some change with our approch that has not been done in 72 years...So they supported BJP move in Kashmir issue....But these bills of CAA and NRC are completely unnecessary things which could have waited for some later point of time...

I fully support CAA and I am a Christian.

Heavy Bombardment and automatic fire going on in in Neelam Valley in AK. Neelam Valley Highway closed to civilian traffic.
I think it is probably a proper attack by Indian Army. Let's hope for the best.

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Not going into details? Did you see what he wrote and what my response was?

Here it is again.
do you have a comprehension problem, he clearly reference CAA to current warmongering of India perfect fit/post for the subject

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