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Why India Will Displace China as Global Growth Engine

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this noobie indian poster maybe just had a nice long time mental-masturbating on youtube```

and he doesn't know the fact that the world treat Indians as some sort of future talking clowns``

just by digging few of the earlier threads on PDF you will find countless deluded threads posted by those clueless Indians
here are few examples

India's economy will catch-up with China in 2008
India's economy will catch-up with China in 2010
India's economy will catch-up with China in 2013

six reasons why India will surpass China`ect```

India will be the superpower by X,Y,Z years

India is the world innovation powerhouse````

so here I want to ask the clueless OP, in which year this fantasy will happen?

Q. When will India overtake China's growth rate?
A. By 2015/16.

Q.When will India overtake China's economy?
A. In best case scenario, in 17-20 yrs and in worst case scenario, add another 7 to 10 yrs.:china:
Indians still suffering from delusions of grandeur as usual. India growth still can't feed it's massive starving population (backed up by the harsh figures in human development) yet pundits day dream of when India becomes a global player.

Keep your head down and work hard, India has never been able to replicate Chinese rate of growth, with a continuing depreciating currency and little to no manufacturing capacitive to leverage off, India has a lot of trouble ahead.

When will these Chinese noodles understand that this INR depreciation is one off and has no impact on the macros of Indian economy??? And, regarding manufacturing, GOI is now only focusing and focusing alone on manufacturing and infrastructure. So, do not feel disheartened.At the same time, India is already one of the top ten manufacturing destinations.Please, check it out.
............................And Then Chinese trolls are burning their as$es in this thread :omghaha:
Q. When will India overtake China's growth rate?
A. By 2015/16.

Q.When will India overtake China's economy?
A. In best case scenario, in 17-20 yrs and in worst case scenario, add another 7 to 10 yrs.:china:

That's really impressive achivement!Congratulations!

............................And Then Chinese trolls are burning their as$es in this thread :omghaha:

We chinese really need to learn from indian ,always look at the future and keep optimistic.

No troll here ,peace
When will these Chinese noodles understand that this INR depreciation is one off and has no impact on the macros of Indian economy??? And, regarding manufacturing, GOI is now only focusing and focusing alone on manufacturing and infrastructure. So, do not feel disheartened.At the same time, India is already one of the top ten manufacturing destinations.Please, check it out.

Let's see the industry output figures then, India can sew all the cloth it wants. It still a very small heavy industry output. India relies heavily on foreign fdi, a weak rupee direct translate to exchange rate and translation risk for the foreign firms when they try to repatriate their profits which goes to discourage further fdi, weak rupee also cause commodity to rise in price which will tickle across the economy causing excess inflation and a lowered purchasing power if wages fail to increase by the same margin. Miracously, indian rupee has depreciated without the same level of quantitative easing other government has done, this it's a very direct sign of a weakening economy ( less demand for the rupee ).

Please don't reply with the typical, India will do this and that. People will only believe what they see.
Let's see the industry output figures then, India can sew all the cloth it wants. It still a very small heavy industry output. India relies heavily on foreign fdi, a weak rupee direct translate to exchange rate and translation risk for the foreign firms when they try to repatriate their profits which goes to discourage further fdi, weak rupee also cause commodity to rise in price which will tickle across the economy causing excess inflation and a lowered purchasing power if wages fail to increase by the same margin. Miracously, indian rupee has depreciated without the same level of quantitative easing other government has done, this it's a very direct sign of a weakening economy ( less demand for the rupee ).

Please don't reply with the typical, India will do this and that. People will only believe what they see.

In straight words, weak rupee is a blessing as far as taking FDI is concerned. Finally, profit taking in India is a long term subject matter and the foreigners know it better. I thing you have forgotten what China did a few years back.:cuckoo:
In straight words, weak rupee is a blessing as far as taking FDI is concerned. Finally, profit taking in India is a long term subject matter and the foreigners know it better. I thing you have forgotten what China did a few years back.:cuckoo:

Don't be naive, foreign investors all have short term objective of getting the best return on their investment. Since they have no other incentive to do other wise, the sole purpose of investing in a foreign market is because it will give them a lucrative return immediately and continue to do so, no individual or institutional investor invests to " make a difference" in a foreign society or to reap the rewards 10 20 years down the track. Most firms are in India not to left behind, but the fdi figures show India has failed to attract continued investment from abroad.

If you also suffer from ADD, chinese yuan has appreciated around 40% since 06/07 when the people bank of china started to loosen yuan's trading band, so in addition to normal investment returns oversea investors are getting making gains on forex translations, further incentivizing them to invest more. Also because of demand for Chinese exports, yuan will always be in demand.
Don't be naive, foreign investors all have short term objective of getting the best return on their investment. Since they have no other incentive to do other wise, the sole purpose of investing in a foreign market is because it will give them a lucrative return immediately and continue to do so, no individual or institutional investor invests to " make a difference" in a foreign society or to reap the rewards 10 20 years down the track. Most firms are in India not to left behind, but the fdi figures show India has failed to attract continued investment from abroad.

If you also suffer from ADD, chinese yuan has appreciated around 40% since 06/07 when the people bank of china started to loosen yuan's trading band, so in addition to normal investment returns oversea investors are getting making gains on forex translations, further incentivizing them to invest more. Also because of demand for Chinese exports, yuan will always be in demand.

When did Walmart first invest in China and when did it reap its first dollar of profit? It's same for all serious players, not for part-time investors in stock market. India needs serious players, not part- timers.
Indians are always keeping optimistic .thats what we should learn from them .
Indians are always keeping optimistic .thats what we should learn from them .

“Never think there is anything impossible for the soul. It is the greatest heresy to think so. If there is sin, this is the only sin , to say that you are weak, or others are weak.”
Enough of this comparison india vs china..... We are not playing football here...... Both the countries has its own strengths and problems...... Rather than looking at this score card we should work towards our goal of removing poverty and improving our life standards.....Improving our infrastructure...... By doing that we would improve our economy to more heights...... We may grow better than chinese then thats good...But that should not be our aim..... I am tired of this comparison.....
I have no offensive feeling against China. Actually, I want to see the rise of China. 125 years ago, when Swami Vivekananda was in London and some westerns started insulting Eastern civilizations, He predicted straight before them that China would one day throw the whole Western world into ocean and bulldoze their pride. He also said, if China rises,can India be far behind? He predicted the same for India. :yay::yay:
If they Indians would actually do as much as they promise and talk, they might not have to delay their promised triumph over China every few weeks into the next closest uncertain future.
enough of this WHY....rational behind such news should be WHEN considering the Indian social and political system ?
When did Walmart first invest in China and when did it reap its first dollar of profit? It's same for all serious players, not for part-time investors in stock market. India needs serious players, not part- timers.

Walmart is not a good example, it's initial investments were to secure a Chinese supply chain for us bound goods, it has failed to capture Chinese market since, it has smallest market share out of the big chain supermarkets in china. Carrefour, telco and local Chinese hypermarket all have bigger market share. I can assure you it's Chinese's entry to the WTO and prolonged double digit growth combined with a stable currency that drew the investments not a deteriorating one.

Part time stock players? You obviously don't know Chinese shares are coded so foreigners can't invest directly. While others are coded for joint investments. For individual investors not fdi, their impact on Chinese stock market is non- existent.

I hope You learned something today.
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