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Why India will not be able to match up with China

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India vs China Economy

India vs China Economy: Comparing the Economies of India and China is to embark on an old puzzle that has fascinated smart people for centuries. Although it is urgent and important to discuss it because China and India are the world's next major powers. It is also important because the two countries have embraced very different models of development.

Looking at the Similarities between the Economies of India and China, both are conscious of their role in the world economy. Both seek to play a bigger political role on the world stage. China is already doing that as a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council. Now observing the Differences between the Economies of India and China we see that China is taking tangible but slow steps towards embracing private entrepreneurship. India on the other hand is continuing to struggle with making things easier for multinationals. Although the differences are arguably narrowing, but the first-order effect of all this is still “a big difference”.

In general, FDI has been positive to both the Economies of India and China. It has provided goods and services that did not otherwise exist. It has also introduced competition into moribund sectors.

Both countries have clocked up strong economic growth since 1980, China at a spectacular 9 per cent plus and India at nearly 6 per cent. Both countries have opened up to international trade and capital in the past quarter of a century, decisively in China and more hesitantly in India.

China's per capita GDP growth has averaged 8 per cent in the 25 years since 1980, more than double the growth rate of Indian per capita GDP. Somewhere between 1975 and 1985 China's average income is believed to have surpassed India's. Since then it has kept moving ahead. By 2003 China's per capita GNP was at least 70 per cent higher than that of India's and her economy was more than twice as large as India's. Much of China's growth was powered by labor-intensive manufactured exports, which took the share of manufacturing in GDP to nearly 40 per cent, compared to a mere 16 per cent in India.

Other indicators like living standards were just as decisively in China's favor by the turn of the millennium. China's poverty ratio was less than half India's 35 per cent. Female adult literacy was nearly double India's pathetic 45 per cent. Life expectancy in China was a solid 8 years higher than that in India.

Looking at the future, it is easier to forecast a widening of the existing Economic disparities between China and India than a reduction.
ha ha.. you are so lovely ! you asked me to get back to topic (which i thought of agreeing) and a final cheap shot ! just stop it...:angry:
Using Pakistani in flag in hope of gaining support is so pathetic .. i am sure senior , mature pak members wont be agreeing with u...:disagree:
so any plan to get back on topic ??

First , India will not be able to match up with China, either Military

strength and economic power, now or the future. you know it.

Let me tell you the difference between Chinese and Indians;

Chinese believe in mutual respect, that is why Pakistanis flag came

first show my respect to the host, the friendship between two

brotherly nation.

Indians like to take things for granted; looking for every single chance

to bash Pakistanis on a Pakistanis forum. Thats called no respect.

And I thought Americans were arrogant, silly me.

Of course the Pakistanis joined in wholeheartedly, it seems they can't relate to any of India's problems. Here the Chinese are busy attacking India, calling us inferior, even going so far as to say that Indians are incapable of building a modern economy.

And none of you (Pakistanis) saw anything wrong with that.

Are you so blinded by hatred that you can't see that all this talk about Chinese superiority/Indian inferiority applies to all of us South Asians?

Do you see nothing wrong with how you gladly accept that Pakistan will never rise to a position of global prominence and comfort yourselves by pointing out India's shortcomings/Chinese achievements? (China is not your country btw)

There are far too many Pakistanis who think that their main weapon against India is simply holding it back. Comments like 'we have nothing to lose' and 'you won't become a superpower unless we let you' are shameful, and indicative of a defeatist mentality.

India is probably in a better position to mess with China than Pakistan is to mess with India. Yet there is a marked difference in attitude between our nations, and its blatantly obvious.

To my Chinese friends, be proud of all that your nation has accomplished, you have every right to be, but this arrogant and demeaning attitude helps no one.

Ten years ago, the Americans pointed fingers at China in a similar manner, and today they are eating their words.

Development doesn't come easy. India is working hard, we have the right attitude and the right atmosphere to achieve greatness.

India doesn't have to be China to be great, just like China doesn't have to be America.

hey u stop Dragging Pakistan here ok, if Chinese are busy attacking India(according to u) then y the hell have u brought in Pakistan, dont show ur obsession with Pakistan & by the way learn to respect ur neighbors every freaking neighbor is sick of u ppl, respect them not because they r ur pet dogs but because they r human beings and have right to live the way they want to, its India who has got problems with every freaking neighbor why dont u ppl take a good look at your selves first before blaming others for your own problems , Pakistan is a progressive country this Pakistan is created to stay despite ur predictions & utmost desire to make this country fall like a house of cards this nation is here standing after more than 60 years nuclear armed & ready to take on every threat head on
i repeat dont show ur OBSESSION with Pakistan

" Comments like 'we have nothing to lose' and 'you won't become a superpower unless we let you' are shameful, and indicative of a defeatist mentality"

go through the whole thread and tell me where any Pakistani has made comment like this, your defeatist mentality is shown by ur this post, talk is about China-India and u drag in Pakistan, have some sense for God sake
and as far as messing thing is concerned, u tell me y the hell do Indians have to always think about "messing", it is this messing kind of attitude of yours which has caused u ppl to have to have problems with every neighbor (HINT:1962) & if u ppl are really good at messing then come mess with Pakistan
and Pakistan don need to be India neither it needs to be China, Pakistan is PAKISTAN
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First , India will not be able to match up with China, either Military

strength and economic power, now or the future. you know it.

Let me tell you the difference between Chinese and Indians;

Chinese believe in mutual respect, that is why Pakistanis flag came

first show my respect to the host, the friendship between two

brotherly nation.

Indians like to take things for granted; looking for every single chance

to bash Pakistanis on a Pakistanis forum. Thats called no respect.


Mutual respect ??? really...have u read your fellow countrymen posting.

You mean..if I say that..I agree that China is far ahead of India right now and India has many ills...and then even if hint at a Chinese weakness or India's strength...you will show respect to my views.

No way sir. You wont.
hey u stop Dragging Pakistan here ok, if Chinese are busy attacking India(according to u) then y the hell have u brought in Pakistan, dont show ur obsession with Pakistan & by the way learn to respect ur neighbors every freaking neighbor is sick of u ppl, respect them not because they r ur pet dogs but because they r human beings and have right to live the way they want to, its India who has got problems with every freaking neighbor why dont u ppl take a good look at your selves first before blaming others for your own problems , Pakistan is a progressive country this Pakistan is created to stay despite ur predictions & utmost desire to make this country fall like a house of cards this nation is here standing after more than 60 years nuclear armed & ready to take on every threat head on
i repeat dont show ur OBSESSION with Pakistan

" Comments like 'we have nothing to lose' and 'you won't become a superpower unless we let you' are shameful, and indicative of a defeatist mentality"

go through the whole thread and tell me where any Pakistani has made comment like this, your defeatist mentality is shown by ur this post, talk is about China-India and u drag in Pakistan, have some sense for God sake
and as far as messing thing is concerned, u tell me y the hell do Indians have to always think about "messing", it is this messing kind of attitude of yours which has caused u ppl to have to have problems with every neighbor (HINT:1962) & if u ppl are really good at messing then come mess with Pakistan and Pakistan don need to be India neither it needs to be China, Pakistan is PAKISTAN

Respect works both ways...on this forum you expect Indians to respect Chinese and Pakistani views and not vice versa
Respect works both ways...on this forum you expect Indians to respect Chinese and Pakistani views and not vice versa

thts wat u think if u ppl are going to drag in PAK when talk is about China-India & say tht Pak cant mess with India while India is in better position to mess with China(it seems messing with everyone without a reason is ur national trait, no offense though) then u wont get respect, Indians here on this forum get all the respect, but u know in case of respect u have to EARN IT as well....samje
First , India will not be able to match up with China, either Military

strength and economic power, now or the future. you know it.

Let me tell you the difference between Chinese and Indians;

Chinese believe in mutual respect, that is why Pakistanis flag came

first show my respect to the host, the friendship between two

brotherly nation.

Indians like to take things for granted; looking for every single chance

to bash Pakistanis on a Pakistanis forum. Thats called no respect.


Here we go again....

First , India will not be able to match up with China, either Military

strength and economic power, now or the future. you know it.

Did you u heard me saying anything about that ? huhh ? :what: then why didnt u post that as a reply to me ?

Let me tell you the difference between Chinese and Indians;

Chinese believe in mutual respect, that is why Pakistanis flag came

first show my respect to the host, the friendship between two

brotherly nation.

Indians like to take things for granted; looking for every single chance

to bash Pakistanis on a Pakistanis forum.

plz don't generalize .. i do agree there are some black sheep's in the heard !

Most of the Indian members here respect each other and engage in healthy arguments.:angel:

Indians like to take things for granted; looking for every single chance

to bash Pakistanis on a Pakistanis forum.Thats called no respect.

Forgetting something ? :disagree:what about Chinese bashing Indians ? take a look at the title of the thread and what happened in here! plzz don't include unnecessary points while quoting reply to me...

Then dont feed the trolls, just report to Mods. They know how to deal with them. Replies to trolls only makes it worse. I have also reported them before you mentioned it.

U saw it ....No more replies from me.... have a nice day:cheers:
thts wat u think if u ppl are going to drag in PAK when talk is about China-India & say tht Pak cant mess with India while India is in better position to mess with China(it seems messing with everyone without a reason is ur national trait, no offense though) then u wont get respect, Indians here on this forum get all the respect, but u know in case of respect u have to EARN IT as well....samje

Point being..I replied to you respectfully. But you have thrown things like generalised 'messing with everyone' as a national trait. Why? I agree respect has to be earned.

But in a sense disrespect has to be earned too. Im sure you dont disrespect just becoz of someone's nationality. Whats the 'Mess' stuff? Ive made a simple point...will u be able to stay on topic and respond respectfully is a moot point...
Mutual respect ??? really...have u read your fellow countrymen posting.

You mean..if I say that..I agree that China is far ahead of India right now and India has many ills...and then even if hint at a Chinese weakness or India's strength...you will show respect to my views.

No way sir. You wont.

I sometimes just wonder how you Indians work with your brain!

Get real , man, when you Indians throwing racist remarks to Chinese

all the time , and you expect to call for mutual respect??

I never saw one single racist remarks from any other country

member to Chinese other than Indians!!!:hitwall::pakistan::china:
Point being..I replied to you respectfully. But you have thrown things like generalised 'messing with everyone' as a national trait. Why? I agree respect has to be earned.

But in a sense disrespect has to be earned too. Im sure you dont disrespect just becoz of someone's nationality. Whats the 'Mess' stuff? Ive made a simple point...will u be able to stay on topic and respond respectfully is a moot point...

i ve simply pointed out the post by ur fellow Indian which is full of Pakistan bashing u tell me from where the hell has he brought in PAK :hitwall:
hitting, bringing in & showing obsession against PAk in a thread which is about India-China is no way a "respect full thing" so now stick to topic & avoid dragging in Pakistan from no where ok, if u dont have anything substantial to say then u can just stop wasting ur band width
I sometimes just wonder how you Indians work with your brain!

Get real , man, when you Indians throwing racist remarks to Chinese

all the time , and you expect to call for mutual respect??

I never saw one single racist remarks from any other country

member to Chinese other than Indians!!!:hitwall::pakistan::china:

Again Sir, please point out anything disrespectful above to Pakistan or China....Just becoz you think bad about India..you think vice versa is true...
i ve simply pointed out the post by ur fellow Indian which is full of Pakistan bashing u tell me from where the hell has he brought in PAK :hitwall:
hitting, bringing in & showing obsession against PAk in a thread which is about India-China is no way a "respect full thing" so now stick to topic & avoid dragging in Pakistan from no where ok, if u dont have anything substantial to say then u can just stop wasting ur band width

Ofcourse, I understand you responded to an Indian who had mentioned Pakistan. Im not dragging Pakistan into the discussion....

By the way, environment is another reason why China's growth in the future may go bust....India is in a similar situation but much better off than China...

Environment fears halt China dams

China has built a number of dams recently, including the Three Gorges
China's environment ministry has suspended construction of two dams on a tributary of the Yangtze River.

The projects on the Jinsha River had been started without environmental assessments or approval from the ministry, officials said.

The dams are part of a series of eight power stations planned for the Jinsha.

The $30bn (£18bn) project has been criticised by conservationists, who say it will damage the region's environment and biodiversity.

The power stations are expected to generate as much electricity as the controversial Three Gorges Dam - about 20 gigawatts.

The series of hydro-electric stations is planned for a 560km (350 mile) stretch of the Jinsha River in south-west China's Yunnan province.

Public outcry

The dams suspended by the environment ministry at Longkaikou and Ludila were being built by two of China's largest power-generating companies - Huaneng Power and Huadian Power.

"To protect the management of the environment... and to punish the violation of the environment and illegal acts regarding the environment, the environmental ministry decided to suspend the construction projects in the middle reaches of the Jinsha River," a statement from the Ministry of Environmental Protection said.

The ministry also suspended approvals for the two companies' other projects, except those involving energy-saving and pollution prevention measures.

At the same time, the ministry said it was suspending construction projects in eastern Shandong province begun by a state-owned steel company because it had not submitted an environmental impact assessment.

Two other dams in the Jinsha River project have received approval from the environment ministry, but another dam planned for the Tiger Leaping Gorge area was suspended after a public outcry in 2005.

Tiger Leaping Gorge and the nearby town of Lijiang are popular with tourists and trekkers.

Further hydro-electric dams are also planned for elsewhere on the Yangtze River system, as Chinese authorities attempt to reduce their reliance on burning coal to produce power.
Air pollution at 2008 Beijing Olympic Games was far worse than reported

Washington, June 20 (ANI): A new research has indicated that athletes and spectators faced unprecedented air pollution at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China, which was far worse than other recent Olympic Games, and was about 30 percent higher than has been reported by Chinese environmental experts.

The research was done before, during and after the 2008 Olympics by scientists from Oregon State University (OSU) and Peking University, in work funded by the National Science Foundation in the United States and the National Science Foundation of China.

“Considering the massive efforts by China to reduce air pollution in and around Beijing during the Olympics, this was the largest scale atmospheric pollution experiment ever conducted,” said Staci Simonich, an OSU associate professor of environmental and molecular toxicology.

“Despite all that, it was some evening rains and favorable shifts in the winds that provided the most relief from the pollution,” she added.

“This demonstrates how difficult it is to solve environmental problems on a short-term, local basis,” she explained.

According to the researchers, despite some favorable weather and the pollution control efforts, the end result was some of the most severe particulate pollution that Olympic athletes have dealt with in recent games.

The levels were about two to four times higher than that of Los Angeles on an average day.

In some of the first comparisons of these type ever made, scientists determined that particulate matter air pollution in the Beijing Olympics were about double the levels of recent games in Athens, Greece; triple those of Atlanta, Ga.; and 3.5 times higher than the games in Sydney, Australia.

However, the study also noted that, because of its control efforts, Beijing had the most significant decrease in particular air pollution compared to the other Olympic sites around the time of their games.

Despite these efforts, levels of coarse particular matter were higher than considered safe by the World Health Organization 81 percent of the time during the Beijing Olympics.

They reached unacceptable levels 100 percent of the time for the most dangerous particulate matter (smaller than 2.5 microns), which is more easily inhaled into the lungs and causes more serious health problems.

Levels of the smaller, most harmful particulate matter was also the least affected by government efforts to reduce pollution output, the study concluded.

The finding of levels of pollution higher than those announced previously by Chinese officials reflects a difference in measurement methodology, according to the researchers. (ANI)
you google everything.......why is singh disagree with hillary if india is a “green warrior”,china will spend over 200B$ on protecting the natural environment before 2020,what's india's answer to global warming
Water Pollution in China
May.18, 2009 in water pollution
The state of water pollution in China is alarming.

It is an unfortunate yet all-too-true fact that developing nations tend to ravage the environment as they climb to power.

The United States famously destroyed a good portion of its natural resources during the 1800’s when citizens of every kind raced toward Manifest Destiny.

Britain caused a great deal of its own pollution during this same timeframe with the Industrial Revolution.

India has been having problems preserving their beautiful landscape as their economy pushes them toward becoming a world power.

However, recent articles on water pollution reveal that perhaps the most pervasive contamination of all is found in China, where burgeoning financial success is also bringing huge environmental failures. Most notably, China’s water sources are abominably unclean.

There are certainly other conservation causes in China that need attention, but none are as dangerous or widespread as the water pollution in China. 70% of Chinese lakes and rivers are polluted, not to mention 90% of their groundwater (which constitutes most of the “potable” water people use for drinking, cooking, etc.) This pollution means that 320 million Chinese citizens have no clean drinking water.

The facts about water pollution in China aren’t pretty by any means. To make matters worse, almost every day a large-scale pollution incident occurs, and there is little or no regulation infrastructure in place to prevent, much less deal with, these contaminations.

Water pollution in China is not merely a nuisance; it is a danger. Although Chinese bureaucrats will of course claim otherwise, the World Health Organization (WHO) recently estimated that 75% of all disease in China comes from water pollution.

As we learn more about the water pollution crisis in China, it becomes abundantly clear that they have a severe lack of officials who know how to stop water pollution. Dirty water has caused so much cancer that people living along polluted water sources are often said to live in “cancer villages,” and are lucky if they reach their prime without contracting a terminable disease. Inevitably, such practices take their toll. WHO puts the number of Chinese water-pollution-related deaths at 100,000 per year.

This shocking mortality rate could easily be prevented if China’s government would change their attitude about regulation. Responsible parties currently get away with extreme pollution and the Chinese government quickly and quietly covers up each scandal in order to save face. Water pollution in China is largely due to these lax restrictions.

Yet there comes a point at which hiding is no longer an option. International attention was aroused in 2005 when a Chinese petro-chemical plant exploded, shooting 100 tons of benzene into the Songhua River. Despite dealing with similarly atrocious spills on a frequent basis, China’s government officials did not move fast enough this time, and journalists around the world exposed China’s appalling environmental policies.

The international community began on ongoing campaign pressuring China to hold itself accountable for pollution, which means not only punishing and restricting the companies that break environmental laws, but also allowing the facts about water pollution to be accessed by the public.

Happily, this outside encouragement is getting results. China now openly acknowledges what WHO already knew: that their water is in a deplorable state of contamination. Pan Yue, the Vice Minister of China’s environmental protection department, admits that crisis with the environment, especially for water, has reached China much earlier than expected.

Pan Yue’s statement is essentially a delicate confession that China has finally realized the impact they are having not just on their immediate territory, but on the planet and its people at large. Sources of water pollution can cause damage miles away. Citizens on the Pacific Coast of the USA are particularly concerned about China’s polluted water reaching them in tidal currents. Consumers of Chinese goods, who number in the millions, have also voiced trepidation about Chinese imports and their safety standards.

Hopefully with international voices as their conscience, China will continue its progress in a greener, safer way, so that water pollution in China will take its rightful place as a thing of the past.
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